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After the battle, Class 1-A we're all down, as (YN) soon has gain the victor, and won...soon the medic robots came by to pick up the students and take them back to the medical nursing room with Recovery Girl, alongside with Midnight as well...soon, Aizawa and All Might stood in the gym with (YN)...

(YN): Hey, Mr.Aizawa, All Might, sorry if I meant to go that...far on your students.

Aizawa: No need to worry, besides, I was the one that mention to not hold back. So it's okay.

(YN): Hmm.

All Might: I gotta say, you're one skilled fighter my boy, you really impressed me.

(YN): Heh, yeah...well, I've trained hard and study hard for me to become number 1 hero, that's the only thing I'm focus on.

Aizawa: I see, well you must feel confident about it, don't you?

(YN): Yeah, I am!

All Might: Well not to worry son, cause are now officially now in UA.

(YN): I-I am?!

All Might: Of course. You're worthy of being in UA, but once you're in UA, you'll need to take your provincial license as well, but for now...

All Might soon offers (YN) his hand and says...

All Might: Welcome my boy. You are now part of being the future generation of hero's.

(YN) was excited and happy to hear that he is now officially being in UA...and yet...Shota heard everything as she was hiding and hearing as she was also happy to hear that from (YN)...
But before he even offers All Might's handshake...he yet still remembers...about what he heard from Enji and Shota's conversation..of how Enji mention (YN)...that he'll just be a distraction for Shota to not succeed on becoming the hero she wants to be...and yet...him being nothing but a joke and not taking everything serious on being a, (YN) slowly puts his hand down and head down as well...

All Might: Hm? (YN), is something wrong??

Shota: ...??

(YN): ...I appreciate the offer, the both of you, and I am happy to hear that I'm part of UA and being a string of it...but...I'm gonna have to, I don't wanna be in UA.

Shota Mind: Wh-What??!

Aizawa: Come again?

All Might: (YN), what are you-

(YN): Like I said, I don't wanna be part of UA...I-I know this is all of the sudden...but I have my reason...and it's personal...I-I just can't...I'm sorry...that I wasted your time and everything today...

Soon, (YN) turns around...and yet starts to walk away...

Aizawa: Hey wait-

Soon, All Might stops Aizawa from getting (YN)...

All Might: Let him fo Aizawa.

Aizawa: Huh??

All Might: ...To be honest, I can tell in his face that something is forcing him of not being in UA. I don't know what or who...but deep down...I can just give him some time. He'll come around eventually.

Aizawa: ...Very well then, but I'll give him until the end of this month, so keep on reminding him.

All Might: Right.

Soon, (YN) exited the gym building as he then was gonna go grab his stuff and leave UA...but as he did, Shota appeared and calls out (YN)...

Shota: (YN)!

(YN) soon he then turns around slowly...and sees Shota...

(YN): ...

Shota: What's going on??! Why did you say that?? Isn't it what you wanted?? ..Wh-Why did you say no??

(YN): ...

Shota: Tell me something! Why aren't you talking to me?! And why haven't you been replying nor answers my texts and calls?! What's going on??? A-Are you somehow ignoring me-

(YN):'s nothing like that, I'm not ignoring you at all...

Shota: Then what is it?! You didn't even say hi to me or nothing?? ...this ain't you, (YN) aren't like what's wrong??!

(YN): ....I didn't wanted to be here...cause...I don't wanna be a distraction of you.

Shota: D-Distraction???

(YN): I'm just a distraction of you...avoiding you from being a hero...

Shota: Wh-What are you saying??! Why are you-

Suddenly...Shota soon remembers those words from what her father said about (YN)...being nothing but a distraction...

Shota: W-Wait...! W-Were you in my house..?! And you heard everything that my father said?!?

(YN): ...I wanted to come...and well wanted to see you...and then...I heard the conversation between him and you...and when he mention me of a distraction I am to you..and a joke...not taking anything serious of being a hero...

Shota: ...A-And you listened to him?! Why would you-

(YN): Don't you get it?! I am one! I'm just getting in your way, and yet...I've seen your duel against didn't seem you were trying hard enough...and's because of me...

Shota soon clench her fists...and yet marches down to (YN) and grabs onto his shirt...

Shota: Take that back! Take it back! Everything you said! You don't mean it! Don't listen to him! He doesn't know what he's talking about! He's just an idiot!

(YN): ...

Shota: C-Come on! Say something damn it! Say something (YN)! P-Please!!

(YN): ...

Shota: N-Nrgh!!! SAY SOMETHING!!!!

Shota with lent up anger and frustration...she soon slaps (YN) to the face...and after she does...she soon gaps, and backs away as she covers her mouth with her (YN) soon was stood still, and yet didn't say nothing else afterwards...

Shota: I-I'm sorry...! I-I didn't mean to..! I-I didn't! I-I-

(YN) soon turns around...and yet...he says Shota...

(YN): Goodbye...Shota.

And yet...he walks away...

Shota: W-Wait (YN)-

Shota lose her balance and yet trips to the ground...she slowly gets on her she yet started to shed tears...and yet kept on seeing (YN), her childhood friend, her only one...leaving her be....and after...she yet started to sob and she does...(YN) soon kept on walking away....and yet biting his bottom it yet started to bleed...

(YN): D-Don't look back...j-just...keep...walking...

And yet....Shota was still on her knees, sobbing and All Might and Aizawa rushes down to All Might got on his knees...and hugs Shota...

All Might: Th-There There young's okay..! It's okay...Aizawa, lead (YN) to get his stuff, I'll handle Shota myself.

Aizawa: Got it.

Aizawa soon goes after (YN) All Might stood with Shota, hugging her as Shota was still crying and sobbing...and yet...he heard her and (YN)'s conversations...and now he knows everything...

All Might: It's okay Shota, it's okay...*So...You still haven't change a bit, not even the slightest, Endeavor.*

And yet...behind the building of the gym...Endeavor soon was to be seen...and yet...he heard everything between Shota and (YN)...and yet...he felt bad...very bad...and also feeling like a piece of shit too...


Later that day...(YN) soon arrived to his house...and yet taking off his shoes and backpack off...Reimi soon approaches to (YN)...

Reimi: Hey sweetie! How

Reimi soon realizes to see his son, shedding tears and holding back his crying...and didn't said anything, nor his mother...all she can walk up to him...and hug him to make him feel better...

Reimi: There There's okay, it's okay. Tell me what happen when you're ready...but for now...go rest. Shota's house...Shita soon arrived home...and yet...she was still broken from the inside...and didn't felt like talking...all she wanted to go to her she heads to her room...she then sees her father, Enji standing in-front of her...he soon walks up to Shota....

Enji: Shota...I-

Shota soon slaps Enji's hand off from she walk passes him...and as she even heads to her room...Enji then replies...

Enji: ...I heard everything...

Shota: ..?

Enji: ...Between you...and (YN)...I wanted to stop by...and well...yeah...

Shota: ...So you heard?

Enji: ...

Shota: Tch. Why do I even care...hope you're happy about it.

Shota marches to her room and yet slams her door...soon...Enji soon felt more bad and more of a piece of he soon walks over to the living room...sat on the couch...and sighs...and yet...he then grabs a family photo of him, his wife Rei...and his children...when they were young....soon he says to himself...

Enji: ...What have I done...

Soon...he then needs to find a way to fix this...and that could be one thing...

Enji: ...I have to fix this.


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