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' You wanna start a war '

Long into an Abyss
Season 2 episode 7
Part 1

"By now, you've all heard the rumor. And unfortunately, it's true. The grounders are coming." Abby said as Jaha was standing beside her as people were murmuring with each other.

"We have a difficult decision to make. Thankfully, chancellor Jaha has found his way back to us. And we're discussing all the options." Abby said making me whisper to Clarke.

"Is he still the chancellor?" I asked as she gave me just a shrug.

"But to be safe... you need to pack. Now. Whatever you can carry. We may need to leave at a moments notice." Jaha said to all of us making me roll my eyes.

"Where will we go?" One of them asked him.

"I don't know, is the answer." Jaha said making me turn to the others.

"But I heard of a place. A city of light. It's across the dead zone." Jaha said making me scoff.

"What makes you think we'll make it there?" A man asked him.

"Because we made it here." He said to them.

"I have faith. And right now, given the alternative. That's good enough for me." Jaha said to them before I walked forward.

"Not for us." I said making everyone look at me.

"If we leave, what happens to our people in Mount Weather?" I asked Jaha.

"As Abby said... that is a very difficult decision to make. But the time has come for each and every one of us to ask is this how the story of our people ends?" Jaha said making me scoff.

"Did we come all this way just to die tomorrow?" He asked them.

"Because if we're not honest by the time that sun rises, that is exactly what will happen." Jaha said making me turn to Clarke.

"We have to do something." I said to her.

"I know." She said to me.

"No decisions been made. In the meantime, please report to your station supervisor and gather emergency supplies." Abby said before everyone began to leave.

"We need to talk to your mom now." I said before walking when someone grabbed my arm.

"Hey." Bellamy said to me.

"Hey, where have you been?" Clarke and I asked him.

"In the drop ship. You need to come back with me." She said to me making me frown.

"Why? What's happened?" I asked him.

"I'll explain in the way. Bring a med kit. Meet me at the Ravens gate." Bellamy said to Clarke as she walked away.

"Are you okay?" I asked him.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He said making me nod.

"Where's Octavia?" I asked him.

"Back at the drop ship." He said to me making me nod.

"Come on, let's go."

        I climbed up the stairs at the drop ship as I looked at Octavia, giving her a smile. Before I heard loud grunting making me jump slightly.

"Holy, crap." I mumbled as I looked at a very crazy tied up Lincoln, as he trying to come towards me as Bellamy came beside me.

"It's okay. It's okay. He's been restrained." He said to me as Clarke came beside us.

"I can't believe we're back here again." Clarke said making me let out a sigh before I nodded.

"Can you help him?" Octavia asked Clarke as she was again the drop ship.

"I don't know." Clarke said shaking her head.

"I knew Mount Weather controlled the reapers." I said to them as I looked at Lincoln.

"I had no idea they were creating them." I said looking at a very angry Lincoln. His eyes were red.

"If they can do that to Lincoln, what are they doing to our friends?" Bellamy said beside me making me sigh. Lincoln began to scream as he tried to get out of the chains.

"He's convulsing." Clarke said.

"So, what does it mean?" Octavia said as she held the flashlight.

"What happened to his leg?" Clarke asked as I looked at Lincoln's injured leg.

"I shot him." She said making me turn to her.

"Clarke, he's lost a lot of blood." Bellamy said as Clarke walked a little closer as he growled at her making step back.

"Can you shine the light on his neck?" Clarke asked Octavia as she did. He had needle marks all over his neck, they were injecting him.

"You think he's been drugged?" Bellamy asked.

"Maybe." Clarke said to us before I heard the chain
break as Lincoln attacked Clarke.

"Lincoln." Octavia said as she ran towards only being pushed harshly to the other side of the drop ship. Bellamy tried to fight him off the get Clarke but he was too strong.

I ran to the other side and hit Lincoln by hit leg where he was shot as he let out a growl before attacking me as I hit my back against a pole making me grunt.

He took off the chain off his neck as he tried to attack Bellamy but he was still restrain by his feets. He then turn to me tax he grabbed my leg as I tried to kick his hand off me but he was too strong.

"Guys help!" I yelled as I tried to pull away but he kept pulling me closer. Bellamy attacked him with stun gun and attacked Lincoln but he grabbed Bellamy and pushed him hard down to the floor letting me go.

I got up and tried to push him off of Bellamy but Lincoln hit me hard in the face and pushed me making me groan in pain. He began to him Bellamy repeatedly again and again.

"No! Ugh!" Clarke said but Lincoln pushed her off. Octavia hit a metal stick making Lincoln look up and then she smacked him with it making him fall down as I had the time to get up and help Bellamy up.

