Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

Diana Thomas's POV

Three Months Later

"Martin, Baby, I am okay! Calm down!" I tried to assure him, but he is taking none of it. He hugged me tightly to him and I did the same. I put him head on his chest and put my hands on his biceps to cool him down. He is so angry for such a small reason. His face and eyes look so dangerous. He kissed the top of my head.

"No! It's not okay! I told them very clearly to do the security checks. You were stuck in the lift for almost three hours now! Alone!" He is still angry, but not at me. At the security guard and the electrician of the building that are standing in front of us, shaking in fear due to his wrath. "You both better get out of my sight, before I kill you! Get the fuck out!" He shouted very loudly that I almost winced.

"Shh. I am here now baby. Look at me. Look into my eyes" My palms held his face and made him look at me. I heard the footsteps and knew that they both walked away. "You don't have to shout at them. It's not their fault that the lift stopped suddenly. It's not a huge issue" My voice came out very calm. He is looking down at me, into my eyes with so much intensity. I am still in his arms.

Without saying another word, he walked us both inside we were standing in front of the lift till now. He held my hand as he walked us both inside. His hold is gentle, yet firm. Once were are in the living room he left my hand and stood in the middle as his back is facing me. He ran his hands through his thick hair and let out a loud groan, followed by a sigh.

"Martin" My voice came out in a whisper.

He turned to me and there is only fear in his eyes. Fear of what? Fear of something might have happened to me? No! I am right here. With you. He took two long strides and pulled me to him with his hands around my waist and kissed my lips, gently, harshly and lovingly at the same time. I can still sense fear in him. I kissed him back. I want to assure him that I am fine totally.

"Martin" I moaned out and he pulled away. He pecked my lips and held my face between his palms. His eyes bored into mine. He opened his mouth to say something but closed. "Baby, what happened?" I have never seen him like this.

"God, Diana! You scare me to death! If anything might have happened to you... No! Fuck no! You are the only one that I have and I don't want to lose you" He hugged me as if I would disappear any minute if he wouldn't hold me. His next words left me speechless. "You are my everything" His whisper was enough for me to hold on to him forever. I feel complete with him.

"You are my everything too, Martin. You are my whole world" I lift my head up and look into his eyes as I spoke. He leaned down and kissed my forehead before hugging me again.

"It's just scary. Last week that almost fire accident. One month back you fell down the stairs and almost broke your leg. God, be careful Cara! I don't want anything happening to you. I can't bear it. Things keep happening and the worst is I am not able to stop any of them. It's the worst" He walked to the sofa and sat on it as I followed him behind. I sat down on his lap sideways and put my hands around his neck.

"Sorry for worrying you. But that's all aside. Didn't you have a meeting today?" His hands are around my waist. I can feel his warmth and it comforts me so much.

"Do you think anything is more important than you."

"Well, you just came and shouted at them those two and half hours."

"I didn't know what to do. You were alone inside."

"Yeah, it was boring inside. I thought it would have been better if you were there with me in there like before. You remember it?"

"Of course I do, Cara Mia." His mood is getting better.

"I will be fine. You don't have to worry too much about me." My hands on his shoulder rubbed smooth circles.

"How can I not?"

"Martin-" He cut me off.

"No. Ever since you met me. One or the other thing keeps happening. That attack in Venice. Then fever, you fell down the stairs." He ran his thumb over the small mark on my forehead, where I got hurt as I fell down the stairs. I remember that day well. He thought something happened to me. He has so much love in his heart and his eyes reflect all of it. "That fire accident which we missed luckily and today this."

"You were always there with me when those things happened except for today. You were there even today, waiting for me outside. That's what is more important to me."

"What if I am not there when something happens to you?"

"Why would anything happen? You are just thinking too much."

"No Diana. I am just a bad luck. Anyone that stays with me gets hurt." What?! No! Why is he talking like this?! Bad luck?! Definitely not! Who put that in his mind?! He is thinking too deep!

"Martin, stop thinking like that. You are not a bad luck for God sakes! I love you!"

"I love you more, Cara Mia. I don't like the thought of something happening to you."

"Nothing will happen. You know how clumsy I am. Things that are happening are not because of you." I put my face in his neck and breathed a kiss there. He put his palm on my face and pushed the hair on my face behind my ear and took my hand before kissing my fingers.

We just sat there like that for some time in silence. He pulled me much closer and I settled myself in a comfortable way.

"So, you me to cook you anything for dinner?" My words broke the silence.

"Do you still think I would let you work in the kitchen?"

"Oh, come on! Are you never going to let me cook?"

"No." His reply was quick. I looked at him agape.

"But... Urggh! I don't want to be your personal assistant again." Last week when the fire accident missed, he fired me. How can he fire me? "Does this even sound good? My boyfriend fired me." He put the arrogant look on his face.

"Technically, your boss fired you." I rolled my eyes at him.

"Oh, really! Then since you are my boyfriend, I am allowed to complain to you about my boss right?" He took a second to think before answering.

"As far as I heard, your boss is a delight. So, I don't find any problem for you to work under him." I wanted to poke my tongue out at him. A smile appeared on my lips.

"Well then, he is also hot. I would like to do it with him if you don't mind." His eyes darkened at my words.

"No problem with me. I can understand. He is too hot to resist." I almost laughed out at that and cleared my throat at that.

"Someone is being too cocky." He is never cocky. In fact, he never was. I leaned back on him again.

