Chapter 12

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Diana Thomas's POV

I am just sitting in my cabin, while trying to check the file in front of me for any errors. But I can't concentrate on it. I am nervous. Because we are back to office and how should I behave with him. I came to know him more yesterday. Now today, everything is back to normal. Should I talk with him friendly like yesterday.

The way you had been with him yesterday is not something friendly, my conscience commented. I rolled my eyes. I came to office a fifteen minutes early as I am feeling butterflies in my stomach.

I heard the intercom buzz and I sat straight. 0h no! He came. I got up from my seat and took the notepad with me. I shakily walked to his office and gulped before knocking on his door.

"Come in", I heard his thick Italian accented sexy voice and pushed the glass door. I lifted my head up and looked at him. He is already looking at me.

"Good morning si-I mean Martin", I said as I clutched the notepad tightly.

"Good morning Cara Mia", he said with a nod. Those two words of endearment are enough to turn me on. Then there was silence. He is just staring at me like he is waiting for me to do something. I gathered my strength and finally spoke.

"Martin. Umm... You need something? I mean you called me", I said and my voice is a bare whisper. I kept looking down not wanting to meet his intimidating gaze.

"I wanted to see you and huh, I need your kiss from those sexy little lips Cara", he said seductively as he came near me and was about to kiss me. I put a hand in front of him to stop him.

"Martin", I whispered his name. He looked at me confused as he held me by my waist and tried to pull me closer.

"What happened Cara? Is everything okay?", he asked with concern etching in his voice.

"Everything is okay and I have w-work. I-I will go to my office if you don't have any work to give me", I said still looking down. He put his fingers under my chin and made me look at him.

"What is wrong Cara Mia? Tell me", he demanded. I huffed. I better tell him.

"Martin. Here I am your PA. Whatever happened in yesterday happened and we are back to our routine. I think we should stop behaving like this. I mean kissing each other like we are a pair", I said nervously. I don't want him to get angry. His face turned into a hurtful expression. He looked like he is punched in his face.

"What happened yesterday doesn't mean anything to you?", he asked looking into my eyes like he is searching for the truth. I quickly regretted what I said before.

"No! That's not what I meant. It means a lot to me. Really. I am glad that I spent my whole day with you. It's just that...".

"Tell me Cara. What is the problem?".

"Martin, I don't know where we stand in relationship basis, but can we please behave normally when we are in the office?", I asked hoping he would agree. He thought about it for a minute.

"But why?".

"I don't want anyone in the office to think of me badly. I mean, I am your PA anyone catches me and you kissing, they may get the wrong idea".

"Did anyone talk badly about you Cara?", he asked as his eyebrows knitted together and is eyes changed to red colour.

"What?! No! It's just me. I want to keep things professional", I said while rubbing his arm, trying to cool him down. He sighed and then looked at me again.

"Okay. For you", he said as he kissed my cheek and left me. I instantly missed his arms around me and his warmth. He went and sat in his seat.

I just stared at him. He lifted his head and looked at me.

"What Cara Mia? You want me to kiss you. If not go to your cabin", he said gently and I ran to my cabin.

I threw the notepad on the table and sighed as I pushed my hair back. I closed my eyes and took a deep breathe. I started to work. I don't know how much time has passed away and I took a look at my wrist watch. It's nine thirty. There is a meeting at eleven O' clock in the conference hall. I got up and went to the floor below us. I took help of Erica. She sits in the reception. She is a good person.

We set everything. I took print out and Xeroxes of some copies and put them near each seat. I put water bottles in each place. The table is semi-circular and is made of wood. I put the copies in a file and arranged everything. Erica made some extra copies and helped me to see if anything is missing.

"Finally!", I said. After everything is done perfectly, me and Erica high-fived while grinning and came out. Now I should go to Martin and call him for the meeting once everyone came. Clients came soon and I sent Erica to call Martin. I don't think I can face him. He will not stop seducing me. Soon Martin came into the room and I am smiling at one of our clients to something they said.