"You okay?" I immediately asked him as he gave me a nod. 

"Get to work." Clarke said as she walked up to Lincoln and began to clean the injury of his leg as Bellamy grabbed the little small bag of medicine.

"We have to stop the bleeding and get the bullet out. Hold his leg down." She order me as  Octavia gave him water and I held his leg down.

"Ssh." She said to him as she gave him water, before Lincoln moved and bite Octavia making her scream in pain as he grunts.

"I'll get some more." She said as she walked off and going down to get more.

"I know it's hard for her to see this." I said as I looked at Lincoln.

"I would to. She has a connection with him and seeing him like this hurts her to watch." I mumbled looking at Lincoln as he kept moving before Bellamy turn to me and gave me a glance.

"W-what?" I asked making him shake his head.

"Nothing." He said making me nod.

"I need to disinfect it." Clarke said pouring alcohol on a cloth before she put it on his injury as he let out a scream and began to move making me jump softly.

"He's going to be all right, right?" I asked Clarke raising my eye brows.

"I think so. I don't know." She said to me tying his leg where is wound is.

"Your mom would be proud." Bellamy said as I smiled at Clarke.

"My mom would know how to save him." Clarke said to us as we stood up from the ground before Octavia came back, but she didn't come alone. She came with a grounder. Bellamy immediately grabbed his gun pushing me behind him as he protected me.

"Bellamy, don't. He's Lincoln's friend and their healer." Octavia said before I look down and saw Lincoln seizing.

"He's seizing again, Clarke." I said as she went towards him and she turned him to his side. Bellamy lowered the gun and the grounder came in kneeling down to Lincoln as he picked up a little bottle of medicine.

"What is that?" Clarke asked him but he ignored her.

"Yu gonplei ste odon." The grounder said to Lincoln as I frown. I know those words I heard them more than once.

Anya said them twice.

She said it when we were in the tunnels and when-, oh my god.

"Stop." I said putting my hand out before the liquid touched Lincoln.

"Yu gonplei ste odon." I repeated to him before looking at Lincoln's friend with a glare. He took out his knife as Bellamy held the gun up again.

"Back off, right now." He angrily said to the grounder.

"It's what they say before death." I told them before looking at them.

"He's not trying to heal him." I said as I turned back to the grounder.

"He's trying to kill him." I said as we held eye contact.

"Nyko." Octavia said as Nyko turned to her.

"Is it true?" She asked him as he didn't even hesitate to tell her.

"Yes." He said to her.

"Death is the only way." He said to her.

"Hold on. There could be a way to bring him back." Clarke told him.

"None that I've ever seen." Nyko told Clarke he said as he dropped his knife before hearing Finn's voice.

"We have to go. The camps leaving." Finn said before he made eye contact with the grounder.

"You!" Nyko yelled.

"We have to stop-," Finn said before Nyko ran towards Finn pushing him against the wall and straggling him by the throat.

Nyko said some in grounder language that I don't understand. "Get off him!" Bellamy said holding the gun up.

"You slaughter my people. Elders. Children." Nyko said as he had Finn.

"Stop it." Bellamy said to him.

"Innocents." He said.

"Nyko, you're killing him." Octavia said trying to stop him.

"Blood must have blood!" Nyko said to us.

"Bellamy, shoot him!" I said to him.

"Get out of the way!" Bellamy said to Octavia.

"You're not going to shoot him!" Octavia said to her brother as she was in between them trying to break it apart.

"Move now!"

"No!" Both Octavia and Bellamy yelled at each other.

"Move." Bellamy said before Clarke used the stun gun on Nyko as he dropped to the ground letting Finn go.

Everyone went quiet, as all we heard was our breathing going on.

"Lincoln?" Octavia said running to him as she knelt down.

"He's not breathing?" Octavia said as Clarke ran to him and knelt down checking his pulse.

"His heart stopped. Move." She said as Octavia moved and Clarke began to start CPR on him, as she didn't stop. She kept going trying to bring him back. Before we heard a gasp leaving Lincoln's lips making me let out a sigh.

"He was dead. How did you do that?" Nyko asked Clarke.

"You've tried being in reapers back before?" I asked Nyko and he nodded.

"And they died like this." Clarke said again.

"What is it?" Bellamy asked me.

"I know how to stop the attack." I said to them looking at all of them.

"How?" He said as I looked at him.

"It's sounds crazy." I said to them.

"But it's worth the risk. We could end it all and save both our people." I said to them before I turn to Clarke.

"But I'm going to need your help." I said to Clarke.


"Because we have to get through your mom."

"Where have you been we're leaving." My mom said to us as we walked back to the camp.

"I know how to stop the attack." I said to her as Abby came in with Jaha.

