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Enji: Well, are you gonna tell me who you are and why are you with my daughter?!

(YN): ...It's been a while, Mr.Todoroki. And...that's a pretty bad scar you have.

Enji: Tch. You have some nerve boy! If you don't-

Shota: Wait! Stop!

Enji: Huh?? Shota??

Shota: ...This is (YN)...if you remember him.

Enji: (Y-YN)??!

Enji was soon was surprised and shocked to finally meet (YN)....and yet grown too...

Enji: Well then...(YN)'s a surprise to see you, it's...been a while.

(YN): Yeah, it has been a while.

Enji: ...So tell are you?

(YN): ...Since when did you became soft all of the sudden?

Enji: Excuse me??

Shota: (YN), please don't-

(YN): Oh come on Shota, you really think I won't forgive your dad of yours for what he did back then?! To my mom?! To you of course?!

Shota: I-I know! But right now is not the time to talk about that! (YN)...please don't make this hard for you...

Shota soon grabs (YN)'s hand as (YN) soon can see Shota's face, telling him to not cause no problems with her father...soon he replies...

(YN): Right...Sorry. answer your question, Mr.Todoroki...I'm doing great so far...

Enji: Hmmm.

(YN): ...Anyways, I gotta go home now.

Shota: O-Oh. Okay then.

(YN): But...Today was fun, we should hang out more often, if your still cool with it...also...if your okay with it.

Enji: ...

Shota: Don't worry, it's okay....but We can hang out more.

(YN): Cool.

(YN) soon walks towards the sidewalk as he turns around and waves bye at Shota as she blush a little and waves bye at him back...soon (YN) started running down and stretching his arms to swing on the buildings and head home...afterwards, Shota turns around and passes by her father...

Shota: Like I told you, I was with (YN), if you forgot.

Enji: ...Right.

Shota: Hm. Anyways, I'm heading to my room.

But as soon Shota was about to enter her house...Enji then calls her...

Enji: Shota.

Shota: What?

Enji: ...*sighs* *Here goes nothing* Shota...I'm sorry to say this, but even if (YN) is your friend and back then as well...I cannot allow you to be with him often.

Shota...suddenly soon froze for a she soon dropped her bag and yet replies with a aggressive tone...

Shota: Are you fucking kidding me?! You're doing this NOW?!? After all he showed up now you're telling me to not see him?! After all these years?!? Just what the hell is wrong with you?!

Enji: Nothing! Look, you gotta listen to me-

Shota: Oh I listened you enough! I know what you're doing! You're trying to ruin this again! Just like you did back then!

Enji: No! It's not like that!

Shota: Then what is it?!?

Enji: Spending time with (YN) will just distract you from you being a hero! It'll lack your skills on your training as well! And that's not all...I cannot allow you seeing like like that, knowing that he's a boy!

Shota: Nrgh! You can't treat me like this still! I'm old enough to do anything-

Enji: And I am still your father Damn it! You still live in this house, and you have to patiently what I have to tell you Shota! ...but you know what, fine! Do what you wanna do...just to let you know im warning you for what I'm telling you now. (YN)...will be a bad influence on you, lacking on your studies and training, with him around with you...think for a moment.

Afterwards...Enji soon walks pass by Shota as he enters the house...soon Shota was outside still, as she clench her hands and soon emitted her ice quirk with anger...

Shota: ...I don't care what you's not like just don't understand at all...all you will do is ruin this again for me...but it won't happen again...not again!

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