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' You wanna start a war '

Fog of war
Season 2 episode 6
Part 1


"Okay tell me again." Bellamy said a I drew a map of mount weather.

"It's a labyrinth. We got to the dam through this tunnel. It's all connected to the mine system. That's our way in." I said to him pointing the mines tunnels.

"Sure, if we can get past the reapers and the mountain men. I swear to God, if your mom and Clarke doesn't sanction a mission soon I'm going by myself." Bellamy said making me shake my head.

"No you're not. It's way too far dangerous going alone." I told Bellamy.

"I can protect myself." He said to me.

"You won't be by yourself." I said to Bellamy as he shake his head to me, I glance over to Abby and mom and Clarke who got back as she escaped from Mount weather almost the same way like me but in a difficult way. Saying she used a key card and actually escaped like that, I don't know. I haven't told her about Finn yet.

"I guess the inquisitions over." He said to me.

"How's Finn doing anyways?" He asked me making me shrug my shoulders.

"Don't know, he's been with Clarke and I haven't spoken to him yet." I said to trying not to talk about it but he looked at me making me shrug my shoulders again.

"What? I don't know what to say to him? Should say, hey. Would you like to talk about your shooting  grounders? Or how about. Do you feel good about killing them? I'm terrible at talking to people." I said to Bellamy.

"You're good talking to me." He said making me tilting my head to one side putting the are you kidding me look.

"He just kept shooting at them." I said to him.

"We're at war, Madison."

"Dot you think I know that." I said.

"We've all done things." Bellamy told me.

"Hey." Finn said out of nowhere making me nod but not look at him.

"Hey." Bellamy said to him before he looked at Finn then me.

"Next round is on me." Bellamy said as he got up and walked away leaving me with Finn. I'm going to kill him.

"Mount weather?" Finn asked me making me nod at him as I looked at the map.

"What's the plan?"

"Still working on it." I said straight forward.

"Ah, check it out. Salvaged Monty's still from the drop ship." Murphy said out of nowhere coming to stand in front of me before taking a seat. As much as I hate him he saved me from crisis.

"Now, I guess, you know, if they could just salvage Monty, huh? Heh." Murphy said before I immediately glared at him.

"Easy, it was just a joke." Murphy said sipping his drink.

"Okay, you tell her we're cleared?" Murphy asked Finn.

"No." He said to him as he looked at me.

"Well, looks like our pardon for surviving includes our time on the ground. Now bigger fish to fry, I guess." Murphy said as I looked down not looking at either one of them.

"We did what we had to do." Finn said as I felt his eye on my but I didn't look up once.

"I gotta go." Finn said before getting up and walking away as he left me with Murphy alone in the table as i waited for Bellamy. Murphy whistle making me roll my eyes at him.

"Trouble in paradise?" He asked me making me sigh.

"Just because they pardoned you, doesn't mean I have." I said to him a she just looked at me.

"Okay." He whispered next me. I hate this dude so much right now.

"Madison." Raven said coming up to me.

"Beat or, Murphy." She said as Murphy left my side as walked off to god knows where.

"I know why we haven't heard from any of the other Ark stations." She said as I leaned in and frown.

"Why?" I asked her.

"Mount weather is jamming us." She said to me.

"Have you told Bellamy or Clarke?" I asked as she shook her head.

"Hey." Bellamy said before I got up.

"Get Clarke and meet us at the mechanic." I said to him before turning to Raven.

"Show me." I said to her before I followed her to the mechanic, I shouldn't be the one making the plans and leading our people out to danger.

I'm not a leader Bellamy thinks I am but I think him and Clarke are, they should plan everything I'm just a follower I can't do all everything, I'm not strong enough. Anya was right I am weak.

"Okay, why do you have?" Clarke asked Raven.

"I tweaked the resonator and got this." She said with the radio as it just made noise.

"It's on every frequency. Long-range communication is totally screwed. It's also why the range on our walkies sucks. It's the same signal Monty heard on the black box of the exodus ship." Reven told us.

"Mount Weather crashed the exodus ship?" Clarke asked her making ravenous shake her head.

"Can you get around the signal?" Clarke asked.

"Around it? No. But if I can get to the tower that broadcasts it-I can mark it go boom." Raven said making me and Clarke nod our heads.

"No one is going anywhere." Clarke's mom said to her.

"Mom, listen to me-," Clarke said but her mother interrupted her as Byrne was behind her.

"What do I have to do to get through to you?" Clarke asked her.

"You and your friends are not soldiers, and continuing to act like you are... puts lives at risk." She told Clarke.

