Chp.2 The Present Time

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((YN) and SHOTA ARE 18 in this timeline, so as deku and the others)

Years have passed now...after everything that has been going on with the Todoroki family...(YN) and his mother, Reimi were forced to move house thanks to Enji...soon (YN) and Reimi now lived in different house, far from Enji...especially Shota...Enji wouldn't let her say her final goodbyes to Shota, not even (YN) as well...and...that was the last time they've seen each other...
So and so, years have passed...and we then take a look at Shota Todoroki, she is now a teenager, 18 years old..and surprisingly to be in UA High. She soon have been focusing and working and studying hard on being a hero in the future, and yet having her own Hero Previsional License...and yet...she has her own quirk as well, half hot, and half ice, on the right side of her body, she can control ice powers...but on her left side...she control flames...and that...she rarely uses her flames...knowing that using her like wanting to be like her father, Enji, or as he goes as Endeavor as his hero name, and she isn't like her father at all..she has still kept a promise from a childhood friend she misses...and that to be the hero she wants to be. And so far...she's doing a great job keeping that promise for herself and her childhood friend...she still misses her childhood friend...and she wonders...where could he be now???
So one day, it was the end of school as Class 1-A we're done doing some training with their advisor teacher, Aizawa, alongside with All Might...soon as they all change to their school uniforms and heading home...Shota and the girls decided to walk home together and yet stop by over by a little restaurant to eat...

Mina: So, how does Sushi sound??

Jiro: We've ate Sushi quiet a while, think we should give it a rest.

Mina: Awww.

Ochaco: Oh! What about Mochi?!

Tooru: I mean it does sound delicious to eat, but we want something that'll taste more delicious than mochi.

Ochaco: Awww.

Tsuyu: Geez, a hard decision to think what to eat, Ribbit.

Momo: I know, I do want to say if we can all get some nice tea, but we just got some yesterday. Say, Todoroki, what do you prefer to eat??

Shota: ...Cold Soba. If it's okay with you guys...

Mina: Cold Soba?? Hey you know what?? I've always wanted to try Cold Soba instead of it being hot.

Tooru: Oh yeah! I've always wanted to try some! Shota seems to like it a lot!

Tsuyu: Cold Soba?? Hmmm, we'll I guess we can try it, does sound good by the way, Ribbit.

Ochaco: Oh yeah! We should all try some!

Momo: *giggles* Very well then, cold soba it is!

Shota: Hm. You guys don't have to try it, it was my reason for me to eat Cold Soba, but...if you guys wanna eat some together, then I don't mind at all.

Mina: Don't sweat it Shota, we all want to try some with you!

Shota: ...Okay then.

Momo: Very well then, and oh look! There's a restaurant! Come on girls.

Soon they all head over to the restaurant. Afterwards, they paid for their table for 7, and went to their table and yet ordered their cold they did, they all started slurping their cold sobas, especially Shota...

Mina: Oh wow! This is...

Ochaco: Really amazing!

Jiro: It's really good.

Tooru: So yummy!

Tsuyu: You said it, Ribbit.

Momo: Truly wonderful of this cold soba, Shota, you should have been told us about eating Cold Soba, it's so delicious.

Shota: ...Oh, yeah. It's good.

Shota slurps her soba...and yet the girls soon started to realize something wrong about Shota...they notice her being down for quite a while and yet...she doesn't even seem to enjoy eating her soba that much...

Momo: Hey, Todoroki, what's wrong??

Ochaco: Yeah, you seem to be down lately, everything okay??

Shota: Huh? Oh, no I'm fine you girls.

Mina: Really?? Cause you don't seem to enjoy your soba, something is bothering you, and we can tell.

Tsuyu: Yeah, besides, we're your friends Shota, anything wrong, you can talk to us.

Shota soon stares at the girls as they gave a little smile at her as Shota sighs and replies...

Shota: ..It's just...there's just a part missing from me...and it doesn't the feel right...

Tooru: A part of something you don't feel good??

Shota: ...what I'm saying life is complete. If you girls didn't know....there was...a friend I use to be with.

Mina: Ooh. A friend you say??

Shota: ...Yeah...He was the first friend I met and be with, he was funny, nice and even a bit dumb...but that's what I like about him...he makes me smile and happy and even laugh as well....and it makes me wanna be with him. And...we even pinky promise to grow up together...and become heroes that we wanted to be.