"Good morning gentlemen", he greeted everyone and glared at the person with whom I was smiling with. Then he looked at me with his eyes saying stay-away-from-him. I rolled my eyes at him. He is a very jealousy person and so possessive.

He is so hot when he is possessive and you like the fact that he is possessive, my conscience mocked at me. I just ignored and beside Martin. Mr. Marcel is explaining everyone about the project. I feel so sleepy whenever these type of meetings go on. I don't even need to write anything they say. I just have to sit there and listen, which is boring. I feel my eyes drooping.

"Diana", I heard Martin call my name and instantly became alert. All my sleepiness went away.

"Yes Martin?", I asked him and instantly regretted calling him that. Everyone in the room is looking at me strangely as I called my boss with name. But Martin doesn't seem to mind it. He gave me a file.

"Check this file quickly and bring it to my office soon", he said and I nodded my head. The client stood up and extended his hand smiling to Martin. I stood up too.

"Congrats Mr. Vincento, you got the deal", he said and Martin extended his hand too.

"Thank you Mr. Marcel".

"But you need to come to our head Branch to once take a look of the sight and the industry", Mr. Marcel said.

"Okay. We will come next week", Martin said and I quickly butted in.

"I am sorry Martin, but next week you have a whole busy schedule. You are a little free time this week on Thursday and Friday", I said and Martin looked at me.

"Okay, then we will go Venice that day", he said and I wrote it down on my notepad. Wait! Venice! He is going to Venice! I love Venice! God, but I can't go!

"Okay Mr. Vincento. I will inform the higher authorities", Mr. Marcel said and left. Martin went to his office and I went to mine. As soon as I entered my cabin the intercom buzzed. I went and knocked on his door.

"Come in", he said and I went in.

"Martin, you called me?", I asked as I went and stood in front of him.

"Yes. What is my schedule for tomorrow?", he demanded.

"Umm... Tomorrow morning you are free till nine. Then you have a meeting with Brian's company. Then you have lunch. After that you are free", I told him. He looked angry as I mentioned his name.

"Okay. I need you to take down the notes on what I will be saying", he said and I nodded.

I was about to sit in the chair in front of his table.

"Did I tell you to sit in the chair?", he asked with a low voice and I am shocked by his question.

"Umm... No. But you said to take notes and I always take notes while sitting in the chair".

"But now you stand and write", he said arrogantly and I am shocked. My black heels are killing me.

"But Martin, my heels are killing me".

"Okay. Then you can sit in my lap", he said smirking. I glared at him.

"Martin! This is not the time to flirt! I alr-", he cut me off.

"It's either you sit in my lap or stand and write", he said again. Oh! So he thinks I will fall for his tricks? No! Never! I will show him that he is wrong! I smirked at him and held my head high.

"I will stand and write", I declared and then he suddenly caught my wrist to pull me into his lap. I fell in his lap sideways. I squealed in surprise.

"God Cara Mia! You are so stubborn!", he said as he adjusted me in his lap. I tried to wriggle out, but he held me tight.

"Martin! Leave me! Anyone may com-".

"Stop worrying", he said calmly as he held me closely. I felt his warmth. I just want to hold him tight, but resisted myself from doing it.

"Martin", I whispered his name.

"Yes Cara Mia", he said huskily as we both came so close. He is looking into my eyes deeply and me in his.

"You said I have to take notes", I whispered.

"Fuck the notes. It was just an excuse to have you here. Fuck whatever you said today morning about us acting professional. How can I act professional or even think straight, when you are walking around with those tight hugging shirt and skirt", he said and I pulled away from him. I tried to stand up. His hands caressed my butt gently and I feel aroused.

"Martin!", I said in a warning tone, though inside I feel my body getting heated.

"Kiss me Cara Mia", he demanded.

"No!". It took all my strength to say it.

"Then let me kiss you", he said as he held my face and brought it close. I can't control myself if he will kiss me now.

