9 ⚔️ Bounty King

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The clouds were painted in hues of yellow and orange as the sun started to set. The mask of darkness slowly covered the sky. Stars started to twinkle in the sky. They slowly trudged through the bridge while looking around, gazing at their feet, and talking about conspiracy theories.

"There are many theories about the Slave Hills" She started

"Yeah. Which one do you believe?" He asked

"I believe that the organization hides the people with bounty who are encaptured alive"

"Ohh. I believe that they are hiding some powerful Beasts There"

"Bro, how can they hide beasts: if they are the one who likes to kill them"

"Yeah. But why would they either hide the people with bounties if they want them dead"



"So what can it be?"

"Nobody knows"

"You're right"

"Hey M'lady, I wanted to tell you something"

"Go on M'guy" She joked

"Come on, that's not even a word" He smiled

"Yeah, whatever. Go on" She chuckled

"Yeah so, Did you see a guy covering his face with a cloth stab me before he shouted that I am the bounty guy?"

"What? I have no clue who said that. But he stabbed you?"

"Yeah. And he disappeared"

"He STABBED you?"

"Why are you making it such a big deal?"

"Show me" She stopped

"Show you what?" He stopped after for her

"Show me where he stabbed"

"What? No. Why are you making it a big deal?"

"It might be just a stab for you," She said

"What do you mean?"

"Just show it to me"

"Forget it already"

"I am not joking" She looked serious. Dead serious.

"But why?"

"I'm a doctor. Trust me. If you can"

"I definitely can"

He was somehow convinced to do it just by talking. Although nobody could get him to do what they wanted, just by talking. But somehow: Daisy could.

Wade turned around and removed his overcoat which was looking less like an overcoat and more like a cape because the rats had completely ruined it. He handed the coat to Daisy, which made her feel like a servant despite being called "M'lady"

He started to open the buttons of his shirt. After opening the last button, he pulled down his shirt and handed it to Daisy. He wasn't wearing anything inside his shirt. He was still turned around so the scar of the blade was visible. Daisy dragged his clothes in one hand and took a better look at the scar by touching his back near the scar.

"Shit," She said

"What?" He asked

"I guess the knife had some sort of poison"


"Yeah. And it's spreading through your veins right now. I don't think I can determine the speed but you will be surely alive till tomorrow noon. That's for sure"

"Are you kidding?"

"No. I will easily find a cure don't worry." She smiled

"Okay" He sighed before he turned to Daisy

Daisy saw his abs and was flabbergasted. Her eyes grew wide and her cheeks turned red as she pushed her hand toward him: handing him his clothes. He grabbed his shirt first and pushed his hands inside the sleeves. He slid his shirt back in place and closed all buttons, grabbed his overcoat and wore it.

"You never told me you had abs," She said

"Isn't that obvious?" He joked

"Yeah," She said as she didn't get the joke and thought he was being ignorant

They Had finally reached Shelgar Village II, When the sun rose in the sky, and covered all the stars and the moon in its golden gaze. They didn't enter the village but went around it. They finally reached the Border of hunters.

The place itself didn't seem like like what a border sounds like. It was nothing but space. They strolled through the border and nothing seemed to stop them. They didn't have to climb or break through anything. They both were confused if they were even in the right place.

Both glanced at each other while passing through the border. Nothing seemed off. The only thing which was off was that nothing was off. Everything seemed normal.

"Well... " He said "I guess it's not that bad after all"

"Yeah" She replied, "so I know a secret cave that leads to the other side of the Serpentine Mountains, from the Sling Forest"


"And I also have another great plan"

"And what's that M'lady?"

"So, you see... " She started, "I know how just a single piece of bounty paper ruined my Dad's whole life and now he has to live in that hut"

"That's Bad. But what's your plan?"

"It's that we sneak into the headquarters and officially cancel the bounty"

"Yeah," He smiled in sarcasm, "we'll request them Please Remove the bounty, and they'll be like, Yeah sure sir. We understand your pain and HAPPY ENDING"

"I didn't know you were that stupid" She smiled even though she knew he was joking

With a sigh, he said, "So WHAT in the BEIJING CORN, CINAMON TOAST are we gonna do?"

"Calm down"

"Nah, I'm kidding" He smiled

Even though it looked like he was serious. But looking for expressions in Wade's expressionless face was like finding a needle in a stack of hay.

"Anyway." She continued, "We'll trespass into the building through the back door, and find the Manager's Cabin. We'll then make him officially cancel the bounty on gunpoi -"

"Sword Point" He interrupted

"Yeah. That" She said.

"Okay so, can you check if the poison has travelled further?" He asked politely

"Yeah, sure."

He again removed his coat and shirt and turned around. This time He put the shirt and the coat on the ground. She bent down to take a clear look.

"Good," She said

"What?" He asked

"It's a Slow Poison. It won't kill you today, but probably in this month"


"Don't worry. It's enough time for me to make a cure"

"U sure?"

"Yeah. Let's focus on our planning, Bounty King" She smiled

"Okay, M'lady," He said while putting his shirt, back on.

Richard Stepped out of a Cave inside a Forest. He was walking with the support of his stick, and the stick was helping him in walking. Richard never needed a stick to walk, unless he was injured badly. And He was injured.

'How did the bounty hunters find me?' He thought, 'I was hidden inside a hut. No one could even suspect that it would be me'

The Forest looked similar. He felt like he had seen the forest before but didn't know which one it was. He walked a bit furthermore when he saw a strange path. The forest was full of trees but there was a strange unnatural path. It was black coloured.

