Chp.16 Fighting Against Endeavor

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And so...(YN) was already in his second gear form, starring down at Endeavor...Endeavor soon gave off a grin as he got into his battle stance...

Endeavor: Heh! Now that's more like it, now show me what you got...unless you want my Shota to know you've walked away a a coward!

(YN): Nrgh!!!!'ve pissed me off!!!

Endeavor: Really? Then show me that lent up distraction then!! Give me everything you got! Come at me!

(YN): Nrrrgh!!! ENJI!!!!!!!

Soon, (YN) give a huge step forward, and yet soon charges towards Endeavor with full speed as he soon lands a punch towards him, but soon Endeavor manages to block the punch with his bear hands, soon Endeavor pulls him forward, as he then strikes a knee hit towards his gut, as (YN) soon spat out saliva out from his mouth, afterwards, Endeavor gave him an uppercut, and then grabbing his left leg, swinging him and tossing (YN) away and crashing towards the wall again...

Endeavor: Oh come on now! Is that the best you got?!

Soon, (YN) emerge out from the wall with such speed and appeared infront of Endeavor, aiming his palm towards him...

(YN): Rubber Jet Pistol!!!

Endeavor: FlashFire Fist Jet Burn!!!

Soon, the two collide their punches with strength, soon Endeavor's punch was made out of flames, and yet hurting (YN)'s fists...

(YN): A-AAARGH!! T-Too hot!!

Endeavor: Have one more! JetBurn!!!

Soon, Endeavor strikes another JetBurn flame punch towards (YN)'s gut, as this time, (YN) spat out more blood out from his mouth , and yet the punch sends him flying away again...soon (YN) this time was able to recover from that punch, yet again he was coughing blood out from his mouth...

Endeavor: Are you giving up that easily?! Please you're not even trying your best!

(YN): Sh-Shut up!!!

(YN) soon charges towards Endeavor as Endeavor gets ready in position, but as soon (YN) got close to Endeavor, he suddenly vanished, and yet appeared behind him..

(YN): Behind you!

Endeavor: Wha?!

(YN): Jet Whip!!

(YN) soon strikes a whip kick towards Endeavor's face, sending him flying as (YN) goes after him, he appeared above Endeavor as he swings a punch, but Endeavor quickly dodges it away as he soon strikes a kick towards (YN)'s face, and yet grabbing his whole head behind and slamming him hard to the ground and holding him down....

Endeavor: Ha! Is this all?! Please you gotta do better than that! Stop playing around (YN)!

(YN): ME!!!!

(YN) soon exploded with anger, as he yet turn his whole body to balloon, to hit Endeavor away from him as (YN) started to deflated himself back to his normal body...soon, he yet stood on his he clenched his teeth hard...soon, (YN) clench both his hands...and yet..he lean his back backwards...and his arms up...

(YN): Rubber....

Endeavor: What ever move your about to land it won't work! Here I come again!

Soon Endeavor charges to (YN)...and as he does, (YN) soon step forward...and yet...he suddenly unleash a bunch of rapid barrage punches, so quick, Endeavor can barely see them coming after them, soon he stoop, and raise his arms up to defend himself from those punches...

Endeavor: Wh-What the-?!


(YN) unleash some barrage rapid punches towards Endeavor, yet his rapid barrage punches were so upwards with such speed, Endeavor cannot see them at all, leaving only jet streams in (YN)'s place....and yet Endeavor was taking those punches while still defending himself arms up...

Endeavor: Th-These barrage fast..! And yet I can't see them coming!


With (YN) still throwing rapid barrage punches towards Endeavor, Endeavoe was starting to have his feet slides backwards..and soon to trip off from the arena any second, and yet...he yet lost his balance soon losing his defense up, as he started taking bites from (YN)'s Jet Battering punches...soon (YN)'s last punch has sent Endeavor flying crashing towards the wall..
And afterwards...(YN)'s body was smoking more and more...soon sweating a lot as well...and blood on his mouth...soon he was catching some air and trying to keep standing tall...but suddenly....

Endeavor: Hehehe, I-Is that it??

(YN): Wh-What the fuck?!!?

Soon, from the smoke where Endeavor was crash through, he merged out from the hole, with a grin on his face...soon wiping off the blood from his mouth and spat it out as well...

