Chp.1 Unbearable Childhood Story

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In the city of Musutafu Japan, city filled with greatest heroes, protecting citizens and humanity, and taking down evil of course. Heroes around the world have yearn themselves to be born and raised with a special power call a quirk, and using it for good and doing hero work....but as of now...let's focus on the real a huge house...there live the Todoroki Family, Rei and Enji Todoroki, who were raising 4 children of them, 1 daughter, Fuyumi Todoroki and Shota Todoroki, and 2 sons, Natsuo Todoroki and Touya Todoroki...they soon to be living as a happy family, one day, the children were playing together, passing the ball to each other, as Touya soon kicked the ball way up high to the air and going over to another house near them...Shota soon tried to find a way to get their ball...until suddenly...a boy appeared and soon grabs the ball and yet looks at Shota...Shota and the boy stare at each other as the boy tosses the ball over the fence as Shota catches it...Shota thanks the boy as the boy then gave her a huge smile on his face as she smiles to it...soon, they somehow started talking for a bit....soon they told each other's name, the boys name is (YN), and Shota told hers to (YN), soon she invited him to come over to her house and play with he and her siblings, (YN) was glad to to come over and get invited by a friend like Shota...soon as he comes over, he meets her siblings, and yet they and (YN) soon were having fun together, and yet (YN) especially having fun with Shota...and yet Shota soon to start liking to have fun with (YN)...soon afterwards, (YN)'s mother, Reimi, met Shota's parents, (YN) and his mother met Shota's parents...they were new here an live here for a couple of days...(YN)'s father soon passed away saddening, not too long ago with terrible sickness against a villain's quirk...Rei and Enji were sorry for their lost..
Enji and Rei would soon get along with (YN)'s mother....and also, (YN) and Shota began to hang out together quite a while, they would always play tag, hide and seek, play date as heroes and yet soon to have the best days of their lives of being friends...soon, one day, the two were in the front yard as they were sitting down on the grass as the sunset goes...the two do them were talking about becoming heroes when they grow up...

Shota: One day, when I grow up, I wanna become the hero I want to be!

(YN): Woow Shota! That's cool to hear!

Shota: *nods* What about you, (YN)?? Do you want to be a hero when you grow up??

(YN) stood up tall, stares at he then crosses his arms and gives a huge smile on his face, starring at Shota as he replies to her...

(YN): Yeah! I do wanna be a hero when I grow up...but not just a hero...cause I'm gonna become the greatest number 1 hero! Just like All Might!

Shota with such shocking intention in her eyes...she yet soon started to give some hope and happy for (YN)...

Shota: Yea!! We'll both be heroes!

(YN): Yeah, and we'll do it as best friends!!!

(YN) soon hugs Shota, as Shota stood still, and smiles as she hugs (YN) back and replies...

Shota: Yea, as best friends!

(YN): O-Oh wait!

Shota: Huh??

(YN) soon offers Shota her pinky...

(YN): Let's pink promise that when we grow up, we'll be the heroes that we'll want, and stay best friends together to the end!

Shota's eyes soon were filled with surprise happiness and she soon grabs (YN)'s pinky with her and replies...

Shota: Yeah, that's a pinky promise!!