"You don't understand." Clarke said to her mom before turning to Raven.

"Raven found something. Mount Weather is jamming out communications." Clarke said as her mom just had a blank expression.

"It's true. There could be other stations on the ground." Raven said.

"And more guards. You said se don't have enough people to fight a two-front war." Clarke said to her mom.

"Mom, we're already fighting one." Clarke told her mom.

"The grounders retaliation for the massacre could happen at any time. When it does, we need every available man to defend this camp." Byrne said to us.

"So let us go." I said butting myself into the conversation.

"You're not gonna stop, are you?" Abby asked Clarke.

"Not until my friends are safe." Clarke said as she and her mom stared at each other before her mom spoke up.

"Okay." She said making me sigh as a relief.

"But I'm coming with you." Abby said to Clarke.

"Ma'am, I just said-," Byrne said but Abby cut her off.

"It's been quiet for Two days. Maybe Kane is making headway with the grounders commander." Abby said to her.

"Or maybe he's dead and they're massing against us as we speak." Byrne try to convince Abby.

"Maybe, which is why we need more guards." Abby said before she turned back to Clarke.

"Then it's settled. We're going back to Mount Weather."

"I can't believe they let Finn come." Octavia said to me and her brother as we walked through the woods as I turn to look at Finn walking alone.

"He's the best tracker we've got." Bellamy said to her.

"Don't forget to look up. The grounders use the trees." Bellamy warned the others.

"That's how we lost John Mbege." Bellamy said to them.

"I can't believe we are doing this." I said letting out a sigh.

"Never thought I'd go back to Mount Weather. I escaped Mount Weather-but now I'm going back there." I said to them as we walked further more.

"But now it's to save my friends. My friends that I abandoned with some crazy people." I said to them.

"You didn't abandon them, you left to find a way to let them escape." Octavia said to me before we stopped our tracks as Raven used a binoculars to see up the mountain where Mount Weather is.

"There. I see it." Raven said pointing to the mountains.

"Here." Clarke said to Raven as she handed the binoculars to Clarke. Clarke saw through them before turning back to us.

"It'll be dark soon. We'll never spot the traps. We should set up camp here." Clarke said to her mom.

"Leave at first light." Clarke said.

"We're missing two." Clarke's mom said making me turn to look at her.

"Where the hell are they?" She asked us.

"Bellamy, Octavia!" One of the guards yell.

"Clarke, we are in enemy territory, and their lives are my responsibility." She said as she turned to me. "I had no idea they left. I was too busy paying attention to you guys. And I have no idea what's going on." I said telling the truth. I don't know what Bellamy, Octavia, and Clarke are up to and I think it's better this way.

"They went to find a way in." Clarke said making my eyes go wide open in disbelief.

"What?! You let them go there, knowing how dangerous it is. Are you out of your mind?" I said to Clarke.

"A way in? That's not what this mission is about." Abby told her Clarke.

"It is for them." Clarke said before her mom but her inside cheek and turn to one of the guards.

"Find them. Bring them back." She said to him.

"Yes, ma'am. You two with me. Let's go." He said.

"Clarke, why would you do that and not tell me?" I asked her.

"Because Bellamy and I knew how you react. Damn right. It's too dangerous to go in." I said to her.

"Don't you think I know that. Bellamy wanted to, and Octavia wants to get our friends out." She told with a shrug.

"You could've told me. As much as I hate a plan like that I would've agree on that if it means finding a way in to save our friends." I told her.

"I thought you wouldn't like it." She said shrugging her shoulders.

"I'm your friend you could have told me either way." I said as she nodded.

"Next time I'll tell you." She said to me making me shake my head no.

"There's no next time." I said to her.

"This is our only chance to find a way in to save everyone in there." I said to her.

"Did you know Anya was being one of their experiments in Mount Weather?" I told her as she shrug her head.

"No, I didn't."

"Well yeah, I escaped with her. It wasn't the plan but I did. Anyways, I tried to make amends with her to gather her commander and unite our forces together I had it all planned out. I let her go but she didn't make it far when one of the guys shot her and then shot. I tried to save her. But I couldn't. So there's no peace." I said to her with a shrug.

"We will find peace one way or another. And if we can. We will save our people and theirs together." She said to me giving me a soft smile.

"I'm worried." I said to her making her frown.

"About my dad. I haven't seen him. I want to know if he's alive," I said to her as I saw her expression change.

