Chp.19 Forgiveness

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As we left off...(YN) and Endeavor has ended their fight...and yet...Endeavor has fallen and lost as (YN) gain victorious against him...and yet...he was yet concern on why Endeavor challenge him to a fight...and that's when All Might appeared and explain it to (YN)...

All Might: Young (YN)...seems like you've won.

(YN): A-All Might! What are you doing here??

All Might: Hm. Well...I can tell you're wondering why Endeavor challenge you to a fight, don't you?

(YN): ...Yeah...wait, do you know??

All Might: ...I'm afraid so, yeah...and well...he's told me about you and him having it out here. And well...he had a reason why.

(YN): I...don't understand...why did he??

All Might: ...Forgiveness.

(YN): F-Forgiveness??

All Might: Yeah, and that's not all...punishment as well.

(YN): Punishment??? ...I-I'm lost right here...

All Might: This whole fight...was just telling you to forgive him...and his punishment as well...for the things he has done. He's told me everything what he did...and he has regretted them for doing me...if I haven't retired, I would ended him for good...but...

(YN): ...But what??

All Might: I can already tell it in his face...that all he wants...was a second chance...all he wants is to change...and I get it. It takes time for him to change for the the things he's done...he's wanted this fight, for you to forgive him. A beaten up, sorrow, and fair forgiveness.

(YN): ...Oh. Now I get he didn't challenge me to a fight...just for the hell of it...he did it...just because he wanted to change himself, and fix things.

All Might: Yep.

All Might approaches to Endeavor and checks on him...

All Might: Yikes, you got him pretty good.

(YN): ...I-I didn't mean to go all out on him...hope I didn't hurt him too bad.

All Might: Nah, don't worry, he'll walk it off, all he needs is a check up on his wounds and some rest only. And you...well all you need are some bandages, that's all, seems like minor wounds you have.

(YN): Hmm.

All Might lifts Endeavor on his shoulders...

All Might: Well...mind coming with me to his place? I'm sure we can recover him and let his family know.

(YN): His place??? But-

Aizawa: Don't worry, we're gonna help him.

Recovery Girl: Of course you need a nurse as well.

Soon, (YN) sees Aizawa, and yet a short old lady, the heroin hero, recovery girl for UA's nurse school...soon Aizawa and All Might had Endeavor n their arms, taking them to their car as (YN) joined with them as well...minutes later...They arrived as All Might knocks on the door, soon Fuyumi opens the door...

Fuyumi: O-Oh! All Might! What are you-

Soon she realizes seeing her father in bad shape on Aizawa's arms...

Fuyumi: F-Father!!

Natsuo: S-Sis! What's going...on??! ...H-Hey! What happened?!

Soon, Shota as well came in the scene and finds her father as well...

Shota: D-Dad?! A-All Might?! Aizawa-Sensei?! And Recovery Girl?!

All Might: Young Shota, I know this is all the sudden, but we need to bring your father in and recover the wounds.

Fuyumi: F-Follow me! I'll lead you guys to him room!

Natsuo: Wh-What happen?!

Aizawa: We'll tell you later, now let's just take your father in his room.

Soon, Aizawa and Natsuo carried Endeavor to his Shota was a bit worried for her father...soon All Might appeared behind her and says to Shota...

All Might: Don't worry, it wasn't a villain.

Shota: Wait...What??

All Might: It's more...of a conversation between him and (YN).

Shota: (Y-YN)?!? Him too?!? What happened?!?

All Might: Why don't you ask him yourself...he's behind you.

Shota soon turns around and sees (YN) she soon stood speechless...soon All Might them by themselves...and yet he goes to check up on Endeavor and with the others...and so...Shota and (YN) we're both alone as Shota approaches to him...

Shota: Wh-What happened.???! Please tell me, (YN)...!

(YN): ...Your father...and I well...had a little talk and...*grunts* Shit, this...hurts..!

(YN) lost balance as Shota catches him...

Shota: Tell me inside, let me fix you up.

(YN): O-Okay.


Minutes later, (YN) and Shota were in her room, as she was wrapping bandages around (YN)'s wrists...and soon to be finished...

Shota: Done...feeling better??

(YN): Yeah...thanks.

