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The vampire queen sat on the ground with (Y/n) laying on her lap, unconscious while Aurora was a few feet away just watching, then they heard the sound of heals tapping the floor repeatedly, then a woman with while hair walked in quickly,"My lady are you alright?!", she asked worry clear in her eyes

"Yes, I'm quite fine, thank for worrying Margaret", she assured while the now named Margret sighed in relief before noticing (y/n) and Aurora and before she spoke her queen interrupted,"Take these two to a room to rest, and ready my bath", she ordered

"Yes milady",she then carried (Y/n) from her queens lap, bridal style and then looked towards Aurora,"Come on little one, follow me", she asked the little girl who was hesitant at first,but compiled none the less and started following the old vampire but still maintained a safe distance, which is understandable from her perspective. Margret noticed her behaviour and couldn't help but sigh before asking,"Why are you keeping your distance? I'm not going to harm you.", she reassured, but it didn't help the situation as Aurora kept quiet the whole time until they arrivved in front of a door.

Once they arrived she opened the door withe her magic since she was carrying (Y/n) who was still unconsious, they entered the room Aurora noticed the room's expensive furniture, she was overwhelmed by it since she's not used to seeing this where she came from. Snapping back to reality she saw Margret lay (Y/n) on the bed and started inspecting him, 'Hmmm....most of his injuries have healed, except the really serious ones. The only way some of his wounds would heal that fast is if he was-!', she cut herself off as the realization struck her hard. She backed away and bandaged his unhealed injuries before exiting the room still not believing her own words.

As margret was out of the room Aurora walked to the left side of the bed and held (Y/n)'s hand and looked at him worried, the white-haired male's hand gripped back in response. Not knowing what to do, Aurora stood their still holding on to his hand.

~(Y/n) P.O.V.~

I opened my eyes to find myself back in that snowy wasteland, sighing I got up and looked around and loe and behold that man was standing their again, in the same position, in the same place, still looking at me, he then spoke,"Tell me, what is it that you desire in life?", he spoke to me those same exact words, what does he mean by that? And who is he?

Uncounsiously, my body started moving on it's own, as I did though he turned around and walked away again and a light flashed infront of me again, blinding my sight. I awoke to the sound of my heavy breathing, then the realization struck me, that I was lying on something comfortable, sitting up I noticed that I was in some kind of room, a fancy one at that, turning to my left I saw Aurora, looking at me shocked before jumping on me and hugging me tightly, she must've been worried sick,"Were you waiting for me all along?", I asked her and she nodded in my embrace, she tightened the hug even more.

We sat there in silence, all of a sudden my arm glowed for a momment and the door opened showing a white haired vampire with questionable clothes, she's a vampire.....I stood up and moved the little girl behind me in a defensive position while pointing my arm at her, she didn't even flinch,"Good, you're awake, come along now my lady is expecting you.", she said nonchanontly, she doesn't seem to have melicious intent, still though she is a vampire and I can't tust her so easily....for now anyway.

"Fine then. Take me to her", I said to the vampire who nodded in response

"Right this way then lad", she asked of us and we did as we were told. We exited the room and walked through the hallway, through all of this Aurora was standing behind me, can't blame her really considerring what she went through, it's logical that she'd keep her distance as much as possible. After sometime of lefts and rights....goddamn it, why do they have to have such complicated residences! Nobles I tell ya! We reached the front of two doors,"We've arrived", the woman announced before knocking on one of the doors.

"Yes, who is it?", came the voice of the queen from the other side

"It's me Lady Ambrosia, I've brought him", guess that's her name huh

"Thank you Margret", she thanked her subordinant who turned to me and motioned to me to get inside, I was about to do but she stopped me all of a sudden

"What now?", I asked her a bit irritated

"Take your clothes off", she said so casually


What the hell did I get myself into? Seeing her experssion she's dead serious, I'd rather save the headace for later, sighing I turned to Aurora who was confused and said,"Close your eyes Aurora", she seemed even more confused but covered her eyes non the less and i proceeded to take my clothes off, Margret closed her eyes too, atleast she has respect I guess, after I was done she handed me a towel before opening her eyes and gazing intently at my left arm

"See something you like?", I asked her jokingly breaking her out of her trance,"If that's all I'm getting in", I informed her and opened the door only to be welcomed by steam everywhere sigh~ really? Not having much of choice here since the universe decided this, I walked straight ahead without much thought and stopped infront of the bath, the steam cleard a bit but I saw no one, but that didn't last long as the queen rose from the bath while facing me, her long hair flowing through the water, a smile present on her face, I have to admit though she is beautiful.

"Well look that you came after all", she said sounding amused for some reason,"Come on in then", she raised her hand towards me, as if enchanted I did as she told me, getting closer I noticed that she's a lot taller than me. She held my hands and walked backwards while guiding me, the further we went the deeper it got, eventually we submirged into the water and she closed her as she hugged me I didn't understand why at first, but then my wounds started to heal.

We then rose to the surface again and I noticed that all my wounds were healed, I looked back at her smiling face in wonder,"We have a lot to talk about".

*To be continued*

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