iv. you hold your breath

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( Four - War of hearts )

NAVY BLUE SKIES matched the sea below. Cotton clouds were like sheep, the ones people would count whenever they could not fall into slumber. Having trouble sleeping, it caused Autumn to take in the beauties of the night a little more. She loved how the owls would act like kings on tall trees, patrolling the area.

It had been weeks after the argument. Blythe and Pan stopped talking ever since, they never dared to look at each other's way either. They had hurt each other critically. One physically and one mentally.

Staring mindlessly at the dimly lit scenery, the moon towered above Neverland, shining its glowing light downwards. Autumn closed her eyes. She decided that she didn't want to leave just yet. For, she didn't know what laid beyond Neverland.

What if it was dangerous out there? With no one by her side, it would be far too life threatening. The chilly winds nipped at her nose. River had told Autumn that Pan controlled the weather. At first, she found it hard to believe. For nature could not be controlled by a human.

But, that night proved her wrong. A winterish weather began to brew, for as long as Pan stayed low-spirited, a storm would surely begin to grow.

Autumn was far too curious, it often got to the best of her. She wanted to put an end to the tension that hung about. It ached her to see the boys she grew fond with, become affected by the bad blood between Blythe and Pan.

If she were to act, and try to fix everything, it would take a lot of courage. Autumn didn't even know where to start. Thinking deeply, wolves howled in the distance.

Autumn knew the lost boys fairly well, they all had their fair shares of laughter. But, there was one she had yet to talk to. And that was their leader, Pan. But with how bitter he was all the time, she found it hard to interact with him.

Like a puzzle, she was determined to figure out the pieces and try to help Pan. It definitely seemed like he needed it. Coping on his own was crushing his soul each day.

Just as a new thought popped into her mind, an enchanting melody stopped it from processing. The notes ranged from high to low, stretching far out and into the woods. It felt ever so near. But, there was no one next to her.

Following the bewitching melody- Autumn felt waves of sorrow. Whoever was playing it, was troubled. The music almost told a story, dissipating despair into the atmosphere.

Knitting her eyebrows together, her lips parted. It led her to Pan's tent. She knew she was strictly forbidden to enter it, yet the melody lured her in. Through the slitted opening of the tent, she could see Pan sitting crossed legged on a tree stump. His fingers glided across the flute, gently swaying to each note.

But, then he stopped.

Lowering the instrument, Pan cleared his throat, "What are you doing here Autumn?"

Exhaling Autumn answered. "I found the music extremely beautiful. So, I decided to follow it and it led me to you."

"Okay, well now you've found the source. You may leave and go back to sleep." Pan never once shifted on his seat. His figure was rigid, clearly wanting some time alone.

But she stayed put. "No, I can't sleep." She fiddled with her fingers. "I want to stay- you're very talented you know, I'd like to see you play once more. Continue as if I never found you."

He liked the idea of her staying. However, he chose not to show it, and dryly responded, "Autumn. I told you to leave." Through gritted teeth, Pan continued to face away from her.

Squeezing his eyes shut, he couldn't let her see his tears. Biting the inside of his cheeks, Pan's hands trembled. But, he couldn't master the courage to speak. For all he could think of was Wendy, and Tinkerbelle.

"You don't have to be ashamed of yourself. . . hang on wait here." With that she left- to him she was. But really Autumn was off to find her own wooden flute that was in her tent. She never found the opportunity to play it until that moment.

No longer feeling her presence, Pan felt empty once again. He didn't actually want her to leave his side. But really he liked her company, no matter how demanding she could be.

Putting his lips together, he inhaled some air before continuing the melody. But, this time Pan wasn't playing alone. Autumn ran back, hair skipping joyously along the winds and blew into her own flute as well.

The two of them duetted. The older lost boys awoke from their beds and gathered around the campfire.

"Woah is that Autumn playing?" Elijah asked, trying to keep his eyes open.

Due to waking up so abruptly, Wyatt struggled to keep awake, "I think so, I've never heard Pan play this type of melody before."

"It's beautiful." River commented, completely in awe with her crazy talent. One he never knew she had, it fascinated him.

Even Blythe was there, with his nose still battered and bruised, he tip toed behind the two musicians. Right then, he felt he was wrong about Pan. He'd never seen such innocence within him.

Autumn changed the beast that once was within him. And it was evidently shown through the symphony they created.

For a split second Pan flickered his eyes upwards, and into Autumn's own dark eyes. His pupils dilated, filled with adoration.

It all stopped as soon as he caught sight of Blythe.

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