"Please Cara. Just a taste of them. That's it. It won't hurt", he asked desperately. I want to give in and kiss him back with so much passion.

"Okay", I said and it was all it took for him to kiss me. He held my face and another hand on my waist. I kissed him back and I moaned into the kiss. He kept licking my bottom lip, but I didn't open it.

"Open you sweet lips Cara. Let me in", he pleaded while kissing on my lips fiercely. I held his hair and opened my lips for him. He plunged his tongue in my mouth and kissed me deep. We were in a thick sensual state where we may rip our clothes due to desire. Our moans were filled in the room as we kissed. We pulled away to breathe and he didn't waste his time. He went down to kiss my neck.

He is kissing me with... I don't know. Passion. Desire. Obsession. But I liked it. A lot. His one hand is holding my head to support and his other hand went inside my skirt and caressed my bare thigh. I threw my head back, allowing him to do all he wanted to do with me. I closed my eyes, enjoying the moment. This feels so right.

"Cara Mia. Remember one thing. You. Are. Mine! I hate it and I feel jealous when you talk with other male. Whatever age he maybe. Whoever that person maybe. When you were smiling at the person in the conference hall, I just wanted to snap his neck. Don't make me jealous again Cara Mia. I am so possessive with what's mine", he said between the kisses he placed on my neck.

"Martin", I moaned his name. I am so engrossed in what he is doing to me to even care about what he said. But his words turned me on even more.

I am now completely straddling him. My legs are around his waist. His bulge is pressing against my core and that is what brought me back to reality. I tried to push him away, but he wouldn't budge. I feel like a slut who is kissing her boss. This is wrong!

"Martin", I called out him. He wouldn't stop kissing me.

The long he kissed me, the more I feel aroused.

"Martin!", I pushed him with all my strength. He looked at me confused. His hair is in all directions and he is looking hot. I gulped my desire and looked at him. I got out of his lap and straightened my dress.

"What happened Cara?", he asked still confused.

"Martin. We are in your office", I tried to reason out.

"So?", he asked dumbly.

"Um... So... So we should stop... this. You just said a kiss and we did more than that. We made out".

"Yeah and it's a good thing that we made out", he said as he stood up.

"Martin! I feel like a whore right now!", I shouted at him with my pent up emotions. Tears pooled in my eyes. He quickly took me in his arms. His eyes are filled with fury. He held my shoulders.

"What did you just say?!", he asked in a dangerously low tone. I gazed down at the floor.

I didn't respond. He lifted my head and made me look into his eyes. He looked into my eyes and his eyes looked pained as he saw my tear filled eyes. A tear slid down my cheek. He removed him with his thumb.

"Cara Mia. My Diana. Never! I mean never! I am repeating again, you better hear my words correctly! Never call yourself that! Never think so lowly of yourself! Got me?", he said strictly. I just stared at him in shock that he got so angry.

I nodded my head in answer.

"Good", he said and pulled me into a hug. It's a comforting hug. It felt so good to be in his arms. So peaceful.

After a while he pulled away.

"It is not a bad thing to kiss your boss if you have feelings for him and if he has the same feelings for you", he said and I gasped. He have feelings for me?! I do have feelings for him, but I never said them out. If I don't feel anything for him, I wouldn't have let him kiss me. My heart is leaping out of chest with joy.


"I know Cara. Now don't you ever say that again", he commanded me.

I nodded my head with happiness.

"Now come on. Sit here with me. I don't want you sitting in that cabin far across my room", he said as he pulled me to him. He pulled me into his lap and for some reason I didn't want to protest. I smiled as I snuggled into his chest.

Soon it is seven in the evening. I cleaned my table and gather my things to leave. I came out of his cabin in the afternoon telling him that I have work. Though he said that he wouldn't give two flying shits about it, I laughed at him statement and convinced him on letting me go. The door of my cabin opened and there stood Mr. Sexy Greek God himself.

