Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

Diana Thomas's POV

"Mom, come on. Let's go to the hospital cafeteria. You didn't eat anything since yesterday afternoon You even need to take your tablets."

"No. I am fine son. You should go eat. You didn't eat anything too."

"Yes, but I don't need to take tablets. Come on. Please."

"But, Diana..."

"Mom, you need to take care of yourself too. You should not neglect. I know you are not taking your medication since last week. You look weak. Come, eat something."

"Okay." She sounds exhausted.

"When is she going to wake up mom? It's been a month already." A month? I am sleeping for a month now? Why though?

"She will wake up soon."

"I am so bored without her. I miss her." Oh, my dearest brother. "Even Kurt is concerned about her. Greg asked about her. He said he is going to come visit her in two days."

Kurt? Who is Kurt? Who is Greg?

I felt the sense of someone holding my hand firmly. Not too tight that it hurts either. I tried to open my eyes. I felt my hand now being clasped in between two soft palms. I tried hard t open my eyes, but it's hard. I pushed myself to open my eyes. I want to wake up from this state.

I slowly opened my eyes. There is a lot of light which caused me to blink a lot. A whimper left my mouth and the hands holding me leave my hand to hold my shoulders gently.

"Diana. Honey." It's mom. I heard the door open and my eyes slowly adjusted to the bright light. I look at the door and saw my brother. He is looking at me with shock. I look up and found mom looking at me with a wide smile on her face. I gave her a weak smile in return.

"Sis! You scared us to death, you stupid girl." He came and tried to hug me when mom stopped him. She pointed towards me and I look down to find many tubes fixed to my body.

"Oh, Diana! My baby. I was so worried. I am so happy you woke up." I saw my brother pressing the switch to call the nurse. Why am I in the hospital? They both sat on either side of the bed and held my hands. Did I get into an accident? The scars on my hands and legs tell me so though.

"Mo..." My throat is dry that I was not able to talk.

"I will bring water." My brother, Derek left the room. Just as he left a doctor and a nurse came in.

The doctor looks like he is in his early thirties with a nurse who looks younger than him. He came in and gave me a polite smile. I gave one back in return.

"Good morning, Ms. Thomas! How are you feeling?"

"Thirsty." I look behind him and found my brother answering his question as he came to me with a glass of water. He gave it to me and I drank like I just walked out of the desert. Derek took the glass from my hand and sat beside me. "Good morning doctor. I am feeling a little weak."

"It's normal. No need to worry about anything. It's just you have two fractures, nothing that can't be fixed. You will be totally fine in a few weeks." Fractures? How big is the accident that I got into?

"Thank you. Will I be able to go out after two weeks? Cause we have planned a trip to Hawaii for this New Year." I don't want mom and brother to stop because of me. I look at them and found them looking at me in shock.

"Sweetie." Mom came to me to hold my hand. "Which year do you think it is?" I look at her smiling. Why is she asking me which year it is? The doctor is looking at us thinking and waiting for my answer.

"It's 2015 of course. Why?" I am truly puzzled. I don't understand what is happening.

"Oh, my..." Micheal, my brother is holding mom in his arms.

They did many tests after that. I cannot believe I am having memory loss. It's 2017 and I don't remember two years of my life. The only thing that's keeping me sane is my family right now. Mom and Micheal are there here all the time. The reports said that there is no severe head injury and I am totally fine. The memory loss... Amnesia... I might or might not get my memory back.

Amidst all this, I feel like I am missing something. I don't know what it is, but I feel like I have lost something. Maybe that's how it feels when one loss their memory. They have given me medicines and later I am sleeping without a care about the world.

I slowly open my eyes and adjust to the bright light in the room. I am looking at the ceiling.

"I don't understand why Martin left after giving his blood to her." I hear Micheal saying. I turn my face to right and find my mom and him sitting on the couch.

"Who is Martin?" I ask them and they look at me. Mom came to me. She sat on the chair beside me.

"You want something, Sweetie?" She asked looking at me.

"Who is this person that gave his blood to me. I want to thank him." Before mom can say anything, Micheal spoke.

"We don't know him, sis."

"Then how do you know his name?"

"We just know his name, nothing else. He left as soon as he gave blood. Don't worry. We thanked him on your behalf." He said coming to me. I just nod my head at them.


"You want to hear a good news?" I looked at him.

"We can go home in two weeks." He said excitedly.

"Two weeks?! How is that a good news? I hate you!" I almost whine.

"Come on, sis. It's not that boring."

"Hospitals are the boring places in the world."

We just started arguing about random things again. Just like we used to do. Good that at least nothing changed between us. It calmed me down.

Martin Raul Vincento's POV

I put my hand on her cheek. She is sleeping peacefully. Her face got the charm back. Her pale lips are turning their rosy pink. Her hair spread all over the pillow. Greg is outside, talking with her mother and brother.

"So you forgot me." I can't hold it anymore. I can't bear the thought of her not remembering me anymore.

Maybe it's all for good. Now, she won't be searching for me. She will not try to contact me. Was I wishing silently for her to do that once she wakes up? Maybe. She wouldn't even smile at me. I will not be able to look into her eyes while she smiles at me beautifully like she always does.

"I am sorry, Cara Mia."

"You don't have to leave her, you know." I turn around and find her mother. She left the room once she said it. When has she come in?

I want to look into her warm brown eyes once again. But I can't. My lips lingered on her forehead as I breathe in her scent. I am going to miss her scent. I am going to miss her smile. I going to miss her silly things. I am going to miss her blushy face. I am going to miss her. I am going to miss you. So much.

I feel her squirmy lightly in my arms so I stood up having a good look at her one last time and walked backwards to the door.

I don't want to leave.

But, you have to. You don't want to see her in an even worst situation, do you? A voice in my head said.

NO! No!

I quickly left the room and came out. Her mother and Greg are standing there.

"Please give me update about her health every day. I don't want anything happening to her. I will be in contact with you, Ms. Thomas. Take care of her." I said looking at her through the glass wall.

"I will son." She said smiling.

With that, I left the hospital with Greg. My heart feels so heavy.

I love you, My Diana. I miss you already. How am I going to live without you now? If only all of this is not the way it is.

Diana Thomas's POV

Two Months Later

"Here, have them," Micheal said giving me the tablets. Mom has left to the office after we all hand breakfast. I took them from him and drink water.

"Happy?" He smiled at me getting annoyed.

"Yes. Now after five minutes, do not forget to take those tablets as well." He said standing up and going to the door.

"Okay, brother." I salute him sitting on the bed. He shook his head at him and kissed my forehead.

"Bye." He said leaving the room.

"Bye," I said back smiling.

Once he left, I gaze out of my window looking at the passing cars and walking people on the road. Nothing has changed in the past two years I can say. Everything is going well. Micheal has got a new boyfriend, Kurt. He broke up with his last boyfriend Chris. A few things did change, but not much.

I didn't get to meet the person who donated his blood to me. Martin. I pick up my phone and went through the contact that I have found a day ago.


That's it. There is nothing else. Why did I save a contact like that? There are a few mysteries that are left unsaid. I look down through the newspaper searching for any jobs available. I have round up a few jobs. I should find a new job. I can't be sitting at home all day. Still, my mind keeps going to that name. Also, the last call on my call list is from this contact.

Who is MM?


Hey my lovelies!

Oh, my! Diana forgot Martin! No! What do you think will happen now?!

Next chapter is the epilogue! Also, there is a sequel to this book. It is called WANTED BY HIS DIANA. There is so much to come. Hope you guys will support them there as well.

So did you guys like it? Do tell me what you think.

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