7 ⚔️ Petal O' Flower

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My Dad(Richard) used to call me Petal O' Flower. I still remember to this day, that my dad used to put his soft, but rough hand on my cheek and remind me to keep smiling, as it quite suited my face.

"don't let that smile: Fade away" he used to say.

After he left us, he thought that the danger to us would also leave with him. But it was quite the opposite. The bounty hunters kept visiting us in the hope that someday we would get tired of them and reveal that Dad was hiding with us. The visits were raining every month. At least one bounty Hunter would visit us: asking where Dad was.

"Open up, Richard. We know you're in there" they used to yell outside the door

"How many times do I have to tell you that Richard is dead" Mom(Miko) used to yell back.

The whole town didn't accept us. Whenever Mon went to the market,

"Don't sell her anything! She's Richard's wife!" the shoppers used to tell each other. Just in case they forgot.

We couldn't get supplies or even food. I don't know how we spent six months; getting treated like criminals. The bounty was on my dad, but we always felt like they were making us the victims.

But it all changed after Twelve years. The hunters didn't hold back for long: they broke inside the house. My heart felt like it could stop beating any second when I heard the loud voice of the shattering glass of the window. Some Men had broken into our house.

"GET OUT!" Mom yelled at them

But they didn't seem to listen and kept jumping in from the window. I didn't dare to open the door of my room as I was scared because of the screams, Mom made, "DON'T COME OUTSIDE, DAISY!"

I creaked the door slightly open for me to see what was going on outside. Through the little gap between the door and the wall, I saw outside where three men were ripping our curtains and sofas. They didn't even leave the carpet.

"Give us Richard, and we'll not destroy any more of your shit," they said while tearing things apart like our walk paintings, and carpets, and even scraping our furniture with a wrench.

They kept the chaos going on until they found out that one of the tiles underneath the carpet was an entrance to our Cellar. Mom had no other option but to attack them. She ran inside the kitchen and grabbed a long knife, and came back into the living room where the men were scraping the tile with their wrenches. Mom didn't even hesitate to attack them. She pulled her knife up and dragged it down at them with so much force: Mom would've broken their skull if it was a hammer.

But the men were no ordinary ones: they were from the Beast Hunter Organization. They were highly trained bounty hunters. One of the men glanced at Miko and saw that she was charging up an attack. The man grabbed her wrist when the knife was about to hit him. And grabbed her neck with his other hand. The man stood back up and dragged her against the wall while tightening his grip on her wrist as well as her neck. The knife slipped from her hand and fell on the ground as she felt the vibrations of slavery and compulsiveness in her feet. My feet started to tremble and my hands started to shiver, along with my heart which was beating as fast as a bullet train.

Tears started to drop down from my eyes, as I pushed my palm on my lips to stop myself from crying - or making any noise. I pushed harder and harder to stop, but I was still making a bit of noise. The man finally let go of his grip when he threw my mom across the corner. The throw was so effective, that my mom couldn't even stand back up, and was grunting and sighing in pain.

Meanwhile, the other two men were still scraping the tile. They finally managed to scrape it enough that the lock broke and the tile was now openable, by the time the third man reached back at them. The third man pulled the tile and it revealed a hole with a metal ladder. It was pitch black inside the hole, but one of the men carried a torch. The man with the torch went first and the other two men followed him, down the ladder.

Miko Finally was able to stand up. She was barely able to walk. But she managed to drag herself to me. She pushed the door open, and Daisy backed, so that the door could be opened with ease. Mom entered my room and grabbed my wrist, and started running towards the window; I also followed her. In the blink of an eye, she had jumped out of the window and was running while holding me. It was dark outside, as it was nighttime.

The stars twinkled in the sky, and the moon shined at its peak. Unlike normal nights, it wasn't a dark one; instead, it was a full moon night.

I finally released my hand from my mouth, my hand was full of drool, and my lips also turned smooth because of the drool. The dried-out tears left a mark on my cheeks, and my other hand felt numb. However, We kept running even though we couldn't, she was barely running with her bare feet on the rough thin, pathway.

