What happend that night?

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I got to the asylum after a drive with the bus and was now standing in front of it. With one hand, I gripped on my bag before I walked in.

Ryo: "Excuse me?"

I called the receptionist.

Receptionist: "Ah, you here again?"

She said smiling.

Ryo: "Yes."

Receptionist: "Who do you want to meet this time?"

Ryo: "Ms. Un."

Receptionist: "She is going to get released soon."

Ryo: "I know."

Receptionist: "Ok, come with me."

She brought me to a small garden. A woman was sitting at the table with a cup of tea.

Receptionist: "That's Ms. Un."

She told me.

Receptionist: "Mr. Un."

The woman looked towards us.

Receptionist: "You have a visitor."

After that, the receptionist left me and Ms. Un alone.

Ms. Un: "Hello dear. I'm afraid I don't know who you are."

Ryo: "Um, yes. I'm Ryo."

I introduced myself to her.

Ryo: "Um, I need your help."

Ms. Un: "Sure?"

Ryo: "You see, my-my dad he's in danger and I need your help."

Ms. Un: "What do you want me to do?"

Ryo: "I want you to answer a few questions. Please tell the truth."

Ms. Un: "Sure."

Ryo: "You once went to a trip for patients from this asylum into the woods?"

Her look became serious as she started to understand what I wanted to know.

Ms. Un: "Yes."

Ryo: "On that trip, a patient died, right?"

Ms. Un: "Yes. She was my friend."

Ryo: "You... and her, together with some other patients stayed in a cabinet, right?"

Ms. Un: "Yes."

Ryo: "Everyone who was in that cabinet is getting murdered. One by one. Something must've happened. Can you... can you please tell me everything?"

Ms. Un looked around and I did the same.

Ryo: "What's wrong?"

Ms. Un: "Let's go into my room."

She then stood up and I followed her.

Ms. Un: "I'm sorry. It's better if not everyone hears it."

She said, once we were in her room.

Ryo: "It's ok. So?"

Ms. Un: "You said everyone is getting killed? I thought they had found the killer of her?"

Ryo: "No, he wasn't the killer. The killer is still out."

The woman looked a bit terrified as she glanced from left to right.

Ryo: "Ms. Un. What do you know?"

Ms. Un: "There was a... a night..."

She started.

Ryo: "What happened that night?"

Ms. Un: "There was... I don't know, something happened and the patients were out of their beds. Only from our cabinet. I think the staff didn't tied us good enough to the bed. Everyone went crazy."

Ryo: "Then?"

Ms. Un: "People... people came in and tried to stop us. With an electro shock stick. They also had guns."

She tried to remember, while I quietly listen to what happened that night.

Ms. Un: "They stopped me from hurting myself. I was fighting back and then... there was a shot..."

She paused before looking at me.

Ms. Un: "A... a staff... he was shot. Accidently, I guess. We were all knocked out after that. When... when we woke up, we found out that the staff was dead."

Ryo: "Why doesn't anyone know about this?"

Ms. Un: "They wanted to save their image. It wouldn't have been good if everyone knew that someone died because of their irresponsibility."

Ryo: "But what happened after the next person died there?"

Ms. Un: "They stayed silent. When we tried to talk, they gave us the shocker. So we stayed silent. They said they had solved the case so there was no need to say something."

Ryo: "But they... forget it. Who was killed by an accident that night?"

Ms. Un: "I'm sorry. I don't remember his name."

Ryo: "I need to find out."

Ms. Un: "But what has all that to do with your dad being in danger? Was he one of those patients too?"

Ryo: "No... he got kidnapped by someone who doesn't want the truth to come out."

I explained.

Ms. Un: "Listen."

She said, getting my attention.

Ms. Un: "In the woods... a staff, which took care of me. She was really nice and somehow we became friends you could say?"

She told me.

Ms. Un: "She still works there. Go there and tell her you are my friend. Her name is Mrs. Chen. Ask her for help and she will. She will find out the name you are looking for, without you having to deal with the boss or so. They wanted to hide everything. They won't give you the name if you ask them."

Ryo: "T-Thank you."

Ms. Un: "No, thank you. Now I know that he will kill me when I'm out of here. The staff all know in which house I'll be staying. But now I'll quickly leave the country, without telling them."

I nodded.

Ms. Un: "Thank you. And good luck. I hope you'll get your dad back soon."

I had left the asylum and took the next bus. I listened to music during the drive and finally, I had arrived. I got out and started walking again.

It was already late when I stood in front of the door. After I had entered, I noticed that the place looked quite empty. A woman passed me smiling and walked out.


I turned back to the front and saw a familiar man standing there. It was that Do-hyun guy, we met last time.

Do-hyun: "Ah, it's you. Ryo, right?"

He asked.

Ryo: "Ah yes, that's me."

Do-hyun: "What are you doing here?"

Ryo: "I have a question."

He frowned his brows and waited. Should I ask him? Or talk to Mrs. Chen?

Ryo: "Um... is Mrs. Chen here?"

Do-hyun: "No. What do you want from her?"

Ryo: "Nothing. I just wanted to ask her something."

Do-hyun: "Is it about the trip with the patients?"

Ryo: "It's not important."

I laughed it off. But I stopped when I saw that Do-hyun wasn't buying it. He cleared his throat and spoke again.

Do-hyun: "Um, I think you should leave."


Hey guys!

It's been a while but here is a new chapter.

As always, I hope you like it ^-^

Bye :)

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