Chapter- 4

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"Very well then, entertain me humans", the vampire queen said with a hint of amusement as she spread her fane and her eyes glowed. They where about attack her but she waved her fan in their direction blasting them away with great force.

The hunters impaled their swords on the ground so they wouldn't fly away from the force while some priests flew to the wall loosing consciousness, "Curses! We already lost 7 of our priests!", yelled a hunter with anger

"Fret not my children, for we will be successful", said the first    

"Father Amaury is correct, for he received the most blessings out of all of us", they encouraged them a little

"Are you done talking? Because I'm bored already", said the queen her expression changing into a bored one as the the hunters readied themselves to attack having calmed down a bit  

'That's right...we can't give up now...we came this far!', thought one of the hunters as the hunters as he charged at the deadly beauty with great speed, "I'm going first!", he declared while pointing his sword forward in an attempt to thrust, but the queen simply blocked it with her fan creating a low grade shock wave

"Is that all? Pathetic", she said disappointed as she grabbed his head and crushed it while his fellow hunters sneaked behind her with the intention to stab her but where suddenly unable to move looking down the saw some kind of black, "Did you really think that it would be this easy to kill me?", she turned her head feeling insulted and underestimated.

Then a white glow appeared beneath them and before they knew it they where electrocuted and burned to a crisp. She then turned her attention back to the priests, two of which where a bit shaken by the display she tilted her head a little while, glaring at them, "Now tell me something; What are you doing in MY kingdom? Whatever plans you had were poorly thought out and you where already dead", she smashed realty at them.

~At the same time~

Currently Aurora was running through a hallway, after (Y/n) has told her to leave she was unable to catch up with the others and was basically left behind by them and also got lost she stopped to take her breath after running for so long, but unfortunately for her this didn't last long, "So that's why my Firstborn disappeared", Aurora turned around and saw one of the vampires that captured glaring down at her, she was about to run but the female vampire caught her and lifted her off the ground and glared at the poor girl,"Care to explain how you got out?", she demanded but the girl refused to speak,"Well then I'll just have to kill you, such a shame though you're blood would've tasted very good", she smirked before licking her lips.

Then she had an idea and her smile widened scaring the girl as the vampire moved it's head closer to Aurora's neck attempting to bite her but, "I don't think so", came a voice from behind her and before she knew it she had a chain rapped around her neck and was pulled backwards as her back hit what seems to be a leg causing her to let go of Aurora who collapsed on the ground, looking above she saw (Y/n)

"I-Impossible! How d-did you escape?! And what of my Firstborn?!", she asked clearly shocked at this

"I killed it. Now like they say; An eye for an eye, bitch", he said as the vampire felt something impale her heart from behind and fell on the ground, lifeless, he then looked back at Aurora, "Are you alright?", he asked as the girl nodded, "Good, now let's go", he said taking her hand 

~Back at the castle~

"Whatever plans you had where poorly thought out, and you where already dead", said the queen raising her hand while electricity started appearing on it, she was about to strike them but then suddenly the wall on the right crashed as something hit the floor causing a lite shake as dust was everywhere

"Sorry to crash on you like this....", came the voice of (Y/n) as the dust cleared showing him standing in the middle of a crater with Aurora who soon walked away from him, "But I can't have a bunch of selfish humans start a stupid war", then took a fighting stance

The priests looked on at him thinking that he sided with vampires, while the queen looked at him curiously, their was silence as the air was thick but it didn't last long as the priests chanted a quick spell and pressed their arms on the floor, soon enough the ground beneath (Y/n) extended into a sharp blade as it impaled him from different sides. Thinking of him as nothing they shook their heads in disappointment, but it didn't last long when they heard him talk, "Don't get too cocky...", then a glow blinded everyone and a shockwave appeared out of nowhere.

When it died down they saw the bandages on (Y/n)'s arm gone and his arm, black while their where blue glowing vein like thing which steamed from an eye on the back of his palm, needless to say everyone present was shocked by this

"HOW?!", shouted Amaury not believing what he's seeing

"What's the matter Amaury? Can't remember the monster that you created?", questioned (Y/n) as the priest's eyes widened

"N-no...i-it can't be...I saw you dying..."

"Well I got news for you, you're about to die", he then raised his hand as energy started to gather on it and he released a beam of energy at them causing a small explosion to happen as dribbles flew everywhere.

When everything was cleared, (Y/n) felt a little dizzy, he looked at where the priests are and only saw 2 bodies, he gritted his teeth before loosing consciousness and collapsed but was caught by the queen her self who layed him on her lap before saying, "You are quite the interesting one".

·To be continued·

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