We reached the Sling Forest when we saw the slightest touch of the golden sunrays hit the ground. I realised that the sun was going to rise soon. Mom's legs finally gave up, and she fell to the ground. I immediately braked myself and turned to her. Her legs were trembling and her fingers were shivering

"Run away, Daisy," She said when she was barely able to speak.

I thought that we were far enough. Because the distance between the forest and our town was so long. But I was immediately proved wrong when I saw one of the three men coming toward us. I was so busy trying to recover from the trauma, that I didn't notice he was following us the whole time.

I dragged myself backwards as the man approached my mom with a big hammer in his hand.

"I won't ask again. Where is Richard?" The man asked me angrily

"I - I- I Dunno" I replied while still dragging myself backwards with numb hands and trembling legs.

"Tell me now," He said after aiming his hammer at my mom's head, "or she gets it"

"RUN!" Mom screamed

Sixteen-Year-Old Me was so dumb that I preferred to listen to my mom instead of that man. I quickly turned around and ran as fast as I could. I heard the voice of splattering blood along with my mom's scream. The man gladly dropped his hammer on top of my mom's head. I was too scared to look back and I couldn't even run that fast. I saw a nearby cave inside the forest. I quickly slipped into the cave, but the cave was more like a slide than a pathway.

After slipping for about ten minutes, I realised that I was in the centre of the cave and I had to climb up to get out of it, no matter which way I chose. I decided to not go back, as luckily remembered the way I came through and climbed oppositely.

I could barely move with my numb hands and trembling feet. I came too far to go back. I somehow pulled myself up and climbed the cave. After finally seeing the light for the first time in two hours, my face lit up in hope. I finally reached the top of the cave and exited it.

The other end of the cave was just beside a tremendous Cliff, and I saw a town in the distance. I was pretty sure that the cliff was Serpentine Cliffs, and the town was Pontel Village. I also saw a small pond and a Hut made of hay and bamboo.

An old man exited the hut and filled his pot with water from the nearby pond. I was scared to go near him as he could be a bounty hunter but I wanted to drink some water from the pond. I rubbed my hands on my clothes and went near the Pond slowly, giving enough time for the old man to go back into the hut. After he went inside, I quickly ran to the pond and sat on my knees. I filled some water in my palm and washed my face. The water helped to get rid of my hand's numbness. My feet had finally stopped shivering.

"Hey, Beautiful. What are you doing here?" The old man said from behind.

I was too scared to turn to him. What if he recognised me and asked me about my dad? I was scared.

"What's it to you?" I asked

I didn't turn around but he wanted to see my face. He walked beside me and turned to me.

"You're Trash," He said

"WHAT?" I asked

"'Cause I wanna take you out" He winked at me.

"What did you just say?" I said while turning to him.

He was smiling at me, completely unaware of who I was. I looked at his face and immediately recognised him. I saw Dad after twelve years. It was obvious that he didn't recognise me. It sent a chill up my nerves as I spoke

"Are you Richard Mellester?"

"Yeah. Why? Who're you?" He said

"I'm your daughter!" I said while I leaned forward to hug him. "I'm Daisy! Remember me?"

His eyes grew wide. He pulled his arms across my back to hug me with his shaking fingers.

After I met Dad, I wanted to live with him. I told him about Mom's death. And just after a month, I was ultra uncomfortable at the hut. I decided to live near Dad but not with Dad. After gathering some money, I bought a piece of land and built my Lab along with some rooms. I make portions, medicines, etcetera" Daisy Finished.

"You're much more traumatized than I am," Wade said in shock.

"Probably. Probably not" She said, "and here we are"

They were at the Shelgar Village. The gate and the pillars were made out of andesite:carved with a glyph. And there was also a Talisman Symbol on the gate which completed itself when the gate was closed. But the gate was open. The giant walls seemed to be a perfect defence against the beasts.

As they trudged along the dusty path, a sense of anticipation filled the air. The sun-drenched village lay just beyond the bend, its secrets veiled behind a tapestry of verdant foliage. A gentle breeze whispered through the swaying branches, carrying with it the fragrant symphony of wildflowers that adorned the countryside.

