Chp.18 The Final Showdown

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Endeavor: Come at me, (YN)!!!

(YN): Let's go!!! Get him, Python!!!

(YN) extended his left arm as it started going after Endeavor...soon Endeavor uses his flames on his feet to fly and goes flying away to avoid from (YN)'s python arm...soon Endeavor kept on dodging and avoiding (YN)'s python arm, it kept on extending and extending faster and faster as Endeavor was pacing up the speed from it...soon after, Endeavor stopped on the ground, and yet he manages to catch (YN)'s python hand with his bear hands...soon it kinda gutted to catch it, but he manages to walk it off...soon Endeavor soon pulls (YN) towards his with his arm with brute strength as he then lands a knee strike towards (YN)'s chin, sending him flying to the air as Endeavor goes after him...soon he arrives above him as he clench his fist...

Endeavor: FlashFire Fist Jet Burn!!!!

Soon Endeavor strikes his Jet Burn Punch towards (YN)'s back, and yet sends him flying crashing towards the ground, hard landing...afterwards...Endeavor landed back to the ground...but as the smoke clears away...(YN) soon burst out from the ground as he appeared in mid air...

(YN): Well Damn! That hurt! But that doesn't mean you manage to take me down that easily, Enji! I will not give up!

Endeavor: Tch. What are you saying?!

(YN): Im I'm going to win this!!! Rubber...Jet Battering Gun!!!

(YN) soon started throwing rapid barrage punches towards Endeavor by extending his arms towards him to land rapid punches on him, soon Endeavor started throwing rapid punches towards (YN)'s to block them...afterwards, Endeavor soon evade (YN)'s punches as he goes flying, rushing towards (YN) as he and (YN) both collide their punches together, soon (YN) manage to land a kick towards Endeavor's gut, as he spat out blood from his mouth...soon Endeavor used his other fist to strike a punch towards (YN)'s face...soon they both backed away a little...and yet they went back to collide their fight each other, throwing hands, kicks, knee strikes and punts...soon the two swing their punches towards each other's faces at the same time, and yet being sent flying away and yet crashing towards the ground...and yet, the two stood up on their feet as they gave a stare down as Endeavor yells out..

Endeavor: H-Hehe...I have to're now becoming serious...I'm surprise...but don't get too cocky yet, you still haven't beaten me!!

(YN): Hehe! Oh don't worry, I still got plenty of fight in me!

Endeavor: Well me!!!

(YN): Here I come!!!

(YN) soon flew up in the air...

(YN): Rubber...

Soon he yet clench both his hands and yet pressing his arms inside and yet ready to unleash some punches...and soon he yells out...

(YN): Black Mamba!!!

(YN) soon unleash a powerful rapid barrage punches with his arms, extending them towards Endeavor...his both arms were so fast and yet extending so quick, Endeavor had to defend himself...soon he started getting serval punches by them...and the punches for Endeavor felt like powerful bullets hitting him..

Endeavor: Th-These punches..their so...powerful...and yet...he's extending his arms around...So fast as well!!

Afterwards...(YN) soon stop as he then goes charging towards Endeavor on feet, Endeavor recovers from those hits...until he realizes (YN) charging to him, soon (YN) lands a brutal punch towards Endeavor's chest, and yet another one to his face, and soon jump and giving him a hard kick to his face, sending him flying away...soon afterwards, (YN) goes rushing towards Endeavor....soon he then grabs his foot, and soon lifting him up and slamming him to the ground, then letting him go as (YN) leaps to the air and charges up his punch...

(YN): Rubber Jet Culverin Gun!!!

(YN) soon extended his arm, landing a hard punch towards Endeavor's back as Endeavor soon spat a lot of blood from his mouth...after that...(YN) tried to go for another one, but soon Endeavor quickly recovers and gets away from the punch...and soon afterwards...(YN) lands on the ground...and Endeavor and him were both catching their breathes...and soon...

(YN): I-It doesn't matter what happens...either way..I'm still gonna win in the end, Enji!

Endeavor: Is that so?! Tch! We'll see about that!!!

Soon, Endeavor then got into a battle he then crossed both his arms to his chest...and soon he started powering up his flames...and yet they were burning up hotter and hotter...and as for (YN)...he got into a battle stance as he too clench his right he does...Endeavor was going through his mind...and yet talks to himself..

Endeavor Mind: ...(YN)...for the mistakes I've made back then...this is the punishment I deserve...and also...this is my forgiveness as well...I'm sorry...Rei...for what I've done to you...I wish...I wish we can fix things for the two of us together...Natsuo...even though you still don't forgive is takes time...Fuyumi...I appreciate you for still supporting me even of the cruel things I've done to you too...but...I'm glad you forgave me that easily....and sweet daughter...I hope you can forgive me...and and I...our whole family...can be at peace again...and as for you, (YN)...forgive me for ruining your relationship with deserve to be happy with her, especially Shota too...I hope after this...the two of you...can go back...and be together again.

And so....After giving off a speech on his kind...he soon gave out a loud roar...and so as (YN) as he too gave out a loud roar...soon Endeavor yells out...

Endeavor: Prominence...!!!!

(YN): Rubber....!!!!

Endeavor: BUUURRRRNNNN!!!!!!!!!!


(YN) yells out his attack, as he soon extends his whole left arm, and soon, smoke started to appear and a shape of a cobra with red eyes appeared as well as (YN)'s left punch grew bigger, and going after Endeavor...and Endeavor's Prominence Burn...his huge flame blasts was going through (YN)'s King Cobra punch and soon going towards him...and yet...his King Cobra's punch appeared out of his flames and soon going towards Endeavor....soon, The huge flames hit (YN) so hard...and yet King Cobra's punch hit directly towards Endeavor's gut so hard and yet very brutal...he spat out so much blood from his mouth...and yet...out of nowhere...a huge impact collision happen after they landed their attacks towards each other...and yet a huge pile of smoke appearing as well..
Afterwards...the smoke started to fade away...and yet...(YN) was still standing...yet seemingly to be burned up...not that much...but burned up and injured...and as for Endeavor...he was still standing tall still...and yet blood coming out from his mouth more...soon yet...(YN) extended his arm back to himself...and yet...his form faded away as well as he was back to his normal body...soon Endeavor started to approach to (YN)...and yet (YN) got into a battle stance...knowing he hasn't given up yet...soon as Endeavor got close to him...

(YN): I-I...I won't...give up...still...I-I still got more me...!!

Endeavor: ...h-hehe...I-I know...and that's've won...

(YN): Wh...Wh-What...???

Endeavor: ...You...really out did yourself...heh...I guess...I was...wrong about you after're really...not....a joke...after all...and you the future...hehe...All're right...this was punishment....

And yet...Endeavor slowly lost consciousness...and soon falling backwards and falling down to the ground...and lost the battle as (YN) stood up...

(YN): Wh-Wha?? I-I don't understand.....

All Might: I think I can help you with that, (YN).

Soon, (YN) realizes All Might appearing...

(YN): A-All Might!


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