"I will give you a ride home", he declared and what can I say.

"Okay", I smiled at him. By this time the whole staff will leave and it will only be me and him every day. We got in the lift and he held me close to him by my waist.

We got down and got near his car. There is a driver waiting there. Martin opened the door for me and I got in saying a thank you, which in return I got a small kiss on my cheek and I turned red. He closed the door and went to other side of the car. He came in and sat beside me. He ordered the driver about my address. I glared at him.

"Can't you say it a little less rudely?".

He just shrugged and took my hand to hold it. He intervined our fingers. I held his hand back. I opened my call phone, which I gifted newly by my Italian boss might I add, because some certain Mr. Sexy hunk of my boss threw it out. There are ten missed calls from my mother and another eight missed calls from my brother. There are even nine voicemails from my mother and brother.

I quickly called my mother. Martin gave me a worried look.

"Is everything okay?", he asked with concern. I nodded my head in assurance while smiling at him. I heard my mother pick up the call.

"Hello mom".

"Oh honey. Thank god you called me. I have been trying to call you".

"Mom, what happened? There are so many missed calls from you and brother", I asked worriedly.

"Oh nothing Baby girl. We are going to visit you Aunt today. She is met with an accident yeaterday. But no need to worry. It's a minor accident. There is no danger. We tried calling you, but you didn't pick the call. We are in fact in the plane now".

"Oh. Call me as soon as you reach there and upgrade me about Aunt's condition mom", I told her.

"Okay honey. You have another pair of keys for home right. Be safe. We will come back in a week", she said.

"Okay mom. Bye".

"Bye Baby girl", she said and cut the call.

Martin is looking at me curiously.

"What happened?", he asked.

"My Aunt met with an accident and mom and brother went to see her", I explained. I feel sad. I love my Aunt. She is my mother's only sister and was there for her when dad died.

"It's okay. Everything will be alright", he assured me. I just smiled at him, though we both know that it's fake. Soon we reached my house.

"Good night Martin", I said as I got out.

"Good night Cara Mia", he said and I smiled truly before closing the door. His car is still there, waiting for me to go inside.

I went to the front porch and opened my bag to take out the key. I searched for it, but I didn't find it. I see that Martin got out of his car and came near me.

"Cara, what are you searching for?".

"My keys. I can't find them", I said still searching for them in my bag. Then suddenly I remembered something. I didn't bring keys with me to work today! Great! Superb! Awesome!

"Cara", Martin called me while looking at me with concern.

"Martin. I forgot to bring my keys with me and they are now inside the house. God! Mom is not there and I didn't bring keys with me! I am such a stupid! Where am I going to live for a whole week now?! Urrgh!", I grunted angrily and sat on the steps of porch. I have my head in my hands.

"Cara. It's okay. Come with me. You can stay with me", he said as he made me stand up.

"What?! No! I will go and lend a room in some motel for a week. It's no big deal", I said while waving my hands. He looked straight in m eyes. He has a determined look. He held my wrist with his hand.

"Cara. Either you come with me or I will take you with me. Your wish", he said.

"What is the difference in both of them?".

"You can come with me by walking. Or I will take you with me as I throw you over my shoulder", he explained.

"No Martin! I already stayed with you a full day. I don't want to cause more tro-".

"The second option it is then", he said and threw me over his shoulders. I am surprised. I got a perfect view of his butt.


"You are going to spend a whole week with me now Cara Mia", he said and put me in his car.

I glared at him. The driver is watching the whole scene.

"Oh, it's going to be so much fun", he said with amusement and came around the car to sit beside me. He had a smirk on his face, which I know very well.

Oh no! A whole week with him?! How am I going to control myself around him?! But something tells me there is so much going to happen in this week.


Hey my cute dumplings!

Hope you like their romance. A whole week together. So much can happen. Don't miss it. Do you guys want a chapter in Martin's POV? Tell me.

Please VOTE and COMMENT.

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