"What are you talking about?" Abby asked.

"We haven't negotiated with grounders because we haven't had anything to offer." I said to her.

"The biggest threat they face is the reapers." Clarke said filling in.

"I think we may be able to eliminate that threat for them once and for all." I said to Abby as she looked at my mom and Jaha.

"How?" She asked us.

"Abby." Jaha said to her.

"You can't seriously-," Jaha said before a women Interrupted.

"Over there!" She yelled making all of us turn to that direction.

From distance it was fire. More than one. Coming from every direction. You could see them clearly.

"They're here." Jaha said referring to the grounders. They came, they came to our camp.

Not just a few but the whole grounders came with their torches.

      "They're not attacking yet, which means we still have time." Clarke told her mom.

"We have two hours till dawn." Abby said.

"Let me and Clarke talk tot he commander. We make a pretty good team." I said to Abby.

"She was Anya's second. Maybe she'll listen." I said to Abby.

"We don't know if the commander is here."

"Yes, we do. Nyko told us. You have to at least let them try." Finn said trying to help us out.

"Abby, we're wasting time." Jaha said making me roll my eyes at him.

"Give me the authority now." He said to her as she stopped him.

"Hold on." She said to him.

"Clarke, You said that Lincoln is going withdrawal. We don't even know what he's withdrawing from. The detox alone could kill him." Abby said to her daughter.

"That's where you come in." "What if I can't save him?" She asked her.

"That's not an option." Clarke said to her mom.

"We are risking everything on a bluff." Jaha said.

"How do you know it's a bluff?" I asked him raising my eyebrows at him but he didn't reply.

"Abby, we have an out. We have a way to save the lives of our people." Jaha said to Clarke's mom.

"Not all of them." Finn said. "We will come back to save the kids inside Mount Weather." Jaha said making me snap.

"We all know that's not gonna happen." I said to him.

"Abby, this has gone on long enough." Jaha said to Abby.

"If you do not give the order to begin the exodus, you are killing us all." He said as we all look at them.

"I'm sorry." She said to him.

"I can't give that order." She said to him as he lean towards her whispering something to her I couldn't quite catch.

"This is ridiculous." I said letting out a sigh.

"Madison. This is hard okay."

"No, it's not mom. I left my friends to die at Mount Weather I'm not running away. They want war well war they will have. I'm not going down without a fight." I said to my mom as she saw the way I saw all those words, words she never thought I would say but I did.

"You're a child." She said to me.

"I stop being a child when he sent us down he  to die."I said to her as I pointed at Jaha.

"I am the elected chancellor of the ark and I'm not going to let you risk the lives of my people, understand?" Jaha said sternly to Abby.

"I am going to ask you again, give the order to begin the exodus." Jaha said once again but Abby declined him once again.

"No. Are you through yet?" She asked him, he looked up at us before walking towards the guards.

"Sergeant Miller." He said to him.

"Major Byrne." He said to them.

"I am relieving Dr. Griffin of her command." He said turning to face us.

"Place these four into custody, but make sure that they are ready to leave with the rest of us. Within the hour." He ordered the guards but they didn't move at all, the stood there.

"Right now, major! Or the blood of everyone in this will be on your hands too." He told her angrily, Byrne didn't even flinch when he yelled angrily.

"Major Byrne, sergeant Miller." Abby spoke up.

"Put chancellor Jaha in the stockade." Abby said to them, they didn't move for a while.

"Yes, ma'am." Byrne said to her as they grabbed Jaha from the arms and tied him up.

"Everything we did to survive. You're just throwing it all away. Why?" He asked.

"Because I have faith too." Abby said to Jaha.

"In my daughter. And in Madison." She said to Jaha making me turn to look at her with a soft smile that appeared on my face.

"Thank you." Clarke said to her mom.

"I'll send the guard detail with you." She said looking between both of us, but I shook my head.

"No, they'll see it as a threat. We have to do this on our own." I said to her as I look at my mom.

"Finn will take you to Lincoln."

"If you're wrong. All of us are gonna die." She said to me.

"I have faith too." I said to her with a smile.

"Let's go." I said as we walked out of the council room and made our way out from the ark and out.

"Open the gate." Abby said to the guard as they opened the door as I saw four grounders.

"Be careful," they told us making me nod. I looked at Clarke then at the grounders as they waited for us to go with them.

"This has to work." I said to her before we began to walk with the grounders into the tigers cage where everything had began when we first arrived.

I was scared. But we need to do this to find peace for each other no more war. And work together to save our people from Mount Weather. We aren't the enemy anymore. It's Mount Weather and them using our people for experiments.