Shota: Y-You're welcome...

Soon, Natsuo was walking down the hallway...and soon finding Shota in her room with (YN)...

Natsuo: Hey, sis.

Shota: Yeah, what's up?? ...How is he??

Natsuo: ...He's already waken up, not that long ago.

Shota: Oh...good to hear.

Soon Natsuo turn his focus on (YN)...and yet he remembers him now...

Natsuo: H-Hey...are you...(YN)??

(YN): Yeah...Natsuo??

Natsuo: O-Oh man! It is you. Dude, how you've, it's been so long since the last time we've seen each other.

(YN): It has...and well..I've been good...and's good to see you too, Natsuo.

Natsuo: Yeah...the pro's told us everything that happen...and well...especially him, he told me and Fuyumi what happen between you and him and well...He told me to look for you guys, come.

Shota: O-Oh. Okay, we'll be in our way.

Natsuo: Okay.

Soon Natsuo exits the (YN) got up ...

(YN): Well, let's go and check on him.

Shota: Y-Yeah...and...(YN).

(YN): Hm??

Shota: ...A-About last time...when we...talked it all went down and-

(YN) soon approaches to Shota, hoods her hands as Shota blushes as (YN) replies...

(YN): Shota, right now, is not the time to talk about that, we can talk about it some time...but for now...we gotta go and check up on your father...he...he needs you. And maybe...he might have some few words with you and your family.

Shota: ...O-Okay.

(YN): Hm. Let's go.

Soon, the two exited the room, and walked down the hallway as they arrive to Enji's room...

All Might: Oh there you are you two, (YN), how you feel??

(YN): I'm fine...just recovering that's all.

Aizawa: Good to hear.

Recovery Girl: Seems like my job here is done. Just rest up.

Enji: ..Thank you, I appreciate it.

All Might: Well, I say we should get going...We don't wanna get involved for what Endeavor has to say to you guys. Well, see you, and take care.

Fuyumi: Bye, and thank you!

Aizawa: Don't mention it.

Soon, Recovery Girl, All Might and Aizawa soon left the room and exiting the house...and yet..(YN), Shota, Natsuo, and Fuyumi we're all in the room with Enji started talking...

Enji: ...Listen...for what I've done back was the biggest...and most unbearable mistake I've ever done in my life....for the actions I've done to you four...for the causes as well...I've regret the things I've done to you all...Natsuo...Fuyumi...I am deeply sorry for what I've done to you two....I should have never done these actions, too as well...for what I've done to I've treated you and made you be and ruining everything...I-I am deeply sorry...

Soon...there was knock on the Natsuo goes and gets it...and Enji continues as he says to (YN)..

Enji: And (YN)...I hope our fight back asking me for you to forgive me, for the actions, the mistakes...and for the trouble I have caused you and your mother....and ruining...everything that stands still with Shota...I should have never ruin your friendship with my two...deserved to be happy together....

Shota: ...

(YN): ...

Fuyumi: ...W-Well..Shota, (YN)...

And all of the sudden...Natsuo came in...and yet came with a surprise look on his face...

Fuyumi: Oh, Natsuo.

Shota: Hey, what's with the look??

Enji: I-Is everything okay?? Who was it at the door?

Natsuo: ...Look...If you're willingly to apologize to should apologize to her as well.

Enji: H-Her??

Natsuo enter the room...and suddenly..with such a surprise...Enji's wife, Rei appeared in the house as Shota and Fuyumi were surprise to see her...Enji as well...

Enji: ...R-Rei...!

Fuyumi: Mom!

Rei: Fuyumi.

Fuyumi rushes to her mom and hugs for Shota, she slowly approaches to her, as Rei soon gave a little smile...and was happily glad to see Shota as well...

Shota: ...M-Mom.

Rei: Oh Shota sweetie, it's so good to see you, all three of you.

The two soon gave each other a hug, as Shota was happy to see her mother here on the house...afterwards...Rei was soon greeted by (YN) as she notices him...

Rei: Oh...Hello there.

(YN): ...Hello again, Ms.Todoroki

Rei: we know each other??

(YN): You may not know me...but...I know you. I'm (YN)....Shota's friend.

