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(Y/n) returned to the cell and sat their, his blood boiling after what he just heard; Some humans formed a pact with vampires, they intend to dethrone their queen and start a war, the humans that where captured, half are sent to church for experimentation, the other half are for vampires to feed on...., he turned his attention to Aurora who was sleeping soundly, he caressed her cheek, 'I never thought that I'd care about about anyone in this shit hole of a world....but she...', he thought to himself.

He let out a tired sigh, "I hate my life", he then drifted off to sleep.

~(Y/n) P.O.V.~

After I had gone to sleep, I opened my eyes and well....I was falling in this void, again with that same voice echoing, again....this is starting to piss me off more than I'm already this point I wouldn't be surprised if I woke up insane one da-!

I cut myself off as I felt my back hit something....snow? I stood up and noticed that it was night in a snowy wasteland....guess I'm in my own mind....makes sense, I sat up and looked around until my eyes landed on a man standing a top of a snowy hill wearing a black trenchcoat that was moving due to the wind, he had his back to me and had the same white color hair as me but his is a bit taller.

Moments later he turned so that he would face me and looked at me with violet, piercing cold eyes but somehow they were also gentle, he then spoke, "Tell me, what is it that you desire in life?", huh? What's that supposed to mean? Wait, why is he even asking me that? Better yet

"Who are you?", I asked him but he didn't answer, he just turned around and started walking away I was going stop him but a light flashed and I was awake, ok...what just happened? Is my mind finally breaking and I created this dude to deal with my issues?

While I was thinking that, I heard a low scream coming from it finally began huh? If that where the case I would've stopped them earlier but eh who cares. Well, better get to work I guess. I then shook Aurora awake, the girl looked at me curiously, I stood up and yelled, "Alright people it's time to wake up! We're getting out of here!", I clapped my hands waking them up and repeating what I said they all looked at me weirdly

"What did he just say?"

"He said we're getting out of here"

"As if, how are we even going to do that?"

"He's probably lost"

"Yeah, he's delusional"

....Tch! These people...why did I even bother? Well whatever, I walked to the bars, put my arms in them and with great force spread them the iron bars, as they all looked at me in awe. Bet they're regretting what they said a moment ago, "Anyone who wants to get out of here follow me!", they started to brighten up a little.

They think I did this out of the kindness of my heart? Yeah like hell, when push comes to shove they'll be ready to leave me behind and save their asses, I'm only doing this because of Aurora. We then started running towards the exit from what we remember.

We then heard a high-pitched screech, then broke as smoke filled the place and we heard it again, this time there's no mistaking it it's a Firstborn, go figure they'll put one here

"Oh dear god...what are we going to do....?"

"We're done for..."

"Just when we thought that we'd be free...."

The ones that've been here longer than us started to murmur, weak. I acted fast and rushed at him with speed so that he couldn't react fast enough and kicked him into the side of the wall,"Get going! KNOW! I made a diversion for know! I'll keep him occupied for know!", yelled at them as they ran outside as I took a fighting stance,(play emotionally epic music here) "You too Aurora", I ordered the girl that was standing behind me, "Don't worry, I'll be fine", glanced back at her as she stood their for a moment before she noded and ran off.

The Firstborn recovered, it looked at me screeching again, this time realising air pressure hopping to push me back, well I got news for buddy you're going to try harder than that. The moment it stopped I ran at the abomination and jumped before punching it in the head sending it a few feets back, I stomped the ground as I landed creating a creater, "ALL RIGHT BIG GUY! LET'S HAVE A CONTEST! WHO GETS TO TURN INTO MUSHED MEET FIRST! YOU OR ME!", I yelled charging at the creature, kicking it's gut making it stagger before uppercutting it as it flew upwards crashing into the ceiling and creating a hole as I jumped after it.

The moment I did though it surprised attacked me and smacked me to a wall, the moment I hit the wall a picture of Aurora flashed in my head, damn it how did this girl effect me so much? I recovered just as it charged at me ready to bite my head off but I jumped out of the way grabbed it by it's ears and using all the strength I have flipped it over, I then noticed a broken wood pillar, acting fast I grabbed just as the Firstborn got up and charged at it yet again yelling at the top my my lungs as an image of Aurora flashed yet again.

~Elsewhere (Third person P.O.V)~

In a giant room, there sitting on a throne was a tall slender woman, wearing a gothic lolita dress, she has black heir and red eyes, she also had a fan, "What are humans doing in my castle?",

The doors in front of her then bursted open and from it came a group of priests and what seems to be hunters, the priest from before then walked in front of the group

"Greetings vampire queen, the stories of your beauty are quite true. Such a shame though that we'll have kill you"

And to that the Vampire smirked, "Very well then, entertain me humans", she said as she got up from her throne. 

·To be continued·

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