It seemed like the path was made from ashes, and there were no trees along the path. He turned the right side of the path: it seemed infinite. Then he turned toward the left: it also seemed infinite but it was going uphill. According to his experience, he was sure that the ashes were from the trees. And the only thing which can burn, the trees of a rainforest: was lightning. But how could lightning create such a straight and perfect path?

He saw a girl in a short distance, she was turned around; holding a spear. He slowly approached her. She was completely unaware that Richard was Approaching her from behind. She narrowed her eyes, and she somehow knew that Richard was behind her in just under a second. She jerked behind and lifted her hand to hit Richard's hand which was going to tap on her shoulder. Her hand curled into a fist and she punched Richard's Face without any concern.

she gasped in astonishment as she covered her mouth with her other hand. She realized that she had accidentally hit a human instead of a Beast. She broadened her hands to grab him. She carried him to her Friends.

"Hey Guys, I found this poor old man in the forest," Jessica Told Everyone

"Oh. Let me help you" Zadar said while grabbing Richard

Zadar grabbed Richard and laid him down on the rough textured log. Richard was so heavy that Zadar could still feel his weight for a second after laying him down.

"Who's this young man?" Ron said trying to joke, but his sarcasm was too advanced for anyone to understand

"It's an old man! You idiot" Raavi said

"Bruh, this He's sus" Ron narrowed his eyes

Ron leaned forward ninety degrees on Richard to have a better look at his face. He rubbed his index finger on his left chin while fixing his thumb on the right one.

"Hmm." He said Concerningly, "It seems like he's Unconscious"

All the three stared at him, while only giving expressions with their eyes: Ron understood that they were trying to say 'Are you Fucking Serious, Right now?'. Instead of thinking that he embarrassed himself, His dumbass thought that they had a broken sense of humour and didn't understand the joke. And instead of saying 'Get it?', he just replied with a toothy grin. Which made the three Cringe more at him

"Get in the House, Ron" Zadar demanded

"Yeah" Raavi Agreed while Jessica approached Richard

Ron Gazed at his feet, trying to control his laugh to save himself from further scolding and get inside the house. He reached the small sofa and threw himself on it

She Dragged her face near his, Narrowing her eyes with concern. She gently raised her hand to Tap on Richard's Chest. She Tapped on his Chest just two times and He woke up in a state of panic, experiencing physical reactions like a racing heart, sweating and difficulty breathing. She jerked back while gasping.

Richard jerked himself into a sitting position and asked

"What happened?"

"Okay" Zadar Started, "You were found Knocked out in the middle of the forest by Jessica" He pointed towards her

Richard turned his neck to look at her.

"Isn't she the one who knocked me out?" Richard spoke

Zadar dragged his gaze from Richard to Jessica. She looked at Zadar and said

"I can Explain," she said

"Why didn't you think it was a good idea to tell me that you were the one who knocked him out? I thought it was a Beast!" He said half angrily and half disappointedly

"No, It's alright," Richard said, "She did it for self-defence. She must've thought I was Beast"

"Yeah" Jessica agreed

Raavi came out of the house with a glass of water in her hand. Her fingers were cold because of the temperature of the water. She handed him the water. He grabbed the glass and took a sip from it.

"Can I trust you guys?" Richard asked compulsively

"Yeah," Ron said, "we are trusted by many people"

"Shut up, Ron. Who told you to come out?" Zadar demanded, "And you, Sir." he politely said, "You can trust us. Please tell us. What happened? We won't harm you"

"Yeah!" Ron said, "We even gained the trust of The Wandering Blade!"

"wait... " Richard hesitantly said, "You knew Wandering Blade?"

"Yeah," Ron said with a toothy grin

"Yo - You mean Wa - Wade?" Richard spoke after a little pause

"Yeah!" Ron continued, "Did you know him too?"

"what do mean by Did?" Richard asked

"I never expected I had to do this but..." Ron explained, "Did is the past tense of do and - "

"YEAH" Richard interrupted loudly, "I know what Did is," He said calmly, "I meant that You should've said do instead of Did"

"Maybe you're unaware that he Died" Zadar gently added

"Maybe you are unaware that he's alive" Richard started

"What?" Zadar said

"Yeah!" Richard replied

"But he fell from a cliff" Jessica added

"He fell in my fucking house!" Richard replied, "And right now, he's with Daisy. My daughter"

"Really?" Ron confirmed

"Yeah!" Richard Said. "He's Fucking Alive"

Wade and Daisy had strolled enough to reach The Middle of Eastern Spoll. They were in the middle of the land. With the Beast Hunter organization in the East, Shlogan Civilization in the south, the Sling Forest in the North, and The Underground Beast Hideout In The West

"I suggest, we should go in the forest for rest and preparation" Wade suggested

"Good idea" She replied

They walked towards the Sling Forest. Now, It was turning night.

"We should execute our mission tomorrow" He started, "because we haven't slept yesterday. And we'll need rest"

"Yeah, Let's sleep here for tonight" She replied

They slept on the ground: without any resources for food or Water. But they didn't care at all because they were in a forest which had fruit trees and might as well, have water. They were focused on executing the Mission.

They stared at the sky and the forest while lying on the ground firmly despite the beasts roaming around in the forest at night. He glanced at the forest lay beneath a moonlit sky, its ancient trees reaching toward the starry canopy. Shadows danced among the foliage. The air was alive with the symphony of rustling leaves. A sense of inviting exploration and introspection enveloped the forest. Nature whispered its secrets, and the night unfolded its enchantment as they fell asleep on the ground: lost in the world of their dreams.

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