"I want to know if he's safe. He was outside the walls the day the explosion happened and kill all three hundred of the grounders. If my dad was there-," I said cutting myself off not wanting to finish the sentence.

"If he was there when the fire happened." I said before I looked down playing with my fingers.

"Your dad is alive, okay. He is. Don't think any of it." She told me with a smile.

"Yeah." I said to her before she hugged me.

"Hey, I'm going to talk to Finn." She said to me making me nod.

"Yeah, okay." I said to her as she pulled away giving me a small smile before heading to talk to Finn as I just stood in my same spot looking up at the mountains where Mount Weather is.

This is gonna be a hell of a ride.

It's been way too long being here. "How are they not back?" I said as me, Raven and Clarke's mom, we're being stuck inside the tent because of the fog.

"Clarke went chasing Finn, Bellamy, Octavia are somewhere god know where and the guards chasing after them." I said to them as Abby tried to contact Clarke but it wasn't working.

"Is it over?" I asked them.

"Uh-, I don't know?" Raven said shrugging her shoulders.

"Should we check?" I asked before she Abby opened slightly and the acid fog was already gone.

"Thank god." I said as she unzips the tent and we all go out.

"How can we ever get rid of acid fog? Where does it come from?" I asked wanting to know exactly where, how, does it come from and why? All those questions are running are my head wanting to know more about it.

"Do you think they found a way in?" Raven asked me making me shrug my shoulders.

"Honestly I have no clue. I don't even know if they made far to find out a way into Mount Weather." I said to her.

"It's a bad idea, when I came out it was hard. I almost got eaten by Reapers." I told her.

"Really!" She asked me making me nod.

"Yeah, but the mountain men use something like a noise and it hurt them. Maybe a sound radiation that could hurt only reapers." I said to her shrugging my shoulders.

"It's hard to escape that hell whole. Now, getting is the hardest I guess." I said to Raven letting out a sigh.

"Hey got a question?" I said to her as she nodded.

"Hit me." She said to me.

"Do you think someone would forgive you for something that you didn't do? Or if they would ever tell you the truth?" I asked her as she gave me a frown.

"Where is this coming from?" She asked me making me sigh before turning to see Abby with the guards talking.

"M-my mom told me that Abby, Jaha, and Clarke were they're when they sent ny dad to earth and his all of that from my mon lying about him being floated." I said to her.

"Why would they be there?" She asked me making me hesitate.

"Because my dad killed Clarke's dad because he found out he was having an affair with my mother." I told her as she made a 'O' sound.

"Yep." I said with a p sound.

"Abby and Clarke know but they are always so nice to me and everything. My question is why? My dad killed him?" I said to her as she placed her hand on my shoulder.

"It wasn't your fault. You didn't really know why. And I guess because no one could hate you. You're sweet, nice, caring and you look like a person who would sacrifice everything for every person you care about." She said to me giving me a smile, before i saw Clarke coming back with Finn. Clarke's mom ran up to her daughter and hugged her.

"Bellamy and Octavia?" Clarke asked us.

"They know to rendezvous here." Abby said to her daughter.

"Have you tried to radio?" Clarke asked.

"Still jammed." Raven said.

"You didn't blow the tower." Clarke asked turning to look her.

"Raven figured out a way that we could listen to Mount Weather. If we took out the antenna, we wouldn't be able to do that." I butted into the conversation making Clarke turn to me.

"What about the other Ark stations?" Clarke asked.

"We don't know if they made it. What we do know is that forty-seven of our people are being held prisoner in that mountain. We're gonna get them out." Abby said as Clarke hugged her daughter making me smile.

"Love is in the air." I said to Raven making her laugh. I turned to Finn who had a sad face.

"I'm sorry," he said making me nod.

"We all have battles scars, Finn. Suck it up." I said with a smile before hugging him tightly.

"You don't have to be sorry, everyone makes mistakes. Even bad ones." I said to him.

"Help!" We heard from a far making a guard run towards the woods. Making me pull away from Finn.

"Stay here, chancellor." They said. "Help me!" The man said again.

"Show us your hands." They said holding the gun towards the man that's walking towards us. He walked closer as he was cover it blood but yet I recognized him.

It was Jaha, the one who sent my dad to the ground to die. He didn't even know if it was survivable.

"Stand down," he said as he came towards a fully surprised Clarke, Abby, Raven and Finn, including me. He fell to the ground looking into the mountains breathing heavily.

"I have a message from the commander." Jaha said making all of us look at each other.

"Leave..." he said to us.

"Or die." He said breathing heavily once again.

"We have two days two decide."

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