Chapter 13

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Martin Raul Vincento's POV

I heard my phone buzzing and opened my eyes. I quickly took my phone and stopped the alarm to stop the irritating buzzing sound. I put the phone down again and felt a small movement beside and felt something on my legs. I looked down and found her, my Cara, sleeping peacefully, with her legs tangled with mine and her head on my chest. A small unstoppable smile appeared on my face.

I put my hand on her hair and soothed it. She snuggled closer like a kitten. Wow... I feel so... so content. I can't stop but remember the little argument we had last night. It's about where she should sleep. I told her to sleep with me in my bed. It's not something that is new. She slept on my bed on the day she was drunk. But last night, she rejected sleeping with me. I however made her sleep here.

I remember the first time I saw her in a clear vision. I heard a small voice call me and I lowered my paper down a little, only to find a beauty standing in front of me. I can't help but stare at her. The sunlight passed through the glass wall of the cafeteria and fell on her pale skin and blond hair. It reflected and she looked like an angel for a second.

I just wanted to kiss her and take her home with me. I don't know why though. But something inside me possessed me to do it. In that minute I wanted her. I wanted her by my side always. Even now I don't understand why I still feel it. Then when she asked if I was a gay, that did it. I took her mouth and possessed it like a beast I am. Gods must know how I stopped myself from going far.

I just left the cafeteria after that, cause if would have stayed there another minute, I would have stopped myself. Then when she came to my office after an hour for interview, which I was not expecting for her to come, I knew she got the job. How can I not give her the job? I immediately gave her the job not thinking once after I asked her some questions.

Having her daily in my office, beside me is driving me crazy. The way she sawshays in my office every morning to give me my schedule. The way she bites her lip whenever she is nervous, every small thing about her, makes me want to kiss her. The day when that bastard Brian her giggle and laugh, I was burning inside with utter jealousy! I want to kill that bastard! How dare he ask her on a date?!

I called him that day and warned him to stay away from Diana. I don't know what made me do it, but I just did it. I wanted to take on that date that day. But God the way she looked that day, I can't forget. She is ravishing, beautiful, sexy and everything I wanted. That red dress suited her so well. When her hair fell down loosely, she is just... perfect.

I thought that the date was going good and everything between us was good. Never did I realize that I was hurting her so much. When she called herself those stupid names, I wanted to kiss her hard and tell her that I am sorry for making her feel that way. That night I controlled a lot to not touch her as I dropped her home. I just hated myself that night for making her feel that way about herself.

That night I understood something. I am very bad at expressing my feelings to anyone, but that I should express how I feel for her. How I want her. How I need her. I myself don't know what I feel for her, but it is something I never felt before. But I didn't understand it till I took her out the whole Sunday.

The next Saturday night, when I found her in the bar in a state of fainting any minute, I want to scold her and shout at her for being so irresponsible. What is something might have happened to her? Did she ever think of the people that care for her? Didn't she think what will happen to me?! That night I came to see a whole different side of her. A small cute kid hid inside her.

The way she danced on my bed. The way she made me dance with her. I never dance, but she made me do it. The way she giggled and laughed. I also remember the words correctly when she said "So, you are my hot sexy Italian boss Martin?!", I can't stop a little smile that appeared on my face even for a second. I was so happy and still am that she thinks so about me.

When she asked to kiss me, I tried to stop myself a lot not wanting to kiss her, cause she was thinking so lowly of herself because of me. But I can't stop myself when she almost begged me. I took her face in my hands and kissed her with all my being. Kissing her sometimes is like my habbit. I have to do it.

The Sunday. That next day. I wanted to take her to the zoo. I used to go there with my mother when she was alive. It used to be so much fun. I can remember a little of those events and also my father used to come with me. It used to be a great family picnic. But now both of them are not there in my life. I wanted to share it with her.

The sunset, the place I used to go when I used to feel alone and empty in my teenage days. I watched the sunset every time I go there. But that day, I wanted to go there with her. It's the top hill in the city and the whole city can be seen from there. I wanted to show the whole city and the sun, that I am not alone anymore. I know we are not in any kind of relationship, but I just wanted to do it.

That day I understood that I am still alive. That I still have a heart. That I am not that empty. That I want her so much that anything in the world. She is above all anything to me. Why? I don't know. Most of all, I understood that I am crazy about her. My Diana. My Cara.

I am brought out of my thoughts when I heard a small yawn. I looked down and found her sitting up and stretch her hands widely and yawned. I sat up on my bed and leaned my back to the bed post.

"Good morning Cara Mia", I greeted softly. She turned to me and smiled.