They're either killing my friends or turning grounders into reapers. Or controlling the reapers. We made it to a tent where it revealed more grounders, and one of them a talk one was standing right in front of me and Clarke.

"If you so much as look at her the wrong way, I will slit your throat." He said in a very scary threaten way making me swallow my guts. I just simply nod.

As he moved and lead the way inside the tent. I saw a women sitting in a chair playing with a knife, she had her face covered with black paint and something small on her forehead.

"You're the ones who burned three hundred of my warriors alive." She said to us.

"Yeah, because they wanted to kill us." I said to her.

"You're the one who sent them to kill us." Clarke said to her, the commander placed the knife down and looked at me and Clarke.

"Do you have an answer for me, Clarke, Madison, of the sky people." She said to us.

"We've came to make you an offer." I said to her.

"This is not a negotiation." She said before a women beside spoke up talking in grounder language. Lincoln should teach me like he's teaching Octavia.

"We can help you beat Mount Weather." Clarke said to her as she placed her hands on her knees.

"Go on." She said as Clarke turn to me so I can have a chance to speak again.

"Hundreds of your people are trapped inside Mount Weather. Kept in cages. Their blood is used as medicine." I said to her as she gave me a stare.

"How do you know this?" She asked me.

"Because I saw them. My people are prisoners there too. Clarke and I were one of them. But we escaped." I said before the women beside spoke up.

"Lies." She said to me giving me a glare.

"No one escaped the mountain." She said to me making me nod.

"I did. With Anya. We fought our way out together." I said to her before the women beside interrupted again.

"Another lie. Anya died in a fire. You killed her." She said making me let out a sigh before reaching into my pocket but I stopped when they began to hold their swords.

"Relax." I said softly before I slowly took out a piece of hair I took from Anya's hair.

"She told me you were her second. I'm sure she'd want you to have this." I said walking slowly before her other guy who threatened me stopped me but she stopped him and I walked to her and gave Anya's hair to her.

"We don't know it's hers." The women said making the commander speak in grounder language.

"Anya was my mentor before I was called to lead my people." She placing the hair besides her.

"Did she die well?" She asked me as I turn to Clarke.

"Yes." I said.

"By my side. Trying to get a message to you." I said.

"What message?" She asked me.

"The only way to save both our people is to join together."

"Those who are about to die will say anything." The women said to me.

"I'm still waiting for an offer." She said to us.

"The mountain men are turning your people into reapers. I can turn them back." Clarke told her making me nod agreeing with Clarke. The grounder told something to her leader angrily by the sound of her voice.

"I've done it with Lincoln." Clarke said.

"That traitor is the reason..." the grounder said standing in front of us.


  "My village was slaughtered by your people." Indra said to us before the commander snapped as Indra glared at Clarke and I before walking off. The commander stepped down and walked in front of Clarke mostly close.

"You say you can turn reapers back into men?" She asked Clarke.

"Yes." Clarke responded to her.

"Then prove it. Show me Lincoln."

Please let this work. Please let Abby bring back Lincoln. This has to work or we did this for nothing. Come on, we didn't go through this just so we could die. We need this to work together.

A chance to find peace with each other, no war. Everyone get along.

"This way." Clarke said as we walked inside the drop ship as the grounders follow behind.

"Hopefully this worked." I whispered to Clarke who gave me a nod agreeing with me about this working and having the grounders on our side. We climbed the ladder as I made eye contact with Bellamy as I looked at Octavia who cried as she did CPR to Lincoln. I saw Abby she shook her head. It didn't work, this was all for nothing. I turned to Bellamy who was kneeling across Octavia.

"Are you okay?" He whispered to me as I gave him a nod. I turned to look at the commander who was already looking at me and Clarke and Indra entered who immediately looked at her commander. This is going to end really bad.

"Kill them all!" Indra order as the grounders took out their swords.

Bellamy stood up and held the gun to the grounder as everyone took their weapon except me since I don't remember where I put mine.

"Just wait. Please, you don't have to do this." I said walking closer but Bellamy pull me back by my arm.

"You lied." She said to Clarke.

"And you're out of time." She said to us making me shake my head. Before Abby turned the stun gun on and immediately used it on Lincoln, I gasped on the sight of it.

"Hit him again." Clarke told her mom as her mom did she did it again as I heard a gasp coming from Lincoln's lips, he fought his breath. Octavia crawled towards him as she had tears in her eyes.

"Lincoln." She said as Lincoln turn to her.

"Octavia." He said in a weak voice. I smiled as it worked and the grounders out their swords away and the commander gave me a nod making me nod back at him.

It worked, we finally could end Mount Weather together as a group.

We could end everything once in for all and have peace.

How do you like this chapter? Madison and Clarke make a good team.


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