school has a terrible definition of art

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Yeah so basically my school's art course is making me not like art anymore

Cause they make you describe everything you do and what you like and dislike about it and use art terms, like guys if I wanted to write analytical essays I'd major in English Language

And they make you choose two artists and do pieces inspired by them but that's not really how inspiration works, or at least I don't get 'inspired' as like a choice, to me being inspired is seeing something and randomly wanting to do something because of them, not just go searching for people to imitate :/

And what about the fact that they put deadlines on everything like I know it's a school but forcing people to do certain things in a certain time span just takes the enjoyment out of everything

Especially since there isn't a whole lot of variety on what we can do :)) like seriously the teacher literally explicitly told us that we couldn't do anything 3D, so basically we're all restricted to paper or cloth, and if you're on paper [ i.e. painting, charcoal, fine liner, etc. ], you have to do something realistic or you won't get a good grade

and i suck at realism

And the worst part is, none of our class time is actually spent on actual art pieces, everything has to be work in our stupid notebooks that we do mind maps and sketches and describe our non-existent thoughts and feelings about everything and most of the shit in art is writing and not even art... Like I think last year we had a total three or four lessons where the teachers actually taught us art techniques and it wasn't 'go work on your notebook' like what the shit, is this an art course or a "train to be a connoisseur on fine realistic art" course

And you have to write shit in your book otherwise 'the examiners won't be able to see what you wanted to do and you won't get a good grade' excuse me I don't need to justify everything I do in here on top of being forced to do it, especially since every word in there is just bullcrapping to fill the damn pages

I regret everything

My old school's art was so much better, because we actually [ gasp ] did art in class!! What a surprise, giving people what they signed up for is going to make them enjoy your lessons! But I've gone from looking forward to art class to dreading it, all because the thing they labelled 'art' is so damn restrictive and just doesn't feel like art, plain and simple

I just need to hold out for, like, one more month and hope I pass the fucking course because I'm just not passionate about art anymore thanks to this, just, cage

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