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After the vampire said that (Y/n) turned his gaze back to the girl on his lap before caressing her cheek, carefully to make sure she doesn't wake up then an old man spoke, "Is're...uhhh sister?", he asked probably trying to start a conversation

".....No....", (Y/n) simply answered

"Then why's she with you?"

"Found the poor thing a year ago after her village was massacred, I couldn't just leave her on her own, so I carried her and she's been traveling with me ever since", he answered which saddened the old man

"I see...poor girl...say lad where are you from if you don't mind me asking?"

"I don't know...I've been traveling my whole life.... just a nobody that's all I've been...", (Y/n) answered, before closing his eyes and leaning back, "....Where're you from?", he asked suddenly

"Oh...ah, I'm from Lanteglos", answered the old man

"Never heard of it"

"Oh, that's because it's very far from here"

"You don't say...", he answered without a care in the world, why should he anyways?

Sometime passes and the wagon comes to a halt, they then heard footsteps in front of them which came to a stop.

(Y/n) P.O.V.

The door opened to reveal the vampires that captured us, both being female. They gazed at us with those piercing red eyes with a smug look on their face, "How many of them again?", asked one of them

"20", the other answered

"That's better than last time... well let's shackle them up", the first one answered, just then the girl that was asleep on my lap woke up and as she saw those vampires she got scared and leaned in on me attempting to hide probably.

Anyways we finally got to stand, the shackled our hands and legs. Aurora the little girl that's with me held my hands on the way, if it were anyone else they'd have their hands broken, human or vampire I hate both races, especially those so-called 'nobels'.

As we continued to walk, I noticed that we weren't walking through the city gates, but instead from an underground passage.... weird...why did they do that? After some time Aurora's legs finally gave up on her as she collapsed

"Hey! No stopping!", the vampire yelled as she was going to kick her had I not sheilded her with my back. I then turned to the vampire and glared at her, not impressed she did the same

"I'm going to carry her, if you don't have have a problem with it", I said as her glare intensified before she scoffed while walking away.

True to my words I carried Aurora and continued walking my, supposedly my eternal hell, God why was I brought into this world? 

Finally reaching to our destination which was a prison? And their where others too, they look like they've been here for a long time now. They proceeded to look us in one of those cells before saying

"Enjoy the rest of your time  here, rotting way, Livestock!", one of them laughed while the other chuckled. The only thing that ran through my head was one question; 'why was their an underground prison?', something out of place is happening here, that I can't doubt.

~To be continued~

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