Approaching the threshold, a weathered stone archway stood as a silent sentinel, welcoming visitors with open arms. Its rough-hewn texture bore witness to the passage of time, etched with the stories of countless souls who had journeyed through. Vines and ivy cascaded gracefully down the arch, intertwining with the stones in an intricate dance of nature's whimsy.

Beyond the arch, a narrow cobblestone path unfolded, meandering through a quaint hamlet. The houses, adorned with weathered thatched roofs and wooden beams, nestled together as if sharing secrets. Flower boxes adorned each windowsill, bursting with a kaleidoscope of colours that painted the village with joy.

The sounds of life beckoned from every corner, as the villagers went about their daily routines. Children's laughter echoed through the narrow lanes, mingling with the rhythmic clatter of horse hooves on cobblestone. A lively marketplace bustled with activity, its stalls brimming with an assortment of vibrant produce, handcrafted wares, and the aroma of freshly baked bread wafting through the air.

As the traveller ventured deeper into the heart of the village, the melody of a babbling brook grew louder, casting a serene spell upon the surroundings. A small stone bridge arched over the crystal-clear waters, inviting passersby to pause and admire the tranquil scene. Time seemed to slow down as if nature herself whispered ancient secrets to those willing to listen.

The village was buzzing with anticipation as the sun rose high in the sky, casting a warm golden glow over the bustling scene. It was market day, a vibrant affair that brought together villagers and visitors from far and wide. The air was filled with a delightful cacophony of voices, the rhythmic clattering of wagon wheels, and the enticing aroma of freshly cooked delicacies that wafted through the streets.

Narrow cobblestone lanes, lined with quaint timbered houses, led to a central square where the market thrived. Stalls of all shapes and sizes were set up haphazardly, each adorned with colourful banners and vibrant displays. Merchants, with faces weathered by time and stories, were busy arranging their wares with meticulous care, enticing customers with their variety of goods.

The sound of haggling filled the air as villagers and visitors eagerly engaged in spirited negotiations. Lively conversations and laughter reverberated off the nearby buildings, creating a jovial atmosphere. Children ran through the crowds, their laughter mingling with the melodies of wandering minstrels who strummed their instruments with skilful fingers.

"Let's head towards the market, I wanna buy some things," She said

"Sure." He replied, "You go first, I'm right behind you"

They went to the marketplace. Every imaginable item was available at the market. Fruits and vegetables spilled over wooden crates, their colours a kaleidoscope of nature's bounty. Fragrant herbs and spices filled the air, while the pungent aroma of cheeses and cured meats drew curious noses. Trinkets and baubles sparkled, captivating the attention of passersby, while bolts of richly woven fabrics swayed in the breeze.

Amidst the hubbub, local artisans showcased their talents. A potter moulded clay with dexterous hands, shaping intricate vessels that glistened with a promise of beauty. A blacksmith hammered tirelessly, the rhythmic clang echoing through the square as sparks danced in the air. Weavers deftly moved their shuttles, transforming threads into intricate patterns, and painters delicately brushed vibrant scenes onto canvases.

As the day progressed, the market reached its zenith. The crowd thickened, and the pace quickened, as people jostled and maneuvered through the throngs of eager shoppers. Bargains were struck, deals were made, and the market echoed with the clinking of coins exchanging hands.

Amid the lively chaos, food stalls offered respite and sustenance. The sizzle of grilling meat mingled with the aroma of freshly baked bread and bubbling stews. Hungry patrons gathered around tables, eagerly devouring their meals, sharing stories, and savouring the flavours of the village's culinary delights.

Daisy was going to stop at one of the fruit shops, but she didn't. She saw a poster on the wall. Not one but several same posters lying on every wall after a gap. The poster wasn't an advertisement but something much worse.

Wade's photo was printed on it. He had a bounty of one million on his head. Daisy narrowed her eyes as Wade's eyes grew wide.

"Wh - What?" Wade said, "What the Fu -"

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