chapter 4

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Before i get to story,i have to inform you that this takes place in AU of season 2 of beast wars so megatron has his transmetal body...its also an AU where silverbolt and blackrichina betrayed the predicons together and became a couple in the maximal team,opitmas primal(in his orignal body)survived and was reborn as lio convoy(aka lio primal),dinobot lived and still fights with the maximals. Thats incase what your wondering. Enjoy

Jontron:so...your saying that jacque was right about all of this?

Jacques:im serious jon,i was made to protect this universe,but then i was adopted by you.

Jontron:and your saying this is my fault?

Markipler:it looks like that.


Ian:yeeaaaah...look whoever this diamond saint is i will make sure his ass will be fried. Literally(puts a deep fryer on the table)

Mads:that is illegal ian.

Ella:oh i love illegal,whats in it for me?

[Earth-prehistoric times]





Rattrap:oh man! This is it. We're toast!

Lio primal:no we are not rattrap! If megatron finds a way in,it will be all over!


Megatron:quickstrike! Waspinator! Report!

Quickstrike:the portal will soon be open boss!

Waspinator:(buzz!)waspinator almost got round circle open!



Silverbolt:megatron will not win!

dinobot:(growls)THAT IS IT! I CANT TAKE IT!(roars and charges foward)

Rhinox:dinobot wait!

Dinobot stabs the console and gets shocked

Megatron:NO!(gets knocked out by silverbolt)

Blackrichia:last time i trusted megatron.

Silverbolt:its okay my love...we were heading the wrong path.

Cheetor:you okay dinobot?

Dinobot:im fine...i think its over...

Blackrincia:by stabbing it?! I can shut it off you know!

Silverbolt:my lady isnt wrong.


The portal opened

Megatron:...what is this?


Infirno:my queen...its opened! The portal is opened!

Arachnid:(laughs)see ya later sister.(heads to the portal)

Blackrincia:OH NO YOU DONT!(fires at arachnid but was too late)

The predicons head to the portal


Rhinox:oh no...


Lio primal:jinor! What are you and the others doing here?

Armorhide:we have to get in that portal!

Silverbolt:have you gone mad?!

Lio jinor:ITS THE ONLY WAY!(heads to the portal)

Lio primal:JINOR!...come on!

Rattrap:oh no,i am not going in that por-

Rhinox grabs him

Rhinox:COME ON!

The maximals went inside the portal before it closed

Tigertron and airazor made it as well,but was too late


Tigertron:...the portal just what?

Airazor:all we can do now is wait...

[Police office]

Anthony:no,no,that will never work.

Jacques:seed will work,this is cool stuff

Jontron:no jaq that will NOT work! Ugh...great...just...JUST GREAT! Im just gonna say it,we're fucked.


Jontron:...that might be that diamond saint right now.


Saints seyia,shun,and ikki head outside with their cloths on


Lio primal:ugh...well...thats just prime...

The rest of the maximals got up

Seyia:who are you?


Lio primal:i am lio primal...have you seen any predicons?


???:well he ment us...yes...

Ikki:who the hell are you?

Lio primal:thats megatron...AGH!

Seyia:just hold on

Megatron:(laughs)optimas in pain...yes...

Lio primal:ugh...thats just prime...

Rattrap:(sighs)we're all gonna die...

Ikki:not if i can help it!(charges towards him)PHINEOX SPECTER PUNCH!

Megatron wasnt effected by it



Ikki:what?! My specter punch didnt go though!

Megatron:(shoves ikki off)i thought you were gonna punch me. Which caught me off guard
...but you didnt. were supposed to feel the pain of my specter punch

Megatron:ha! I was supposed to feel the pain? Noooooo...

Shun:you alright brother?

Ikki:im fine...he's not even human.

Megatron:(laughs)you think I am human? Heh,no...but not an organic?...yeeeees...

Lio primal:ugh...

Megatron:(laughs and pulls out a lighting knife)time to say goodbye opitmas primal.


Megatron tail arm(literally
...have you all ever seen beast wars?) Was caught in the chains

Megatron:...wait...ive seen these chains before!

Shun:i see that you saw my nebula chains before ancestor,the real megatron has lost to these chains many times! Plus it happens every year to him and it humiliated him year by was powerful than the autobots themselves!...but DID gave me an advantage against the maximals...yes...

Cheetor:what is he talking about?

Megatron:well,you see...TARANTULAS!

Tarantulas:(fires at the chains which causes them to trap armorhide and silverbolt)

Armorhide:what the?!



Rattrap:(to shun)WHAT THE CHEESE?! WHAT DID YOU DO?!

Shun:my chains are moving by their own! I have no control over them!

Megatron:(laughs)TARANTULAS! FIRE AGAIN!

Tarantulas fired at the chains again,this time trapping cheetor,rhinox,blackrhina,and dinobot

Lio primal:Dinobot ! Cheetor! Rhinox!

Silverbolt:(to shun)let her go!

Shun:i cant control my chains!

The chains then trapped rattrap and lio junior

Lio primal:NO!


Megatron:now opitmas...its your turn.

The chains tried to trap lio primal,but failed

Megatron:huh,looks the chains have their limit...i see...but if i move an inch,they'll be this is the day the predicions win the beast wars!(moves his tail arm)

Lio primal:NO!

Megatron got electrocuted along with the other maximals




Lio primal:AAAAAAGH!!!




Dinobot:(growls in pain)

Lio primal:NO!

Megatron:(laughs in pain)

The maximals were injuried...but megatron was fine

Megatron:(laughs)fellwell maximals. Predicons! Retreat!(transforms and flys off)

The predicons ran away

Lio primal:(heads up to lio jinor)jinor...

Lio sorry dad...(coughs)

Lio primal:its alright. We'll get you home. someone help!

Ikki:(helps dinobot stand up) have honor...

Ikki:yeah,a few friends of mine made me realise that.

Dinobot:i see...

Shun:(contacts usagi)usagi. We need back up!


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