"Good morning", she greeted still smiling sweetly but soon it turned into a glare. I remember now she is going to fight me again. Every time she is angry with me, her whole face turns red and becomes cute. I just want to kiss her cheeks when she looks at me with those fiery eyes.

I raised an eye-brow at her.

"Don't give me that you. You threatened me to sleep here with you on the bed!".

"I threatened you? What did I even say?", I asked innocently. Smoke is coming out of her ears.

"Urrgh! You said you will make love to me, if I will not sleep here with you!", she said as she got out of the bed and came near me.

"Oh yes! I remember! I also remember you blushing hardly as I said it". She blushed again, but soon stood straight.

"Martin!". God, when she says my names so loudly, I can't help the erotic images that run through my mind! I gulped them down and looked at her.

"What?". She sighed.

"Nothing. It's a waste to fight with you", she said and went to the bathroom. I waited for her there. She came out after a few minutes.

She gave me a questioning look.

"Aren't you going to get ready? We should go to office", she said and I just wanted to take a holiday then. I never wanted a holiday in my life. But today, I need one badly.

I sighed and got out of the bed. I went into the bathroom and bathed. I came out and found that she is not in the room. I went to the closet and changed into my office dress. I came out wanting to find her. I searched the living room, dining room and kitchen, but she is nowhere. Where is she?

"Martin", I heard her call me and turned back. She is standing in a thick bathrobe with wet skin and her wet hair falling down. She looks so hot.

"What happened Cara?".

"I... I went to bath in another room. I bathed and came out. Then I remembered that I don't have any clothes to wear", she said shyly looking down and blushing.

"Oh", I didn't know what to say.

"Can you give me Erica's number? I will call her and tell her to bring another set of clothes", she explained still looking here and there. I smirked. Maybe I can make something out of this.

"I will give you the number. But you should do something before it", I demanded as I went near her. She took a few step back nervously and fell on the couch as her legs hit the sofa. I bent over and our noses touched. I kept looking from her eyes to her lips. Her breathing quickened.

"What?", she whispered.

"Don't talk with Brain when he comes to our office for presentation today".

"What?", she asked as she tried to sit.

"Yes", I said while sitting beside her and pulled her into my lap and kissed her cheek.

"That is what you want?", she asked with a frown on her face.

"Yes. Why? Are you expecting something else? What is it?", I asked teasingly. She blushed red.

"Umm... Nothing", she said while looking at her fingers.

"No. There is something. You are blushing. Wait. You were thinking of kissing me".

"Martin!", she said as her eyes widened and she blushed real hard that her ears became red too.

"Sorry, Cara Mia. But I won't disappoint you. We can also kiss now", I said as I turned her face to me. She suddenly stood up and put her hand in front of me.

"Give me your phone. I will call Erica myself", she demanded. I smirked and sat there.

"What if I don't?", I asked with an arrogant expression. Her face turned into a cute puppy face.

"Martin please". That's it! I gave up.

She took my phone and walked inside to talk with Erica. When she came out, she is wearing clothes from yesterday. I gave her a confused look.

"Erica said she will bring a pair of her clothes to the office as she will be coming soon today", she explained. I nodded my head and went to the kitchen. She put jam on her bread and we both ate it. I got up and she followed me out. We are both in the lift and I held her close. I happy that she didn't protest.

"Cara, tell my pilot to make my plane ready for the Friday to go Venice", I said as I remembered it.

"Yeah. I remember the deal that you should once check their oil companies", she said as if she remembering something and her face looked like she is sad.

"What happened Cara? You became sad".

"Nothing", she said trying to avoid.

"Tell me", I demanded and she still avoided turning her head away. I gave her a determined look. She sighed knowing that there is no escape. I don't like seeing the sad expression on her face. She should never be sad.

"I always wanted to go and see Venice since I was a child, but never went", she confessed.

"You wanted to go to Venice?".

"Yes. But it's okay. That was when I was a child", she waved it away.

"Cara, if you are thinking that I am going to Venice this Friday alone without you, you are wrong. The minute Mr. Marcel said I should visit Venice to see the industry I decided to take you with me. How did you even think that I will leave you here for a whole two days? I will go crazy without you. Besides you parents are also not in the city, I decided to take you by hook or by crook".

"Thank you, Martin! Thank you so much!", she said as she threw her arms around my neck. She jumped and kissed me in excitement. It was unexpected, but who am I to complain. Soon we parted and my inner self is jumping in excitement.

"You are welcome Cara Mia", I said while lightly kissing her lips. She giggled, but soon realized what happened and pulled away. I was about to pull her to me, but the lift stopped and she quickly got out. We both sat in the car. While I am driving I observed that she is blushing and grinning while biting her lower lip to stop smiling.

Now I am very excited for the Friday.


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