3 ⚔️ Leap Of Faith

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The Next Day, When They Went on their Regular Hunt,

"OK!" Said Zadar Neutrally "I am going with Ron as I can't leave a Stupid Cheetah out in the wild"

"Alright" Raavi Replied "Then Jessica can go with Wade, As she isn't strong enough to handle a beast by herself"

"You're Right," Wade said in a mocking tone "This Girl Can't do Anything Properly"

"I CAN!"

"I am going by myself", Said Raavi Before she started walking in a random direction.

Wade and Zadar with Jessica and Ron went in separate Directions, Zadar was Walking Forward in the Open Fields, Rolling up his eyes as Ron Giggled like a child, Every 5 Second while running here & there. Meanwhile, Raavi was teleporting to all random locations possible, She was in a Deep Forest but is less than a second, Now she was in The driest Desert with extremely hot, and even that wasn't enough, She teleported to a stranded island in the middle of nowhere. All this happened before the clock could even tick a second.

On the other hand - Wade and Jessica were walking calmly through the deep Sling Forest. Towards the Serpentine Cliffs. Crunching down the yellow dry leaves of the trees - Wade was walking with his hands inside his pocket, and looking down at the pathway Meanwhile Jessica was walking with her hands open in the air swinging them back and forth and enjoying the view of the thin strap of sunlight hitting the ground from the space between leaves, as there was very less sunlight - Leaves were covering it all up.

They were having a nice and calm walk, When out of nowhere, The sunlight Faded And a thunderstorm started, They couldn't see the grey sky from the forest but they heard the thunder claps, Jessica even got jumped scared when they heard the first one, But it wasn't a normal thunderstorm,

"I've got a Bad feeling about this" Wade said

while looking up in the sky, his left eye flickered. when suddenly Lightning Struck the tree behind them and the tree burned down, They both got scared this time but Wade noticed that something was off - The fire wasn't Orange, or yellow - It Was Red!
The thunderstorm was visible now, it was raining heavily on the burning tree that the fire on it extinguished just 5 to 10 seconds after it started. The leaves turned into ashes, but the log of the tree survived as it only turned a bit darker.
Both Jessica and Wade were confused,

'How did it start of nowhere?'

'why is the Fire Red?'

'Was even the bolt of lightning in its right colour?'

They both decided To continue walking instead of staying at the same spot. After Walking for a while, The same thing happened again and it felt like déjà vu.

This is when they both got sacred because they were even at a Similar spot with the same trees around them. This is when it struck Wade

"RUN!" He yelled

His left eye stopped flickering. And they both started sprinting, They didn't know what was happening but as they were running, The lightning was eliminating the trees Behind them, and it felt like if they stopped for even a split second, They would get struck by it and die instantly.

They ran as fast as they could, but they were only humans, how long could they even last? Eventually, they stopped because they saw a gigantic stop ahead of them, and as they got a clearer look, it was a cliff. They climbed the entire Serpentine Cliffs and now they were stuck at the edge of a cliff, however - the thunder stopped chasing them as if it had come to life.

The bolt of lightning hit again - this time just behind Wade. Wade survived by just an inch but unluckily he was standing right at the edge - Jessica's Jaw fell as Wade was slowly slipping from the edge. She made a quick run and grabbed him before anything bad happened. Perhaps you can't control the circumstances, she couldn't grab him from anywhere except his red crystal in the middle of the grey 'X', she tightened her grip as hard as she could, Wade was barely hanging on those Gray Straps and Jessica was standing right at the edge with her one leg in front of the other, The bolt of lightning struck at a distance.

"HOLD ON!" Cried, Jessica

the Strap gave off, it got separated from the coat, and Jessica couldn't lay another hand in time to grab him back. This all happened so fast, it didn't even give time for Wade to think of anything else except hanging on the plate.

Wade fell from the cliff, the cliff was so high that even the ground wasn't visible from there, Wade slowly disappeared in the bluish-white fog. The sense of guilt was visible on her face, Tears fell down her eyes

"NO!" She cried again, "What did I just do?"

She fell on her knees as her tears reached the ground, the rain sped up, making her eyes more wet, and hiding her tears. His whole Life Flashed Before his eyes, as he was falling into what seemed like an endless pit leading to nowhere. He closed his eyes, waiting for his fate, and he fainted as soon as he closed his eyes. He put a little smile on his face and said,

"So, This is what Death Feels Like, huh? I imagined it to be much more painful. Perhaps I Don't Control The Circumstances"


He suddenly felt like he had stopped falling and was standing. His curiosity made him open his eyes. It was all white. It was an open place with a white sky above and white fog below. It felt like heaven but not quite exactly what he had imagined.

