chapter 5

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[The calcium]


Saori:(to lio primal)im not sure if they are going to be alright.

Lio primal:(sighs) so chains couldnt control themselves.

Lio primal:its fine...its your fault

Dinobot:ugh...(gets up)

Seyia:you alright?

Dinobot:im fine...

Shun:my chains have almost killed you. Im really sorry

Dinobot:(growls)im a warrior...and i have faced much worst...

Shun:i see.

Dinobot:and i shall not fall that easily...

Usagi:(uses the crystal to protect the maximals from the energon)

Lio primal:your the one they call usagi right?


Lio primal:i am lio primal,but i go by optimus primal.

Usagi:i see. Nice to meet you.

Lio primal:likewise.

Usagi:how did you get here?

Lio primal:we came from a portal megatron created...we got in there before it closed luckly...

Usagi:but the lion shows your courage and honot

Lio primal:thank previous form was a gorila.


Lio primal:well...

(Flashback-season 1 of beast wars when opitmas almost died)

Opitmas primal:MEGATROOOOOOON!!!!!



Primal's own pod crashed back on earth and scanned a lion


Lio primal got out of the pod and looked at himself


Lio primal:well...thats...just prime.

(Flashback ended) almost died...

Lio primal:yep...if it weren't for rhinox. I wouldve been dead.

Usagi:but what are we gonna do about this megatron person?


Lio primal:i dont know...he found a way to instantly win the beast wars.



The predicons were trying to find somewhere to make a new base

Waspinator:*bttzz*waspinator is afraid and our base is gone!

Megatron:because it was back in time,yes. But knowing my research this man called gaberl agretez. Werid name,has called someone called the diamond saint and incase he dies...he takes over...yes...

Then someone blocked his way


Megatron:greetings. I am megatron,leader of the predicons.

Kamen rider goah(snoutlout):predicons? Seesh why cant you name yourselfs a better name like...the decpitcons?

Megatron:ah,you just randomly said my ancestors team...yeessss.

Kamen rider goah(snotlout):oh,so your great,great,great-

Megatron:the real megatron! Yes! The one who came before me! I have no idea which megatron am i but,ill call myself the 5th...just incase.

Quickstrike:so,yer with hawkmoth?

Kamen rider goah(snotlout):yep.(reverts)

Snotlout:too bad he's dead however...ugh! I just want to have my revenge agaisnt hiccup just...GAH!

Inferno:my queen can help you get your revenge


Megatron:he ment me...(to inferno)STOP CALLING ME THAT!

Inferno:as you command my-

Megatron punches him to the ground

Snotlout:(laughs)calling your leader a queen,HA!

Megatron:well,yes. I suppose he deserves it...

Snotlout:we should burn him with hookfang,that and that bug guy


Megatron:well,i wish

Snotlout:why not?

Megatron:i wont let you dont destory my own predicons...except for inferno.

Snotlout:cuz he keeps calling you his queen?


Snotlout:fair enough,hooky?

Hookfang:(burns inferno)

Inferno:(screams in agony)

Snotlout:are ya done?

Inferno:my queen shall-

Snotlout:keep burning.


Snotlout:(gets a call from-)wait...he's alive? Sweet(picks it up)hawkmoth! Your alive. Great. YO MEGABRO!

Megatron:megabro? Yeeeees...good name i suppose(takes snotlouts phone)is this hawkmoth?

[Saoris manson]

Cheetor got up along with rattrap

Cheetor:ugh...w-where am i?

Rattrap:im asking myself the same thing spots.

Dinobot:(gets up and snarls)what is this place?!

Lio primal came in

Lio primal:glad you guys recovered.

Dinobot:and the others?

Lio primal:im not sure about silverbolt and my son...armorhide had recived heavy damage...rhinox and blackrincia will be fine last i heard.

Cheetor:that's good to hear...

Then saori walked in

Rattrap:who are ya supposed to be? A smaller female verson of primus?

Saori:i am the goddess athena. Im here to help.

Dinobot:my scans read that your not the real one...but a reincarnation.

Saori:why yes,you are right.


Saori:anyways 4 years ago,we got a glitch ever since samaria came back to our world after she died

(Flashbacks of the ring 2002,fight for the multiverse,and so on)

Saori:she caused a glitch where she caused a signal to go off...we tried to prevent a war,but sadily,it happened.


Saori:shun wanst supposed to make megatron win.

Rattrap:look tiny lady,just dont push chopaface to his limits.

Lio primal:look,whatever this glitch is,we will get rid of it.

Saori:i thank you for that sir.

Cheetor:(sees a glitched up portal)woah! What is that?!

Dinobot:it must be that glitch!

Then a giant bug came out of it and it was glitching up

Rattrap:seesh,i didnt know inferno had kids.

Lio primal:thats not a cybertrodian...its organic.

The bug flew away

Dinobot:(growls)WE MUST ATTACK!

Saori:no,ill send shun and ikki to see whats going on.


Lio primal:she's right dinobot,your under no condiction to fight.

Dinobot:...i understand...but even if-


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