Endeavor: *chuckles* Come on now, all you were giving me were love taps, is that really the strongest punches you got?? Don't make me laugh.

(YN): *growls* Y-You bastard!!!

(YN) tries to go rushing to Endeavor....but then again...he was too'll seem that using his second gear has worn out already..and causing him to wear out his body too...soon the smoke faded away and his skin color came back...

(YN): D-Damn it...! Not now!

Endeavor: I that form of yours has a time limit, and it seemed it ran out of time.

(YN): N-Nrrrgh-AAAGH!!!

Endeavor with speed rush to (YN), and gave him a brutal punch to the he spat more blood out from his mouth...soon Endeavor gave an uppercut to (YN) he send him flying up to the air as Endeavor flies up to him, and as he gets to him, he then axe hands behind his back and sending him flying crashing to the floor...afterwards, smoke was his wrong around where (YN) crash landed as Endeavor soon landed on the ground...

Endeavor: Tch. You're not even trying, you're the only one getting beat up brutally while I just got some decent punches, come on (YN)! Be real for once!!

As the smoke started to fade away...Endeavor notices (YN) standing up already...and yet...he had his thumb on his mouth...and soon biting it made Endeavor curious...soon...(YN) gave of a grin to Endeavor as he replies to him...

(YN): Hehe...if my punches aren't too strong for you...then...I'll show you...another strategy then!

Endeavor: Hm?

(YN): Third...Gear!

Suddenly....(YN) soon started inflate his right thumb...and as he does..his whole right arm started to inflate bigger and bigger...

(YN): Bone Balloon!!

Endeavor: ...Bone??

(YN): Hehe! The power moves from one bone to another...check it out!!!

Soon, he transfers the Ari from his right arm to he left whole then...his left arm became a giant...

(YN): What you're seeing now from my left the hand of giant!!!

(YN): Rubber....

Endeavor: Heh! Let's see how strong it is then! Give it to me!!!


Soon, (YN) swings his giant left hand towards he yet lands a hit on him, soon Endeavor took a hit from it, and yet sending him flying crashing through the building of the arena...causing a lot of destruction to the building...afterwards...Endeavor with such luck manages to survive that punch, and yet he receive bit a damage, but still standing tall...soon, he appeared in the arena again...

Endeavor: H-Hehe, that's some punch you got there boy, but...that won't make me fall to the ground!!!

Endeavor charges to (YN) (YN) soon leaps up to the air...soon stretching his whole right leg up...and yet transferring the air from his left arm to his right leg as it grew bigger...

Endeavor Mind: He transfer the air to his feet now!

(YN): Rubber...GIANT STAMP!!!!!

Soon (YN) swings his giant right feet towards Endeavor, as Endeavor moved out of the way...and yet (YN) lands his stomp to the ground hard...and with that...(YN) soon started to deflate and pose the air he inflated for his third gear...soon he started falling to the ground, as he yet started to air recover himself...and yet landed on the ground safely...but was still injured...still standing for Endeavor...he was still standing he face forwards to (YN)...

Endeavor: ...You're wasting my time.

(YN): N-Nrrrgh!!

Endeavor: Stop fooling around (YN)! All your doing is destroying things during our fight! You destroyed half the build gun and yet you're fighting too reckless! Be serious for once Damn it! Tch. And here I thought you can impress Shota with your skills...but I was wrong...she'll think of you nothing but a joke still. *...That should tick him off...come on (YN), I know you have more in you!*

(YN): ...

Endeavor: Nothing to say?? Heh, that's fine, if you're not gonna do nothing, then I might as well end you right here and-

(YN): You are a piece of shit, Enji.

Endeavor: Hm?

(YN): You've always been the heartless bastard ever since I met've ruin things when you touch...just like my friendship with Shota...and now...she and I aren't contacting like that no more...cause of you. You didn't broke broke her. You caused her life a miserable hell.

Endeavor: ....I can agree to all of that....and I regret question here is...*sighs* *here goes...* ....What are you gonna do about it?

Soon...(YN)'s eyes were growing so much anger...the red veins from his eyeballs grew more and more...he clench his hands very tight...and yet...all he can reply...

(YN): You made her made her mad...and most've broken her...and you're gonna pay....and now...I'm going to be more serious!

Soon...(YN) lifted his left forearm to his mouth...and yet...he says...

(YN): Fourth...Gear.!


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