Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

Martin Raul Vincento's POV

"Call the ambulance..."

"Move, move, move! We need to get her to the ICU..."

"Sir, you can't come in. You have to wait outside..."

"Let me in!!! LET ME IN!!!"

"She lost a lot of blood-"

"What is her blood group?"

"B negative-"

"Mine is same."

It is all still flashing in my mind. If I didn't leave her there to stand, none of this would have happened. Everything happened because of me. She is lying there with an IV connected because of me. The huge scar on the side of her neck that peaked out of her hospital gown is because of me. There are a few cuts on her body.

What hurts the most is that she doesn't respond when I call her name like she always did. It's scary. Very scary.

Shit! Fuck!

I kept staring at her as I lay on the bed. I donated blood and am still doing. If it's for her, I would give away each and every ounce of the blood in my body to her. I just hope she wakes up. I want to see those beautiful brown orbs. I never knew she has the same blood group as mine.

Her hair is sprawled across the pillow. There is an oxygen mask on her face.

I feel like someone is repeatedly punching me in the stomach like someone is tearing my skin, like my bones are being crushed. No words can explain truly how I feel now though. I never felt so scared. Even when my father was on the hospital bed. Of course, I felt sad, but... not scared. I can't stop staring at her. I don't want to.

A nurse came in and checked the plastic bottle filled with my blood. She held my hand gently to pull out the needle.

"Is that much enough? Don't stop if it's not enough."

"It's enough, sir. We bought some from the blood bank. You will feel weaker if you keep going like this."

"I don't care."

"No Mr. Vincento. You will feel really weak. You have double of what you should and it's not good for health-"

"I don't fucking care about me right now!"

"You take rest." He said and nodded his head at the nurse to remove the needle. "That amount of blood is enough. You don't need to worry." I fell back on the bed, my head turned to my right side as I kept looking at her. "We need to call her parents." I heard his voice.

I don't care anymore. I don't know anything anymore. I just kept looking at her. Everything around me is still fuzzy. I am the one who caused her that. What am I going to tell her mother?

"Son, you need to go home. You can't stay here like this." I am still sitting on the couch of the hospital room. Her condition is still critical. Doctors are still not clarifying anything about her position. I can understand that she is in a very critical state. Her mother is sitting beside me. Her brother went out to bring food.

"I can't. I... can't leave her here and go. I won't. You should eat something. You gave a lot of blood and you are so weak. I can see it on your face."

"No." I don't want anything. Nothing. Only for her to wake up.

"This is not what Celestine would want if she is awake now. She would want you to stay healthy. Come on, eat something." I didn't turn my head away from her, I didn't move my stare away from her. Cara Mia. I felt my gaze become fuzzy. Her mother's voice is becoming weak. I felt dizzy and the next minute I closed my eyes.

Everything around me is in white. Light filled the whole place. I turn around and look up to see my mother. She is standing there in a white dress. Her brown hair is left down and her blue eyes are filled with life like they always do.

"Mom." My voice came out barely as a whisper. I am shocked, at the same time happy. My feet carried me to her.

"Martin, my boy." Her sweet voice and giggle brought a smile on my face.

"Mom." Like a kid, I walked towards her taking longer strides, but she is so far from me. The more I walk towards her, she is going away that far, but still calling me. Then suddenly she disappeared as I was just a few steps away from her. "MOM!!!" I turn around and search for her. My gaze reaching everywhere, but I can't find her. Panic raised in me. Then when I turned to my back, I saw her. My Diana.

She is standing there, looking at me, smiling widely like she always does. She is wearing a white dress and her blond hair is falling down her waist. She is walking towards me. This time I took long strides towards her. I just reached her and was about to touch her when she disappeared.

"Diana!." What is happening? Why can't I find her?

"Martin." Her melodious voice called out and I turned back.

"Diana." She is standing there waiting for me to come to her. My voice came out as a whisper. This time I .almost ran to her and was about to hug her when she disappeared. My hands are still in the air as I rose them to hug her. "Diana. Diana!!!" I shouted loudly. Why is she disappearing?