Ochaco: Awww. Seems like your friend was so sweet.

Shota: He is...

Mina: So, where is your friend?? Is he in our school or what??

Shota stood she yet started to have flashbacks about her childhood with the friend she met and made...and she could never forget the day that happen when her awful father separated the two of them..just because he wanted to, for what he did to their friendship, her brother...and especially her mother as well...afterwards, she soon replies to them...

Shota: I honestly you don't know where he is...that's the thing...the last time we've seen each other...was my awful father of mines of what he did..

Momo: Y-You mean Endeavor?? Your father??

Shota: ...He...He force me not to see him anymore...and he even told him and his mom...I don't know why...but he was despicable of him to do...all because of all the stuff he has done to me, and everything else in the past...and thanks to him...I can't even find my friend...

The girls soon were feeling sad for Shota for what she had to go through, and yet for what her father has done as well...

Momo: Shota, I'm really sorry to hear all that, we all are.

Mina: Yeah, I feel so terrible for you.

Jiro: Yeah, totally sucks girl.

Ochaco: I mean, even if your father was a heartless and cruel one, he is changing a bit today knowing he's the number 1 now. But...I still can't forgive him for what he has done to you Shota. I'm so sorry.

Shota: Thanks you girls...but...I don't wanna talk about it no more. I just...wanna eat my soba, and go home.

Momo: Of course Shota.

Tsuyu: O-Oh. One more thing Shota, what was your friends name anyways??

Shota soon stood quiet for a moment, as she yet again gets some flashbacks of her childhood friend...of the memories with him, the laughs, the fun, and even the enjoyment she had with him as his best friend...

Shota: His name...His name was (Y-

But suddenly...a loud explosion was heard not to far from the restaurant...

Tooru: W-Woah! What was that noise!?!

Momo: A-An explosion!

Jiro: And a big one too! Let's go check it out!

Ochaco: I bet some villains caused that explosion!

Momo: R-Right! Let's go check it out!

Shota: Right!

The girls soon exited the restaurant with such rush, especially the citizens as well as they evacuated the restaurant. Soon, the girls started to rush over to noise they heard...and as they soon got there, they realize to see 6 villains caused a vehicle to explode and yet causing more trouble...

Jiro: Knew it! Villains!

Mina: Where are the pros?!

Jiro: Forget the pros! We can handle them by ourselves!

Momo: No!

Jiro: What?! Momo!

Momo: I'm sorry, but we can't interfere! We're not ready yet! Even if we have our license, we don't know if we're ready to face off something like this! So we must stay here and-

Suddenly, Shota rushes in over to the villains ..

Momo: Sh-Shota!!! Get back here what are you doing!?!

Ochaco: Shota!!!

Shota Mind: I'm sorry! But I cannot let this happen! If I wanna be the hero I want to be, and not become like the awful father of mines, then I have to prod myself! Even for "HIM"!!!

Shota soon rushes in to the villains close, as one villain soon notiecs her coming right at them...

Villain #3: Hey! Check her out! She's trying to be a hero!

Villain #6: Haha! Well let's see if she can block this!

One of the villains soon grab a whole vehicle with his bear hands, and yet tosses it straight towards Shota...

Shota: Crap!!!

Shot soon emits her ice powers to block the vehicle, but soon caused the vehicle to explode and destroy the ice Shota emitted and yet knocking her down to the ground..

Momo: Shota!!!

Shota was hurt bad, and can barely get up...until all 6 villains approach to her with a grin on their faces...

Villain #2: Hehe, you shouldn't have done that sweetie, being a hero won't work. And you know it!

Villain #1: Now, get ready to die!

The villains soon were about to kill Shota as the girls soon started to rush in and try to save her...but then suddenly...someone out of nowhere then yells out...

???: Rubber...PISTOL!!!!!

Suddenly, an arm out of nowhere appeared as it extend towards one of the villains and yet to strike a brute punch towards their faces and sending one flying crashing towards a truck...

Shota: Wh-What?!? Where did that arm came-

Suddenly, a young teenager, happen to jump above Shota and yet standing towards the villains...this teenager happens to be wearing a school uniform...Shota soon took a closer look on the young male teenager...and as she did...her eyes widen with shock...and surprisingly shocked too...knowing that she has already recognized his face...and she knows it really she finally realizes that this young male teenager...happens to be her childhood friend...

Shota: (Y-YN)...?!?!


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