Rei: O-Oh. (YN)...oh my gosh. (YN)...I-I never knew you grow up. Please, how are you?

(YN): I'm fine, thanks...I'm happy to see you, Ms.Todoroki.

Rei: Hm. I am as well.

Enji was yet surprise to see Rei today..but yet confused...

Fuyumi: S-Sorry if I, we'll WE didn't told you dad...we got a call saying mom was gonna be discharged today at the hospital, I wanted to tell you with a surprise and she is, hehe...

Enji: ...I see.

Soon, Rei and Enji stare at each other for a bit as Rei said...

Rei: ...Can you four give me and Enji some privacy here, he and I need to have a talk.

Natsuo: Y-Yeah, sure.

Fuyumi: Of course!

Shota: Okay, we'll be our way.

(YN): Mm.

Soon they all exited the (YN) said...

(YN): Well...I guess I should be on my way.

Fuyumi: Oh, already??

(YN): Yea...don't wanna interfere with your know? Well, nice meeting you guys, see you guys soon.

Natsuo: Okay, take care man.

Fuyumi: Bye.

As (YN) walks down the hallway, Shota soon calls for him  and says to him...

Shota: Hey, (YN) wait.

(YN): ....

He turns around...

Shota: Look..I know that...what I did back then...that day...all the things that happen between us...I-I wanted to say I'm sorry...I shouldn't have acted that way towards you....

(YN): ...It's fine. Really.

Shota: ...O-Oh. Okay

(YN): ...Yea, we are..but...for now, we need some space, don't get me wrong, but...I need space...I gotta get the things out of my mind, ease it off a bit, you know?

Shota: O-Oh! Totally..yeah...

(YN): Hmm. Well...see ya.

Shota: Bye.

And so, (YN) leaves the house and heads back to his Fuyumi and Natsuo walked behind Shota and says...

Natsuo: Heh, who would thought I would meet (YN) today...didn't recognize him till they mention me about him.

Shota: Hmm.

Fuyumi: Seems like the two of you got a lot of things to talk about...don't you?

Shota: Yeah...right now we just need some space for a bit...

Fuyumi: I understand, but don't worry...I'm sure the two of you will work it out together.

Natsuo: Yeah.

Shota: Yeah, thanks guys.

Natsuo: Anytime.

Fuyumi: Yeah...Well, how about we go and well...leave them so space and have a little talk with each other.

Shota: Yea.

Natsuo: Definitely.

And so....we go back with Rei and Enji...Rei soon started approaching to she sat down with she soon grabbed Enji's hand...

Rei: ...Fuyumi and pro's told me everything that happen right before I was coming home through the phone....Enji...Why?

Enji: ...All I wanted...was to fix things from the terrible actions I have caused...I wanted to fix everything, the past...the present...everything...even my family...Rei...I'm sorry...for what I've done to our you of course...I should have never been sent you like that...

Enji soon started to show bit of emotions and yet shedding a tear from his eye...

Enji: I-I don't want to live like this anymore...I-I want my family back...I back mostly...I've always...dreamt about the dinner table, eating, having fun...and most importantly...being a happy family.

Enji soon holds onto Rei's hand as Rei got emotional and Enji says...

Enji: Rei...could you ever forgive me...for all the things I have done?

Rei soon started to get emotional as well, as she soon wipes Enji's tear off from his eye...soon she kept on holding on his hand and replies...

Rei: ...Oh Enji...I's going to take some time, very long time for me to forgive you.

Enji: ...The rest of your life sound okay?

Rei soon smiles a as Enji...he soon stood up...Rei soon replies...

Rei: ...Sounds good to me.

And so...Rei and Enji smile at each other...and soon...the two were getting closer and closer...and soon they connect their lips together...and landing a kiss...soon afterwards, they backed away a Enji see a little memorial set up with a picture of his son, Toya...

Enji: ...How stupid I can I forget the son that I....I-

Rei:'s okay...just remember...he'll always be in our hearts...and yet...event for what he tried to do...he'll still forgive you...if he was still here.

Enji: ..Hmm.

So...Rei soon got comfortable with Enji as the two were laying down together in the bed...and soon eating together...and yet...
very happy to be together once again...


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