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This chapter is a rather short one

~(Y/n) P.O.V.~

After they locked us in and left, Aorura hugged me tightly while shaking, terrified of what might happen. Well, I can't blame her now can I?

"Say lad...what happened to you're arm?", asked the old man referring to my bandaged left arm

"It's nothing....just a horrible wound...", I said throwing the cloak over it and Aurora,"Better get some sleep....we don't know if we're going to enjoy it any longer", I said closing my eye, as ones who already lost hope did the same.

Others cried themselves to sleep, others were planning to kill themselves already. This is one of the reasons to hate humans, they think that a life is something that can be thrown away easily. Vampires see them as food on top of most of them thinking that their invincible.

~Timeskip nighttime~

After they all fell asleep, I opened my eyes to check if their was anyone still awake and to my luck their wasn't. So I gently placed Aurora on the ground as, she used my cloak as a blanket so I left it with her.

Taking out a needle that I was hiding in my mouth, I began to unlocking the shackles to which I succeeded.

I then carefully walked to the prison door. I placed my arm in between the bars and slowly slithered from them, soon enough I was out of the prison, was I free? No. "Time to do some investigation..."

Walked around for a bit, blending with the dark to make sure I'm not spotted, hoping to find a clue that'll help me, that'll let me know what's happening in here, why was there an underground prison?

I don't know what I was searching for in this place, but if they have an underground person then their has to be a room or something that they stay in.

All of a sudden I hear foot steps behind me and saw a glimer of lumination coming towards me, acting quickly I jumped to the corner of the ceiling and stayed still waiting  for them to pass, this could be my clue. When they did I saw the two vampires that brought us here along with a middle-aged man wearing black robes and a sliver cross, wait....a priest?

I guess I found what I am  looking for, with that I followed them making sure not to make the slightest of sound. After a couple of minutes they stopped near door that led to a rather small room, the moment they entered the room I swiftly got down from the ceiling and started eavesdropping on them....and what I heard made my blood boil to an extent that I never thought would be possible.....

·To be continued·

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