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After (y/n) had dropped the bomb on them, Amberosia and Margret were out of words, 'How can he say that so casually?', was the thought that ran through their mind. Margret was about say something but (Y/n) stopped her, "Save it. I don't need to hear any "sorry", what has happened has happened", he explained while Aurora was still hiding behind him.

Thet were still unable to shake off the shock though, (Y/n) on the other hand turned to Aurora and crouched to her level, "Aurora....are you still afraid?", she paused for a second before nodding slowly, "You have to get over it, please for my sake and yours. Now she'll change your clothes", the little girl shook her head aggersivly show her desire of not wanting to be touched by the vampire, "Well at least let her her pick clothes for", she stood there hesitantly for some time before nodding slowly, he patted her head and stood up turning to the two vampires, Aurora coming from behind him,"She'll go, but don't touch her just give her clothes and show her how they are worn", the white-haired male explained only for margret to sigh

"Sigh~ very well then, please follow me little  one", the vampire asked the the mute girl, which she unwillingly did, as they left with Amberosia looking astonished at that, simple talk with her and she's listening all of a sudden, just what is their relationship?

"I'm surprised", she spoke smiling

"Of what?", asked (Y/n)

"Mmm~ Nothing~", chuckled the taller female, maybe one day she'll learn of the circumstances of how they met, one they when they trust them enough, while she was thinking, (Y/n) looked at her deadpanned before scoffing 

"Well enough of that, there are things you want to explain to me right? Let's get to it then", he demanded, normaly you'd think that the queen of the vampires would say something along the lines of, 'How dare a mere human human demand  something from me?!', you know that kind of stuff, but she....didn't...

"Alright then, I'll be changing in another room", with that she exited the changing room and off to somewhere else 

~(Y/n) P.O.V.~

After she said that and left the room to change and probably prepare for things, have to say though, that was something say the least, they're being far to generious, what are they up to? Should I trust them for now? Was it wise to leave Aurora with them? Damn it!, "I've killed many vampires over the years, why am I hesitaiting now! For crying out loud! Why am I overthinking this?!", I yelled out my frustration, that felt good, now (Y/n), take a deep breath, just forget about Amorie for now and the fact that he's trying to start a war and used me and several others for that but failed, now he's trying that again but using a different approche....yeah, at this point I'm lying to myself....

I guess for the time being, I'll play along with them, and I need to ease my mind off of this matter, but that dream still bothers me....why did it change now of all times, I used to just fall imto a void of emptiess, the next thing I know after all this time is that I'm in a snowy wasteland with some myestery man asking me the same question again in the same manner. Sigh~ I hate this...I don't know if I hate the world or the world just decided to screw me over, I'm tired...tired of living a life like this...

Anyways...about time I got dressed. Turning to the clothes that probably Margret left, so that I won't walk around butt naked, I didn't even look at them until I saw myself, and I have to say they are not only good but also comfortable 

My only problem with it is this piece of cloth that I'm suppoused to put arud my neck, why is that even a thing? And how do you even do it? Doesn't matter, I'll just tuck it in the poket for now. And so I exited the room

~Ambrosia P.O.V.~

I was sitting in the garden of my castle, sipping tea and reading a book an umbrella shadowing over's been half an hour already and (Y/n) sill hasn't arrived, did he by any chance escape? Well I wouldn't blame him if he did...though I doubet he did, I then remember the face he made when we were in the bath, he had an angry face but I could sense the saddness in his eyes, and that cold stare he gave everybody maybe a facade to hide his true feelings, just like...

My train of thoughts was cut when Margret spoke,"We have arrived M'lady", she announced as the white-haired male came behind her, his clothes are quite fetting, nice choice Margret, you always know what clothes someone would look good in. The little girl that thhat's always with him stepped from behind, she looks cute

"I'm here, what do you want to say know?", he said showing his distaine, and an annoyed look

Closing the book and placing it on the table, I gestured for him him to take a seat along with the little one, she seemed hesitant while (Y/n) was on guard, regardless the sat on the chairs and sat oppiste to me while Margret stood near the table between us, "Before that, I'd like to ask something of you", and that got his attention, "Would you like to stay at my kingdom and live in my castle with me", I asked of him and to say that the look on his face was shock would be an understatement

*To be continued*


Well that's it for now guys, oh and it it wasn't apparent up until now reader is a bit of a tsun, not to the point where we would puch or  kick when complemented, no, a cute tsun. Well until next time.

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