i'm angsting here cuz ppl irl aren't allowed to know i'm nd

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just to be clear nt means neurotypical and nd means neurodivergent

uh the majority of this is about the shitty boomers in my life [ OK none of them are actually that old but they're boomers because they think they understand and don't ], それは嘘です

i legitimately told my mom this morning that she should've stopped having children after my sister so there's that, idk i'm in this constant state of not wanting to exist but also not being suicidal or any of that shit

but i think nd's are at higher risk of developing mental illnesses and i'm just- i've got enough to deal with, leave me alone, i hate you

oh, to not be in a world where nt's act like their socializing situations are comparable to yours

oh, to not be in a world where people think they understand but no matter how much you explain they don't get it

oh, to not be in a world where only the standard for nt's matters and you're pressured to meet those same standards

oh, to not be in a world where your reactions to meltdown stressors are brushed off as simple tendencies

oh, to not be in a world where your communication patterns differ so much from an nt that they think you're rude or snarky or disrespectful

oh, to not be in a world where people accuse me of being any of the above and more when it was absolutely not my intention

oh, to not be in a world where expressing your opinions and thoughts a certain way is looked down upon

oh, to not be in a world where you're trying to get your thoughts across but the conversation goes by too fast and you end up either not getting to say anything or having everything come out wrong

oh, to be in a world where i don't have to explain again and again that i do not control my triggers / stressors and that people should try to minimise them if possible

oh, to not be in a world where my nd-ness is accepted instead of being treated like something to be either fixed or hidden

oh, to not be in a world where people get offended at me and slander me when i don't even know what i did

oh, to not be in a world

this is why my bio quote is so angsty now it's because i'm angsty now

granted some of the problems in my life are just caused by other people and not just because i'm autistic but whatever i'll psyshock or earth power everyone to death yes those are pokémon moves

no one comment on this i'm literally angsting [ well i'm serious too but ]

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