I remember the day I woke up, the night I lost my virginity. He ran me a bath. We bathed together. At first, I was shy but got used to it later. All my things are here. I moved in a month ago. Mom was very happy. I introduced Kurt to my brother. They seem to maintain a good friendship for now. Three days back, Martin asked me to join back his company to work as his personal assistant again.

I rejected the offer though. I don't want to join back his company and I told him that. He didn't like it and is still opposing it. I have been trying to join other companies, but all my plans failed when he came to know about it. He has become too protective.

He took me to dates. The best thing is, we don't plan anything, if we want to go, we decide then and then and go to a normal restaurant to have food. I never knew small things like holding hands while walking, smiling at each other, saying I love you to the person one loves and hearing it back from them will bring such immense happiness. He cooks breakfast every morning since I sleep late.

Sometimes I take lunch to his office and we both eat together. Everyone in his office knows that we are a couple now. Martin doesn't leave any chance to show it out. We both attended two parties together. The one thing that made my heart flutter and fall in love with him more and more is, whenever he introduces me to someone as his girlfriend, there is a small twinkle in his eyes.

That makes me so happy. Then there is the shopping that we went twice. One of the strangest things in Martin doesn't like movies. He just comes to watch them for me. It feels so natural and at the same time so beautiful and amazing to be with him.

"Do you want to order pizza?" I just lay there on his chest as he spoke.

"I would like that."

"Okay. Let me get my phone, it's in the bedroom." He was about to move, but I stopped him, hugging him tightly. He chuckled. "Hold me tight then." I was confused at first, but then he suddenly stood up and my arms instantly tightened around him. A squeal left my mouth and felt him walk into the room.

"Martin!" My voice came out sharp as I didn't expect it. He chuckled again. My arms are still around his neck as he carried me bridal style.

"So, which pizza do you want?" he is looking down at me as he spoke. I gave him my cheeky smile. He smiled and shook his head as he understood. It's nothing new to him as he knew what I want.

"Done! You want me to do anything else." I stood up from the chair and walked to him with the files in my hand and put them down on his table. He is looking at the computer. I went beside him and leaned on his table facing him. He pulled my hand and made me fall in his lap. I squealed and felt him adjusting me in his lap. I looked up at him and found him still staring at the screen.

"Stay here. I am almost done." His whisper was sweet. I sighed and put my hands around him and my face in his neck. After five minutes he was done and kissed my forehead before placing me down on my feet and kissing my lips. I smiled at him and we both walked into the lift. "Where do you want to go for the dinner?"

"You want to eat out today too?"

"It's been a month since you joined back in my company and as always you are doing very well. So, I am giving you a treat as your boyfriend."

"Oh, did my boss tell you that I have been doing well?" I teased him. His lips twitched up a little to smile as he looked down at me for a minute before responding.

"No. Actually, your boss said that you have been trying to seduce him at work. Also, he complained a lot about you." A gave him a fake gasp.

"Me. Trying to seduce him? When did I seduce you, mister?" He just stared ahead while the lift is still moving down.

"Every minute. Since now I have moved your desk to my cabin, I have to stop myself every minute."

"Well, I didn't do anything. I just did the work you gave me."

"You don't need to do anything Baby. The way you bite your lips, the way you stretch out your hands and the way your hair falls on your chest and the way you look innocent when you sleep, are more than enough." I just stared at him stunned that he observes all that.

"When did you notice all that? You just always look at your monitor screen whenever I look at you." The lift doors opened and we both walked out as he looked down and winked at me. My heart skipped a beat at that. He is so handsome. He is letting his hair grow a bit then before and is clean shaved. I shaved his beard last Sunday. Even though I like the five O clock shadow he can pull of anything.

"So? Where shall we go?"

"Mc. Donalds."

He kissed my lips and opened the door for me. Once I sat in he went to his side and we are soon in the city traffic.

"So, you like working with me?" I turn to him as I heard him ask.

"Of course, I like working with you. It's just that, I don't like working in your company. I want to explore my area of work."

"I would totally let you do it here."

"I know you would. It's just... You are boyfriend and I just... I don't know. I don't want to be protected, which you always do. No offence by the way." I gave him a small smile.

"You still don't want to you're here then." He said it more to himself than me and then looked at me. I shook my head and pressed my lips together.

We reached there and I stepped out first. We are in the cellar.

"Just wait here. I will park the car and come soon." I nod my head and he was about to drive, but stopped and looked at me. "I love you. You are fired." I looked at him in shock. A grin spread across my face. He smiled back. I am probably the only person who would be happy to be fired. I bent down and kissed his lips.

"Thank you, Baby. I love you too." I pulled back.

"I will be right back." He started driving to park the car. I stood to a side and pulled out my phone to check it. I smiled as I looked at my wallpaper. It's a picture of us both, hugging each other as he clicked the selfie.

I looked up at the sound of harsh driving. There was a car coming in the way and the person was driving very rashly. It all just happened in seconds.

The car was honking loudly and the front lights were on. My eyes widened as I see it's coming towards me before I can move out from the place with shock, I felt it hit me. I don't know what happened after that. I knew I roll from the top of the car and fell down.

My head hit the ground. It hurts everywhere. My legs hurt, my head hurts, my whole body hurts. I let out a whimper. I saw the car stop and the security people walk towards. My vision slowly started to blur. Then I saw Martin running towards me.

"Martin." My voice is nothing but a mere whisper. Just as I saw him run to me with a panicked face, I lost my consciousness.



Hey my cute dumplings!

Sorry for the late update. I am going to update the next chapter today evening. So? Like it? Love it? What do you think? Tell me, please. What do you think will be Martin's reaction?

Please VOTE and COMMENT.

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