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2 weeks have passed...and yet...things are still not looking good between Shota and (YN)...they haven't even been calling nor texting each other as well...all because of Enji...but then again...Enji had to find a way for him to fix this between them...and make it up for the troubles he caused between their, he was had on his hero he gets ready leave the Fuyumi appeared and calls her father...

Fuyumi: Hey dad.

Enji: Ah, hey Fuyumi.

Fuyumi: You're heading to work today?

Enji: Not really...since there's not that much work to do...I have to settle some things...that needs to be fixed.

Fuyumi: Oh...I see, so you're...gonna make it up for Shota...for what happen-

Enji: Yeah...Fuyumi?

Fuyumi: Yes?

Enji: ....Do you still hate me?? For all the things I have done in the past??

Fuyumi stood quiet for a moment, yet she gives a little smile and replies...

Fuyumi: No..not really. I already know you're changing, and that's a good way to start...but still, I'm not the only one to forgive still have the other two.

Enji: Yeah, I know...

Fuyumi: But as for Natsuo, he'll come around eventually, it just takes a lot of time...and...for Shota...well...I don't know how you're gonna do it.

Enji: ...And that's why, I'm on a make it up today. Well, I'm off.

Fuyumi: Okay, bye dad.

Enji: Bye.

Soon, Enji exits the house...soon, he then flies over to UA...minutes later...he soon arrived...he then enters the office...and yet knocks on the door...soon to find All Might in the office doing some paperwork...

All Might: Hey, how can I help-

All Might turns around and see Enji...or as he calls him...Endeavor...

All Might:'s you.

Endeavor: All Might.

All Might: What do you want?

Endeavor: ...I can here to fix things. And I need to it today and right now.

All Might: And?? What does that have to do with me?? Wait, Don't tell me, you're here for me to give more tips about how to be a good dad or something?

Endeavor: ...You can say something like that.

All Might: ???

Endeavor: Listen, before I tell you...I need you to do me a favor...I know I don't ask much like this...but this is for Shota.

All Might: ....

Endeavor: Come on All Might...I need this...what I've done in the past was my fault...and I blame everything on me for what I did. But's crucial that I need to make something up for Shota.

All Might: *sighs* Alight fine...I'll help just this once.

Endeavor: Hm.

All Might: So, what is it??

Endeavor: ....Give me (YN)'s location.


Minutes later, soon, (YN)'s mother, Reimi soon arrive home with her car as she came back home from work...she exited her car..and heads to her house...and right before she enters her house...she then heard someone arriving behind her...she turns around...and she then sees Enji...

Reimi: Oh, well this is a surprise...

Endeavor: ...It's been a while, Mrs.Reimi.

Reimi: Hmph. Since when the hell did you had manners, Enji Todoroki.

Endeavor: *sighs* Listen, Reimi...what happen in the past...was my fault, everything I did, everything I have caused, was me./ I've regretted everything I have done to myself, to my my wife...and to you of course...

Reimi: ...It's gonna take more than that for me to forgive you. I you honestly think I can let you off that easy, after all these years you have done?? For what you did to Rei, to your son, and especially to your own daughter and to me and my son?!?

Endeavor: ...That's why I'm here to fix things. Between Shota and (YN)... now your son here?

Reimi stood quiet for a moment, and thought that she could not trust Enji at first...but she did it she enter her house..calling for her son that Enji wanted to talk to him...seconds later...Reimi got out...and yet (YN) soon got out of the house as well...

(YN): ...The hell do you want now?

Endeavor: ...I wanna have a word with you...but not right here.

(YN): Tch. Why not?? We can talk here-

Endeavor: No it's not, trust me. I wanna have a private talk with you...that's all I'm asking...please...this is for Shota.

(YN): ....

Endeavor: ....

(YN): ...Mom, I'll be back.

Reimi: Okay...just be careful.

Reimi gives (YN) a kiss on the cheek as she soon gives Enji the dead eyes as she enters her house....afterwards, (YN) and Endeavor soon stare at each Endeavor soon turns around and says...

Endeavor: Follow me.

(YN): ...Whatever.

Soon, Endeavor flies to the air as (YN) goes running after him and swinging on the buildings...soon afterwards, minutes later...the two soon arrive to UA...and yet to arrive at the arena stadium where the Sports Festival took place...soon the two arrive in the stage, everything was quiet...soon the two stood feet apart away from each other...

(YN): Why did you brought me here??

Endeavor: ...

(YN): Hey, explain yourself damn it! Why did you brought me here?! And what are you planning to do??!

Endeavor: ...(YN)...ever since you were little...when you and Shota met...and when the two of you started getting along...I've never seen my daughter smile like that before, never in my life...but...I ruined it...I've ruined your whole friendship with her...and years past...she surprisingly met you again...and again...the smile I seen, has come back...and...I've ruined it again...everything again over and over...and I felt nothing but a piece of shit throughout my years. And now...I'm here to fix things.

(YN): ...And how the hell you think you're gonna fix it?? Besides...aren't I a joke to you?? A joke?! Nothing but a fraud, and a distraction to Shota?!  HUH?!

Endeavor: ...Like I said, I was a piece of shit. And I'm going to fix it.

(YN): Tch. Like what?!

Soon...Endeavor got into a battle stance...and yet says...

Endeavor: Fight me.

(YN): Wh-What??!

Endeavor: You heard me, I want you to fight me, show me what you got, prove to me that you're not a joke nor a me that you care about Shota! And you're capable of being the future number 1 hero!

(YN) was quite shocked from what he heard from Endeavor...but then again...for him seems like a waste of time...

(YN): Tch. Don't make me laugh, this is just a waste. I'm out of here.

As soon (YN) turns around and walks away...Endeavor soon swings a punch towards (YN), and release a flame ball towards him, (YN) quickly dodges it...

(YN): H-Hey!! What the hell are you doing?!

Endeavor: Don't you dare turn your back on me boy! Now fight me!

(YN): Nrgh! I said no! This is a waste of time and-

Soon Endeavor with such speed, he charges towards (YN), and lands a punch towards his gut, and yet sends him flying crashing towards a wall with that punch...

Endeavor: Tch. What was that? You should have block that punch with an ease...tch, is this the way Shota will like you?? Turning your back and leaving a a coward?!

Everything was quiet for a second...until suddenly....smoke started to appear out from the they soon (YN) burts out from he stood up on his his whole body was smoking and yet his skin was down a  menace stare to Endeavor...

(YN):'ve pissed me off!

Endeavor: Is that so?? Then come at me then!! Give me everything you got!!

(YN): NRRRGH!! ENJI!!!!!!!!

(YN) and Enji soon charge at each other...and  soon to begin their fight on the next chapter!!!


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