Knock Knock...

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Do-hyun: "We were about to close."

Ryo: "Oh."

Do-hyun: "Yes."

He took his jacket and turned off the light. We walked out and he locked the place afterwards.

Do-hyun: "Good bye."

He turned around and left. Just like that. I sighed and also left the place. A total waste of time. I thought. 

I don't know what time it was when I arrived home. I decided to eat a little bit before going to bed, since I hadn't eaten all day. While eating, I decided to check my phone. I had hundreds of massages from my friends and the team. Asking about how I was. My friends seemed to be worried since I hadn't answered back. Yon had also tried calling. I replied them, telling everything was fine and that I was out today. I didn't tell them where. After I had sent the last text, saying that I am going to sleep, I turned off the phone and laid down. It was a long day, which let me fall asleep quickly. 

The sudden bang of a thunder made my senses awake in the dark. 

It's raining... 

Heavy drops of rain and the wind was blowing hard I could tell by the sound of it. My body shifted as I turned the other way my eyes still shut. Between the rain, I believed to have heard a bang. 

It wasn't the thunder. 

I shrugged it off and tried to sleep again.



My eyes shot open this time. I sat up and looked towards my bedroom door. Even if I didn't want to stand up, I had to. I opened the door and looked down the stairs.


There is someone at the door. 

The fact that my dad wasn't there, and I was practically alone at home, made a cold shiver run down my back. Once again there was a bang at the door. It was lauder and made me jump up. I quietly crept downstairs without making a noise with my trembling feet and slowly looked through the window where I could the see the front door. 

There was someone standing in front of the door. I looked closely and saw there were two people. One of them was supporting the other one. He looked injured. I started to panic since I had to make a choice quickly. 

I let out a small breath, my heart was beating fast as I lifted my hand towards the light switch. I turned on the light and walked towards the front door. I took an umbrella for my safety and slowly put my hand on the doorknob. 

I then let go again and opened the lock before opening the door. Small rain drops hit my face as I looked at the two guys at my doors. My eyes went wide when the light hit their face, showing me who it was. He passed me carried the man, who was almost fully knocked out, towards the couch, where he let him fall down.

Ryo: "H-How... Wha...?"

I asked shocked, still not able to process what was happening. The boy looked at me before he passed, walking towards the door to leave again.

Ryo: "Wait!"

I stopped him by holding his arm, which was wet from the rain.

Ryo: "How did you...?"

He looked at me once again before looking away again.

Ryo: "T-Thank you."

I spoke softly.

Jungkook: "He's injured." (YAS! Jungkook! Finally huh? XD)

The boy informed me, once again walking towards the door.

Ryo: "You too."

I spoke as I looked at the cut on his face. He must have other injuries as well. I thought. What happened?

Jungkook: "His ones are worse."

He spoke without looking at me once.

Ryo: "P-Please, stay. It's raining heavily outside. Where will you go."

Jungkook: "I'll manage."

Ryo: "Please, o-only for the night. I-I won't make you surrender."

He only stared at me.

Ryo: "One night?"

He didn't say yes, but he also didn't deny so I took it as a yes.

Ryo: "C-Come on, I'll give you clothes you can change into."

Thankfully, he followed me upstairs. I took the clothes of my dad and gave them to him. After that I showed him where the bathroom was.

Ryo: "Y-You can also shower if you want."

He gave one nod before disappearing inside. 

I quickly ran downstairs to my dad. With a lot of effort, I managed to get my dad into his room. I decided to change him into dry cloths, before he catches a cold. I then took the first aid and Put a bandage on his foot where he was shot. I thought of pulling out the bullet, but it was out already. Maybe Jungkook took it out. 

After a while, I was finished and put the blanket on my dad. I warm smile appeared on my face when I saw him again. 


I looked up at the ceiling, to prevent my tears from falling. I then turned my head and saw Jungkook standing at the door, looking at me.

Ryo: "Ah... yes."

I spoke as I stood up.

Ryo: "Give them to me, they will be dry till tomorrow."

I took his wet clothes and left the room. He followed me. After I hung his clothes to dry, I took him into my room.

Ryo: "You can sleep here."

Jungkook: "That's your room?"

Ryo: "Yes, but don't worry. Sleep here."

I smiled at him before turning around.

Jungkook: "I followed you..."

He spoke, making me stop walking. I turned around again.

Jungkook: "When you left the alley... I followed you."

I started at him in silence. I didn't know how to react.

Jungkook: "To your home."

He said. That's why he knows where I live.

Jungkook: "To the asylum."

He spoke.

Jungkook: "To WoodsIn."

I just stayed silent. Why?

Jungkook: "The guy who kicked you out... was... suspicious. I followed him."


Jungkook: "They had your dad."

Ryo: "What? Why?"

Jungkook: "I don't know."

Ryo: "They? There were more?"

Jungkook: "Two guys."

Ryo: "You got my dad out of there?"

Jungkook: "They won't hurt your dad anymore."

Ryo: "W-What did you do to them?"

He stared at me, not answering.

Ryo: "Jungkook what did you do to them? P-Please tell me you didn't kill them."

His eyes still didn't left mine. After a while of silence he spoke.

Jungkook: "I didn't"

I let out a sigh of relief. He rubbed his face and looked at his hand as he felt something. Blood. His cut.

Ryo: "Wait."

I quickly took tissues and went to him. My hand lifted and went back again. I was unsure if I should touch him. He didn't move, so I thought it was ok and lifted my hand higher, towards his face. Carefully I had wiped the blood away. 

After that I took a small plaster and put it on his cut, which was on one side under his eye. Throughout everything, we kept looking at me in silence, making me feel really strange. After I was done, I quickly backed away.

Ryo: "Good night."

I said and left the room.


Hey guys! 

Here another part, because I let my readers wait a lot in this book XD

Hope you enjoyed ^-^


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