10 ⚔️ Reunited

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The forest greeted the morning with a symphony of birdsong and rustling leaves. Sunlight filtered through the canopy, illuminating a vibrant tapestry of wildflowers. Creatures stirred, from timid deer to playful squirrels, as the tranquil stream meandered through the ancient rocks. The forest whispered its timeless secrets, inviting all to find solace within its serene embrace.

Wade Jerked in Sitting position, gasping continuously, rubbing his right eye. He must've had a nightmare. As his breath softened, he stood up on his feet; he looked at Daisy who lying on the ground as if she were dead. Anyone would easily mistake her as a dead body and bury it. Although Wade woke up from a dream, it felt like he woke up in a dream. He blinked his eyes twice before realizing that the sight he was seeing was real. He clicked his tounge with a sigh, after realizing that it was Really Zadar's House

He again glanced at daisy who was lying on the ground like a dead person, but Wade was sure she was alive because her stomach was moving up and down which meant she was breathing. The Door slid open and Ron stepped outside: stretching his hands in the air like he had just woken up. His hairs seemed to curl on its own and his eyes were heavier that an anvil. Dark circles were found under his eyes because for some reason: he was awake whole night; Guarding Wade and Daisy that they don't run away or someone doesn't harm them.

His eyes were as deep as a dark tunnel, with no ending. It was hard to tell if he had just woken up or he had been awake all night.

"You're Finally Awake" He spoke, "Dead Man"

"Wh - What?" Wade said Hesitantly

"You were supposed to be dead" He said

"I know - But I'm not" He replied

"Really?" Ron Spoke again


"So, you're telling me: I ain't talking to your ghost?"

"Yeah. I'm Alive"

"Thank God" Ron said. "WADE'S AWAKE EVERYONE!" He shouted out loud with his hands swinging in the air and neck stretching towards the clouds

The Yell was so loud that Daisy also woke up gasping. She pressed her hand against her chest to normalize her heart rate, and used her other hand to stand up. After trembling a bit; she finally stood still on her legs: Rubbing one eye and scratching her elbow with her other hand.

"Who's this Kid?" Ron inquired

"I'm not a KID!" Daisy Said

"Your height says so..." Ron replied

"Well then - Don't listen to my Height"

"Why is she so dumb?" Ron told Wade, "She really Thinks we can listen to people's heigts"

Daisy tapped her palm on her head. She slowly dragged her hand down on her cheeks: stretching them down and widening her eyes.

"And, Now she thinks she's invisible by putting a hand on her face" Ron started jokingly

"I don't" She replied angrily, "can you please shut up?"

"Okay Ron" Wade smiled, "enough for now"

"No it's not enough!" Ron said, "You were supposed to be dead!"

"But I'm Alive!" Wade Exclaimed, "Why Are you not getting it?"

"Of course you are. You're standing right in front of me" He joked

Wade rolled his eyes with a sigh, and turned to the door. Zadar was standing beside Richard with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Welcome back, My Friend" Zadar smiled

"Can You tell us how you ended up here?" Richard started

"Yeah. I also have no Idea" Wade replied, "but wait - How did you get here?"

"the bounty hunters found my Shed" Richard explained, "I Knew a cave which surely opened somewhere. I found the other end and I met Jessica there. She knocked me out and brought me here"

It suddenly struck Wade. He realized that he accepted to stay with Daisy, because he thought there was no way of going back up the mountain. He thought that why would he wait for something he was never gonna get back so he accepted to be with Daisy. But now he was back where he began.

Should he be with Daisy? Or should he leave daisy and be with Jessica? He was confused. Suddenly he heard a voice from behind. It was a whooshing noise of the wind. He turned behind to look what it was. It was Raavi

"So these are your friends you were talking about?" Daisy inquired

Wade replied with just a grinning nod as he was still refusing to believe that he was back with Zadar and his group.

"Raavi Found you at the edge of the forest" Zadar explained, " She teleported you here in the late night. We tried several methods to wake you up but according to ron: it was normal to sleep this deeply when you are tired. So we waited till you wake up, and told Ron to guard you. Because you were too heave to be dragged inside"

"Okay" Wade replied, "Thank god I'm back here. By the way - Where's Jessica?"

"She might be coming any minute" Zadar said, "She went in the forest for some reason"

"Come inside till she pulls up" Ron suggested

"That sounds good" Wade said

Zadar And Ron went in first. Raavi was right behind them to enter. Raavi was going to enter after Ron and Zadar did, but was interrupted by a shout.

"WADE!" Cried Jessica from a distance

"There she is" Zadar told Ron

Jessica saw wade from a distance. Her eyes started to water. Wade's attention was instantly drawn toward her: who was running to him from a distance; looking like a blue sapphire in a pale green tunnel, coming towards him.

He was expecting another shout 'you're awake!' But instead was defenestrated by the sentence

"You're Alive!"

She ran towards him with her arms swinging in the air. She wasn't very slow: It only took her less than ten seconds to get to Wade after she saw him. She broadened her Arms and Reached Wade.

Wade's eyes grew wide as Jessica Gripped him tightly by sliding her arms under his. He was barely able to stop himself from spitting out his drool. He was again found in the same situation as before: He wasn't used to being held, but he again felt a strange sense of comfort in her embrace.