He gazed down at his hands. Everything was normal, except for the place. He remembered he was falling from the cliff, what happened? How did he get here? Every single thing was confusing for him. He looked around. There was no one.

Suddenly a shadow of a man appeared in front of him. The shadow was quite far. Wade's eyes grew wide as the shadow slowly approached him. It was a familiar person. The person Wade knew from childhood.

"Ra - Randy?" Wade said confusingly;

not quite sure if it was Randy or not. Suddenly something pulled him backwards and sucked him inside the translucent white foggy floor.


It was a small hut made of bamboo, and roofed with hay which contained no door; from where an old man with a stick: almost as high as his height, his White, Dense Beard and Moustache Covered his mouth and neck, although it was hard to see his hairs, covered with an off - white blanket which was long enough to reach his waist and cover one arm, as the other was holding the thin bamboo stick; His eyes were enough to tell his wisdom: of Protecting no-one else but himself. Came out.

The hut was near a Gigantic mountain whose top was hard to see, and there was a large pond nearby the hut, the old man reached the pond and washed his face along with his beard, He took out a small mud pot and filled it with pond water. He got back up to bring the water to his hut, however, suddenly a Man(Wade) Fell From the Sky, Straight on the hut's roof, Breaking the roof and falling straight it the hut.

The old man Quickly made a run towards his hut, dropping his mud pot (which caused it to break into pieces). He entered the hut, and saw that the ceiling had a big hole which could fit a whole man inside, and on his hay bed was a man. The old man tried to wake up to wade up, but who would wake up after a fall from a cliff, twice as high as the Burj khalifa.

A couple of days later, Wade woke up with a blurry vision of the hut's inside. An Attractive Young lady was working on the table in front of him, facing the wall, After Wade's Vision got clearer, He Saw her; She Jerked her Head Around, launching her dangling free hair, behind her back from her shoulder. She was holding a Conical Flask with some Green Liquid in it. She Was wearing a purple shoulder-less dress with two black shoulder straps, and black threads joining the two straps. She had a loose necklace on her neck with a purple pendant and another tight necklace. Her Purple eyes gave her an amazing look, which would make even the toughest one: melt for her.

"This better Work! Oh, you woke up! Finally! I have been trying for days! Let me call my dad real quick." She said before leaving without hesitation.

Shortly after, the old man from earlier appeared in the room,

"So, You're Finally awake." The old man said in a deep voice.

"Yeah, Thanks for rescuing me, Who are you?" Wade asked

"I am Richard," The old man Said

"I am Wade"

"Nice to meet you, Wade. Make Yourself comfortable, and Let me introduce you to my Daughter, Daisy" Richard Said While Leaning his Palm Towards Her.

"hey, Daisy"

"Hey!" She said in a Soft voice.

"I saw you fall from a height, straight into my hut, I saw you in a bad condition. I assumed you fell from the cliff above, so I called my daughter if she could do something helpful. The cliff is out of my reach. Now, Can you tell me what happened?" Richard said

"Yeah," Wade replied "I am a beast hunter, me and my friend were on the hunt when suddenly a thunderstorm started, it wasn't a normal one, I thought it was because of my bad omen. So we ran as far as we could, but we stopped at the cliff. and then I slipped on the cliff, she tried to.."

"she?" Daisy cut in between "Was she your partner?"

"I mean, Yeah not just her, I had 4 team mates, I thought you might've heard of them"

"Ohh, We have. My dad-"

"Enough Discussion" Richard cut in between "You may leave, Daisy"

Daisy realised that she said something she shouldn't have, so she silently moved out of the hut while looking down.

"Yeah, so where was I?" Wade continued "She tried to grab me but instead, ended up tearing my t-shirt. I thought I was going to die and that was the end, Thanks to you guys. You saved my life"

"So, are you from the beast hunter organization?"

"Yeah, but it isn't an organisation"

"oh, ok".

Daisy went near the pond, Sat on her knees and looked at her reflection.

"I don't care what Dad says, I will not let my chance slip, Wade is the perfect guy for me" She talked to herself while collecting the mud pot's broken pieces.

Turns out; Daisy Melted for Wade, and Richard Already knew it, because of her expressions while talking to him.

"a new Adventure is about to begin for you, Young one" Richard Narrated.

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