Chp.13 Defeating Class 1-A Pt.2

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(YN): Second...Gear!

(YN) showed off his special technique, his body smoking, his skin was reddish...

Izuku: What?? His whole body is smoking..???!

Iida: And on top of that...his skin turn reddish??

Kirashima: I don't know what's going on, but this has to be his technique he's talking about, so we gotta be careful and-

Bakugo: Stop worrying shitty hair! All he did was change his skin and having smoke in his body! That doesn't scare me! I'll still take him down!

(YN): ...He's right.

Bakugo: Eh?!!?

(YN): You should be worried, all of you should, cause now...there's no point of you guys winning, I'm on a new level now with new moves.

Bakugo: Ha! Don't make me laugh!

(YN): Heh, oh well.

Soon (YN) got in a fighting stance as he yet faces his left palm towards them, and yet aiming with his right hand, clenching...

(YN): Rubber...

Bakugo: Tch. Aiming won't do, you know I'll just dodge it with an ease! You're just giving me a chance as well!

(YN): ....

Bakugo: Nrgh! Here I-

(YN): Jet Pistol!

Suddenly, (YN) extended his whole right arm so fast, he gave a hard hit towards Bakugo to his chest and yet...sending him crashing towards a wall...and with that...Iida Izuku and Kirashima didn't even see that coming..

Iida: Wh-What?! Did he-

Kirashima: But how?!? I barely saw him move and all of the sudden Bakugo was sent flying?!

Izuki: I-I didn't even see him move...I barely lay my eyes on him and the second later...he vanished?! Right when he hit Kachan!

Shota Mind: He's faster..??! A-Amazing!

Bakugo soon merge out from the Boulders as he spat out saliva...

Bakugo: Wh-What the hell?! How!? I didn't even...saw him strike?!

Izuku: So fast..!

Bakugo and the others realize that (YN) suddenly vanished...

Kirashima: Wh-Where the hell did he go?!

Iida: He was just there for a second and now he's gone?!

Izuki: Careful! We need to stay guarded!

Bakugo: Hey idiots! Where the hell did he-

(YN) appeared aside Bakugo as he then strikes a brutal kick towards his face sending him flying, yet Bakugo slowly recovers from that punch, but as soon he got up...

(YN): Rifle!

(YN) quickly gives Bakugo a brutal punch towards his face and yet sending him flying, as he did, (YN) appeared above Bakugo and lands another punch towards his gut and slamming him to the ground...afterwards, he vanished again as Bakugo quickly stood up...

Bakugo: He's gone again?! I-I can't even lay my eyes on him! He's too-

(YN): Stamp!!

(YN) stretch his leg and lands a stomp towards Bakugo's head behind, slamming him face first to the ground...

(YN): And spear!!

Soon he stretches both his legs this time, landing a brutal stomp behind Bakugo's back, and yet causing him to ache and soon spitting saliva out...afterwards, (YN) stretches both his arms and grabs onto Bakugo...

(YN): And...Missile!!!

He soon launches himself with such speed towards Bakugo and lands a massive hit towards his back way more...and yet afterwards...(YN) manages to knock Bakugo out for good...

(YN): ...

Kirashima: No! Bakugo!!

(YN): Sorry...but like Mr.Aizawa holding back. And now...I'm more fired up!

Soon, Iida, Izuku and Kirashima got in their position as they soon charge at (YN), first up, Iida soon uses his engine quirk to give him some boost and speed to match up against (YN)'s speed...

Iida: Let's test our speed then!

(YN): With pleasure!

Soon (YN) charges at Iida as the two soon collide their kicks, and yet, backing up and colliding again and again, testing their speed, soon Iida try swinging a kick towards (YN), but (YN) quickly dodges it soon he strikes a kick straight towards Iida's gut, sending him flying to the air, (YN) vanished and appears above Iida in the air and strikes a punch towards his back, sending him falling, and again vanished and reappears below Iida and yet sending him flying again to the air with a kick, and he keeps doing it again and again and again...and until afterwards, (YN) yet swings a final punch towards Iida'a face, sending him flying crashing towards a wall and knocking him out...

Izuku: Iida!

(YN): Two more to go!

Izuku: Damn it! Kirashima! Let's go!

Kirashima: Right!

The two then goes rushing down after (YN) as Izuku charges up his One For All quirk at 30%, and yet gains some speed to match up with (YN), soon Izuki charges to (YN) as he and (YN) both collide with a punch each other, soon, they started throwing hands and landing kicks towards each other...afterwards, Kirashima joined in as yet (YN) had to deal with both of them at the same time...yet he was keeping up against Izuku and Kirashima...

Midnight: I gotta say, (YN) is pretty skilled!

All might: Look at him go, he can even keep up with two of them! Impressive!

Aizawa: Heh, knew he won't hold back.

Shota Mind: (YN)...please don't fail.

Soon, (YN) backed away as Izuku still was going after (YN)...

Izuku: Detroit Smash!!

(YN) dodge the punch as he soon extended his whole right arm...

Izuku: O-Oh Crap-

(YN): Pistol!!!

He then swings his arm and yet lands a brutal punch towards Izuku's chest, sending him crashing towards the wall and knocking him down...

Kirashima: Midoriya!! Nrgh! Okay! You want it?! You got it! Cause I'll become more harder and stronger! Let's see you try braking me!

Soon Kirashima made his body more hardening and sharper as well...

Kirashima: Red Riot: Unbreakable!

(YN): Jet Pistol!!!

Soon (YN) swings a punch towards Kirashima, and as he did, it did no affect to him...

(YN): Shit! He harden his body more!

Kirashima Mind: I can barely feel that punch, but he won't be able to hurt me with this form!

Soon, (YN) try throwing more punches to Kirashima, and yet, it still didn't do that much against Kirashima in his unbreakable form...

(YN): D-Damn!

Kirashima: *Shit, I only have a few seconds before it wears out! I have to finish this now!* Here I come!!

Kirashima soon was rushing after (YN)...

(YN): His really tough to handle with normal I guess I gotta do this!!! Rubber....!!!!

Soon, (YN) yet stretches both his arms all the way behind and yet was ready for the right time to hit Kirashima...

Kirashima: Just give it up man! My body is so hard you won't be able to take me down! So brace your self!!

Soon as Kirashima got close to (YN)...(YN) then yells out...

(YN): Jet Bazooka!!!

(YN) soon delivered both his arms back towards Kirashima, and yet landing a brutal hit towards his hardening chest...soon with that brutal hit...Kirashima was sent flying while his feet was being dragged from the hit...soon he manage to stop himself...and yet gives off a smile towards (YN)...

(YN): *sighs* Hehe, I guess your body is hardening after all Huh? Well then...

Soon, the smoke vanished away from (YN)'s body and yet his skin color went back to normal...

(YN): In that case, I'll show you more interesting things I can do.

Shota Mind: M-More..??! He can do more things??!

All Might: Well this might be interesting more, knowing young Kirashima still has more fight in him.

Aizawa: ...I don't think that's gonna happen.

Midnight: Hmm? What do you mean??

Aizawa: Look.

Soon, (YN) had his thumb on his teeth...

(YN): Third....

But suddenly...(YN) realizes that Kirashima soon started to lose balance...and yet...he soon collapses to the floor...and yet is knocked out by (YN)'s Jet Bazooka hit... and yet....all of Class 1-A were down...and (YN) was the victory...he soon catches his breathe...and sat on the floor and says...

(YN): I-I did it...! ...Hell yeah...!


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