"Martin." I heard her panicky voice. I can hear her fear. She is frightened and scared. What happened to her? I can't see her! Where did her voice come from? I keep searching and looking for her. There are no walls around me. There is only a white light. I don't know where to search for her.

"Diana. Cara, where are you?!"

"Martin!" I turn back again. She is standing close to me this time. Just two steps away. There is no smile on her face this time. She looks scared. There are tears in her eyes. Why is she crying? I took one step towards her and a dark black hole opened behind her, pulling her into it. I tried to hold her hand, but she is suddenly sucked into it.

"Diana!!! No! No! NOOO!"

I opened my eyes and look around. I am sitting on the hospital bed. My panting slowly came down and then mind start to work again. It was a dream. It was all a dream. Diana! My Diana! I have to see her! I got out of the bed quickly once I pushed the blanket off me. I quickly came out of the room and found the doctor talking to Diana's mother.

"He will wake up any minute now ma'am. You don't have to worry."

"Thank you, doctor." She turned to me and her eyes went wide as she gave me a weak smile.

"Thank God, you are awake. You should be taking rest. Let's go inside."

"No. I had enough rest. How is she?" Her face turned sad. The doctor came beside her.

"She is still the same. Her body should still respond." I just felt numb. I don't know what to do. I don't know how to get her back. This is so... out of hand.

"Mr. Vincento, you should take care of yourself too. You fainted last night."

"Fainted?" I am shocked. I never fainted, not even felt weak.

"Yes. After giving blood, you didn't eat anything and didn't take any healthy food. You were even here without any rest. Your body needs rest. You should go home. At least for a day."

"How many hours was I out?"

"For eight hours." I nodded my head at her answer.

"I want to see her." The doctor, Kevin, hesitated. "Where is she?" He sighed and led me to her room.

Once we are there he left.

"My Baby." I heard her mother beside me. My Diana. I am standing out, looking at her through the glass window. My heart constricted in pain. I don't like this. I don't like seeing her in the hospital bed, lying there like that. The most sickly part is I can't o anything about it. I opened the door and went inside.

Her face looks so pale. There is a gash under her ear. Cotton cloth is rolled around her forehead. There are many tubes connected to her body. I sat beside her on the chair.

I took my time to observe her. Her beautiful face looks peaceful. Her lips are in a very light pink shade. The oxygen mask has covered half of her face. There is beeping sound coming from the monitors beside me. My hand instantly found her and brought it to my lips as I held it with both of my hands. I placed a kiss on her fingers and held them to my cheek.

I kept staring at her. Don't know how long, but I just sat there. I didn't know when a tear rolled down my cheek. This amazing woman is the reason why I feel so alive these days. I felt like I was on top of the world. I felt like I now have a reason to live, or her.

I cupped her cheek with one hand as the other still held her hand to he heart. I leant forward and placed a lingering kiss on her forehead before placing my forehead on hers gently. Then pressed my lips to hers before pulling back and looking at her.

"I am really a bad luck aren't I ?" She didn't respond. "If me going away from you will help you get better. Then that's what I will be doing."

My heart is tearing. I felt like someone cut it. I don't want to leave her in this condition.

"I love you so much, Cara Mia. You are my world. Get well soon." I got up looking at her and placed her hand back on the bed.

I slowly walked out of the room staring at her all the while without turning back. The more I walk away from her, the more pain I am feeling. For Diana. For your Diana, Martin, you should do this? You should stay away from her. You are a danger, you are a bad luck. She doesn't deserve this.

Once I was out of the door, I walked straight out of the hospital. Her mother was not there outside, so she didn't see me.

I love you, Diana. I love you so much. I must walk away from you.


Hey my cute dumplings!

How are you? Sorry for the late update. How is it? Do you guys like it? Or did you feel bored? Tell me, please. I would love to know and your comments are what gives me more spirit.

What do you think Diana will do once she wakes up?

Please VOTE and COMMENT.

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