He glanced at Daisy to see her reactions because he knew she didn't like Other girls being friendly around him; especially his crush. He realized that Daisy was staring at him like an owl. She also realized that She was staring at him and he was uncomfortable.

She jerked towards Richard, She tried to avoid eye contact with Wade and Jessica meanwhile Richard was staring right into their souls.

"So they found you again, eh?" Daisy started

"yeah" Reichard replied, not quite interested in talking with Daisy

"So what are you gonna do now?" Daisy asked

"I don't Know" Richard Replied, "But I know one thing for sure"

"and what's that?"

"That Wade and Jessica will make a Great Couple"


Richard remembered that Daisy also had a crush on wade but he had no idea that Daisy was Wade's Girlfriend. On the other Hand - Unable to find the right words, Wade simply lifted his hands, closed his eyes, and wrapped her in the warm embrace of his arms.

"You know How much guilt I felt?" Jessica cried on his shoulder

"I know" Wade sighed with relief

"Thank god, You're alive"

She finally let go her grip, and pulled herself back, as Wade's arms slipped from her shoulder. Wade Looked in her eyes: Her pupils dilating like a sponge relaxing itself automatically after bring squeezed. Her eyes were dry like dead bush but the feeling of satisfaction flooded them.

His fingertips felt icy cold, and her embrace seemed like wrapping him with a warm woolen jacket in a snowy place. When her arms slid back, it felt like the jacket was torn apart and a chill of cold snow and wind was sent up his skin.

"it might seem like a overreaction to you but - " She said but was interrupted by Wade cutting her sentence,

"No, I understand" He smiled, "Trying to save someone but Failing" his smile faded as her eyes broadened in interest, "And people accuse you for killing them instead of comforting you that it's alright"

She was astonished, Wade completely understood what she was trying to say without her even saying it. Meanwhile wade was once again lost in his flashbacks of Randy, Jack, and Jiya. Although Jiya knew Wade didn't kill Randy: He was accused for it and was kicked out of his house. no one understood his feelings and he wished some would have told him what he told Jessica.

"Now, at least you don't feel guilty" Wade said, "for letting someone die when you could save them"

"What do you mean by you?" She asked because she knew Wade was recalling his past but she had no damn clue of what his past was. 'Please Don't cry. Please don't cry. I am very bad at comforting people, especially when they're crying' she thought, because his eyes turned watery and she knew that flashbacks were sucking into his soul.

Finding herself in a situation where she had a lack of words and tons of emotions, she decided not to drag Wade into it and just remind him to live in the present.

"It's alright" She said while she rested the palm of her hand on Wade's shoulder, "You don't need to tell me everything. I don't wanna know what you meant by you. Let's head inside"

Instead of replying with words, he just replied with a nod and started walking inside. He realized Daisy, and Richard already came inside but he was too busy in flashbacks to realize that.

Wade threw himself on the sofa beside Ron, while jessica softly sat on a stool nearby.

"So" Wade Started, "me and Daisy have decided that we're gonna cancel the bounty on my head by sneaking into the building"

"Come on dude" Ron said, "You're in the middle of the densest forest of Asia. No one's gonna find us"

"I know" Wade said, "but the bounty prevents me from leaving this forest. We barely survived the Shelgar Villages"

"Okay then, I'm In" Zadar said

"Same here" Said Raavi

"Same" Ron added

"Same" Jessica spoke

"I Can't decline now" Richard Smiled

"Now it will be much easier" Daisy said.

"Okay Daisy" Wade told daisy, "Explain your plan"

"So what we're gonna do is -" She started, " Now that we're seven people - we can divide into Four groups. Group W will include me and Jessica who will stay on the Forest's edge and near the building for backup, as me and Jessica don't have good powers.

Now, Group E: which will include Ron and Zadar who will run around the whole building to look for the room where things like bounties are declared. Meanwhile - Group B: Including Wade and Dad (Richard), will take care of people who try to interrupt our mission.

Last but not least - Group G: including Only Raavi, will stay on the building's terrace looking for potential dangers. After getting information from Group E that they have found the Room: Group G, B, E will be teleported in that room via Raavi. Then They'll cancel the bounty of Wade and Dad(Richard) on Gun Point"

"That's a dope plan" Raavi said

"But why don't you wanna include yourself in the mission, Daisy?" Ron raised an eyebrow

"It's because under any circumstances: the mission takes an unexpected turn; we would be able to drag it back on track" Daisy explained.

"Don't forget to load Richard up with your Guns" Wade reminded Daisy.

"But Wade -" Zadar said, "You've just come back. Why don't you take some rest?"

"Of course I will take Rest" Wade replied, "The mission should be executed Tomorrow, or even the day after Tomorrow"

The Dried up river of Joy was flooding back in Wade. He was back with his old friends and new friends. Although He was still struggling to forget the past about Randy, Jiya, And Jack; He was trying his best.

The Other day - They were Ready to execute their mission. All four teams Set on their path. Although, They forgot the fact that Richard also had a bounty on him and they would be in great trouble if the people there tried to kill Richard.

But luckily they had Jessica and Daisy with them, for backup if anything goes wrong. What will happen in the mission? Will they succeed? Will Richard's Bounty Bring an obstacle in their Mission? Why did Daisy Dragged herself out of the Mission? Who Was the Mysterious person who poisoned Wade? Will the Poison Create an obstacle? Will Daisy be actually able to make Cure for that poison on time?

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