The two soon laugh together and will keep their promise for good...
Things have been changing a bit nowadays....
During these past months, (YN) soon will always see Shota outside...but...all he sees is her with her father, Enji and also her mother, Rei as the two will somehow argue to each other...and Shota crying between them...soon what he witness to see from Enji was so terrible...(YN) soon to see Enji being too aggressive and rude towards Rei...and yet...(YN) didn't like it...and also, Enji will always take Shota away from Rei and take her with him for some reason....(YN) soon told her mother about what he saw, Reimi was shock to hear about it...she then went to talk with Rei about seems that Rei didnr wanted to talk about it at all and it's "okay" with it...Reimi disagree and wanted to talk with Enji...but as she did...Enji would even call the police on (YN)'s mother for "trespassing" their home...Reimi couldn't take it...all she can do nothing and couldn't help Rei at all....
And night...(YN) soon heard yelling at Shota's house...he woke up from his sleep, as he checks his windows...and what he saw was Shota's older brother, Touya, who he seems to have a bunch of bruises on his body, yelling back at his mother and father...and yet...running away...Rei wanted to get him back...but Enji would stop her and..let his own son run away...and not bother catching him...(YN) would just stare on what is happening...and yet...worried about Shota as he can see her crying as well and yet hurt too...he wanted to do something...but couldn't...
And that's not all....
One day, (YN) was in his house with his he soon heard a painful scream coming from Shota's house...and that scream was from Shota too...he yet wanted to go and see what happen...but when he heard Shota's screaming painfully, he yet soon to shed tears from his eyes, and yet was so worried for her on what was happening to her, Reimi will soon see her son crying for Shota and yet to hug him to calm down...

Reimi: I-It's okay sweetie! Nothing to hear!

(YN): B-B-But Shota!!! She's being hurt!! What's going on, mom!? *sniffs*

Reimi: I-I don't know honey...j-just ignore it please..!

..moments later...ambulance and police officers came...soon Reimi and (YN) checked...and what they see was very unexpected and yet...terrifying...cops soon came out, holding on Reinon a strecther as she yet seem to be out of her mind...she soon notiecs Reimi and (YN) Rei says to her...

Rei: I-I'm sorry...I-I couldn't...take it no more...!!

Reimi: R-Rei!!?

(YN): M-Mom, why is the police taking Shota's mom??

Reimi: I-I don't know...I really don't-

(YN): Shota!!!

Soon, (YN) finally sees Shota...but...what he saw from her was he and his mother saw Shota's left side face all burned as the nurses a bandage around her side of her face that got burned...

(YN): ...Sh-Shota...!!

Reimi: Wh-What happen to poor Shota?!? D-Don't tell me...d-did Rei...did her own daughter...b-but why?!?

Minutes later, the polices and ambulance soon left as Enji was done taking to the police officers...soon...Reimi and (YN) holding onto her hands walked over to Enji...

Reimi: E-Enji! What happen?!? Why was Rei taken by the police?!? A-And what happen to Shota?!?

Enji: ...

Reimi: A-Answer me!!! P-Please! D-Don't tell me she did this to Shota, her own child!?

Enji: ...I sent her to the hospital place to keep Shota safe...disgrace hurt my masterpiece in such perfect time.

Reimi: Sh-She hurt...Sh-Shota..??! W-Wait! What do you mean hurt you "masterpiece"?!? Are you calling your own daughter a thing??!! Just what the hell were you doing!?! Is that why Rei went all insane and-

Enji: Enough! You will not speak again! Don't you ever come near my house...and my children...and especially my Shota.

Enji soon holds onto Shota's hand, as Shota was looking down to the ground...sad and seem to be despair a lot...

(YN): Sh-Shota...are you-

Enji: Beat it kid. You are also not allow to be near my Shota, all you'll do is distract her training. She'll never become a hero that I want her to be with you around. So I suggest you to not be with my daughter any more!

(YN): Wh-What...?!

Reimi: Hey! You have no right to speak to my son like that! Just who the hell you think you are!? You cruel monster! What do you even think on doing to Shota!?

Enji: Ms.Reimi...I suggest you leave my property now...or you don't want me to call them back and take you as well.

Reimi stood quiet and never spoken back...all she did was turn around and take (YN) on his hands..

Reimi: C-Come on (YN)!

(YN): B-But Shota!

(YN) looks back...and too see Shota slowly facing towards (YN) she yet she's a tear from her eye...and yet to turn around...and walk is de her house with her father...

(YN): Sh-Shota...! Shota!!!

With Shota hearing (YN) calling her name...she yet to sob quietly...and not look back to him...
Days have passed still...Shota will always be in her she then was on her bed, sobbing quietly as she missed her mom so bad...and even more...she misses being with (YN) as well...

Shota: ...(Y-YN)...


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