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2 months have passed now, 2 months have passed after Shota and (YN) have reunited with each other, they soon were back on track on being friends, they've been hanging out together often a lot, yet they have been studying together as well, helping each other too one another, they've grown their friendship bigger and bigger...but the only thing that is being bothered about their friendship...was Enji of course...he still is aware that (YN) will be in Shota's way of becoming a hero and yet her studies as, he had to tell Shota that he is right about what he told her a few weeks ago when (YN) and Enji met after day, Shota was in her house, on weekend, she was walking down the hallway as she was on the phone with (YN)...

Shota: We should go to the beach someday, it could be fun to go and yet to the pier as well.

(YN): Oh yeah, the beach, man I've never went to the beach. It's been a while, We should definitely go! It could be so much fun!

Shota: Heh, yeah, it will be fun.

(YN): ..Hehe,, these past months was Fun. When I finally met you, I've felt more happy than ever.

Shota: I did too...Im happy as well...that I've found you. So happy.

(YN): ...Yeah, we both are. Hey listen, I'll call you right back later, I gotta help my mom on something.

Shota: Oh, okay then, take your time, bye.

(YN): Bye.

(YN) soon hang ups r phone as he yet seem like he was all changed as he yet soon rushes down the hallway and says to his mom...

(YN): Hey mom, I'll be right back. I'm going to see Shota for a bit. *Hehe, surprise her of course*

Reimi: Okay sweetie, be careful. Tell her I said Hi.

(YN): Okay mom!

Soon (YN) exits the house as he goes rushing down to Shota's house to meet her with a surprise...
. Meanwhile...

Shota soon hangs up as she soon smiles, and then places her phone towards her chest and looks up..until soon, her father was in the work out he then calls her...

Enji: Shota.

Shota: ...?

Enji: Can you come here for a sec? I wanna have a little "talk" with you.

Shota at first didn't know what her father wanted, but all she can do is listen to him and soon get in the work out room...

Shota: ..What is it?

Enji: ...I assume you've been training hard, right? You haven't been lacking on your skills and mobility on your quirk, have you??

Shota: No, look if this is about-

Enji: No, it's not. I just wanna make sure you are. have to prove it to me.

Shota: What-

Enji: You heard me, prove it to me. Let's see what you got. No holding back.

Shota: ...Okay then, if you say so.

Enji: Very well then, ready when you are.

Soon Enji got into a fighting pose...soon Shita got into a fighting she does...she soon emitted her ice powers as she started to spread ice towards....soon Enji's use his quickness by bursting flames from his feet as he was so fast he appeared behind Shota and yet he suddenly strikes a kick towards her back...

Shota: O-Ow!! What the hell?!

Enji: Too slow, Again!

Shota: N-Nrgh!

Shota with irritation soon spreads ice again, Enji again dodges it with speed as he soon rushes towards Shota and yet strikes a punch towards her gut and sending her crashing towards the wall...

Shota: A-Ack! What the-

Enji: Still slow. Again!

Shota: Why are you-

Enji: Again I said!

Shota: Nrrrgh!!

Shota soon rushes towards her father, as she yet tries to swing some punches at him, but kept missing and yet Wnii dodging them...

Enji: What is this?? You're not fast enough. Why aren't you giving it all?!

Shota: I-I am!

Enji: Really? Cause it seems like you ARENT!!!

Enji strikes a knee towards Shota's gut, as Shota soon was on her knees, and yet coughing a lot of saliva...

Enji: Tch. Get up Shota, if you wanna be the hero you want to be, then don't give up and quit.

Shota: Wh-Why...Why are you doing this?!? Why?!?

Enji: ...Hmph. As I thought, you're not trying hard I said, you've already lacking on your training and skills. All because of hanging out with (YN).

Shota: N-No! It's not damn it-

Enji: Oh it's not?! Then tell me what is?! I'm just trying to help you out here! Think Shota Think! If you're gonna be the hero you want to be, then keep on what you're doing, but ever since you've found (YN)'ve been lacking on it, just when he showed up to you, he's nothing but a distraction...tch, what kind of friend he is that acts nothing but a joke, and yet claims that he'll be the number 1 hero like All Might...what a bunch of nonsense. So tell me Shota...

Shota: ...

Enji: Do you think (YN) is responsible for the lack and the absence you're having with your training and studies?! Or is it...because of me still.

Shota codling even say nothing else...she can't even think right...

Enji: Tch. Keep that in mind.

Soon, Enji exits the room and walks away...leaving Shota alone and yet Fuyumi and Natsuo soon came and notice her getting up...

Fuyumi: Shota!

Natsuo: Sis!

The two went over to Shota and helped her out...

Fuyumi: A-Are you okay?!

Shota: Y-Yeah, I'm fine...

Natsuo: Tch! Just what's his problem now?!

Shota: N-Nothing,'s just has to do with...(Y-YN)...

Natsuo: What??! Is he still with that?! Tch. Unbelievable. Just why can't he just let it go!

Fuyumi: *sighs* You know how he is.

Shota: ....Guys.

Natsuo/Fuyumi: ??

Shota: ...Do you think...I'm actually...lacking on my training...cause of...(YN)...I mean..I don't wanna agree with him but...right now...I was slow...and yet wasn't even trying hard on hitting him, nor I didn't even lay a finger on he right-

Natsuo: No Sis, he's not right, he's just saying that for you to stay away from (YN), he's trying to be the heartless father he is back then still.

Fuyumi: ...I hate to say this Shota...but Natsuo is right, all he's doing is just...saying things to make you avoid from (YN)...but...what do you think? Should you...agree with him...or not?

Shota: ....I...I-I don't know...

Natsuo: Look, why not we go and get some rest okay? Here let us take you to your room.

Shota: O-Okay...thanks.

Natsuo and Fuyumi soon was taking Shota to her room....
Meanwhile, outside of the house near a window, (YN) yet to appear...and yet...he has saw everything from the beginning...and heard everything as well...of what Enji mention to (YN), about him being a "joke" and saying "nonsense" about being the hero...and yet...he realizes Shota didn't try to defend him afterwards...he felt like...if Shota was actually trying to agree on her he can leave quietly...
Moments later, he soon arrived to his home, as he enters and finds his mom on the living room...

Reimi: Hey sweetie.

(YN): ...hey.

Reimi: My, that was quick, didn't expect you to come home early, thought you would have been with Shota.

(YN): O-Oh...yeah but...she's wasn' that's why.

Reimi: Oh, too bad. But you'll get to see her anyways, right?

(YN): ...Yeah...

Reimi: O-Oh! I almost forgot!

(YN): Hm?

Reimi suddenly stood up as she yet rushes down to the table and yet seem like she was excited for some reason...she suddenly hands (YN) over a mail from him...and that mail is from a school...

(YN): A Mail?? For me??

Reimi: Yeah! And I open it, which I'm not suppose to but curious about it...and what I saw shocked me very well!

(YN): Really?? Hm. Wonder what's-

As soon he checks what's on the mail...he pulled out a little hologram object...and yet a letter to UA...

(YN): from UA?!


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