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~3rd P.O.V.~ 

After Ambrosia said that, a blood vessil popped on his forehead as he glared at her, she however was unwavered, he slammed his hand on the table and glared harder,"YOU EXPECT ME TO JUST SAY 'YES'!?", he starteld the little girl, Margret took a defeansive position in place of her queen, (Y/n) then took Aurora's arm and started walking away.

Ambrosia simply closed her eyes, while they walked away before speaking,"How long are you going to drag her with you?", and that made the white haired lad stop in his tracks,"By the looks of it, you purposly allowed them to capture you...some sort of investigation about disappearing humans. Am I right?", she deduced while the aggresive male stayed silent,"She could've gotten hurt you know? And based on what you've told me, she already suffered enough as it is", all the male could do was gritt his teeth, "You can't read or write, can you?"

"Why're you so concerned?", he asked trying to avoide the subjects she mentioned.

"Why not?", his question was met with another question, only for him to turn around as she was faced with a gaze that could pierce steel.

 "As far as I know your kind only sees us as food and live stock....I don't trust anyone who uses others for their gain", he said as the black haired beauty stayed silent,"And why did't you investigate about the situation youself?", he asked with suspesion.

"But we have been investigation, but to think that it was one of my own subordinates...a public execution was held, you killed one right? The other one was burned on the stake",she answered but (Y/n) wasn't bying this he opened his mouth to speak only for the taller female to cut in, "(Y/n)...come with me, I want to show you something", she stood up from her seat and walked towards the young hunter,"Will you please follow me?", his eye twitched, he kept speaking in gibberish.

"Fine! Whatever!", he yelled, for some reason unable to refuse, his gut telling him not to.

Ambrosia smiled before continuing on her way, "You are excused for now Margret", she said as the other female bowed and left. (Y/n) then followed the queen to where ever.

~Mini timeskip~

After sometime of walking through he castle and (Y/n) being on the brinck of losing his paitence, they reached what seems to be a small balcony, only way to reach it is through the window-door or from inside the castle. Opening it they walked out and on to the balcony, it presented her people, they all seemed normal and happy, then Ambrosia spoke.

"Look at them (Y/n), they are people too, they eat and sleep like anyother being, yes we drink blood, but that's just too keep our health, that's why we need blood to survive, we do not need it constantly, those who drink it on a regular baisis, they are addicted", explained Ambrosia as the young male continued gazing at them.

"Is that why you brought me here? Just to tell me that?", he was clearly irritated

"No (Y/n),..look closer", answered Ambrosia and that he did, he tried to find something and after sometime his eyes widened in realization, their weren't just vampires, humans were also livin fg among them,"Have you noticed yet? You see when peace trity was signed , part of the contract was to coexist in someway, the only choice at the time was to send some of bothe races there, of course the vampires in my kingdom are decreasing, after the war not a lot of males surrvived, and to top off...the human males that were sent here are dying", saddness was evedant on her face which (Y/n) caught on to

"Any reason was to why they are dying?", (Y/n) asked as this caught his attention

"Not that I know of, no, but apparenty they have some kind of disease, no matter how hard the doctors tried, they couldn't be cured, however an anti-biotic was made to temporarily surpress it but not for long, so we don't have a lot of time", further esplained the queen as (Y/n) placed his hand on his chin in a thinking position, "Something on you mind?", asked Ambrosia as he nodded

"Just as I thought, that crossed my mind too...", he answered honestly

"Mind sharing it then?"

"I think....that the counciel of the kingdom that you signed the trity with might be behinde  this...", and that caused the queen to smirk.

"I had a hunch myself about this", was her replay, knowing that they would indeed sacrifice there own and blame it on her race, triggering a war, so in conclusion Amori is working with them, she then turned and started walking back, "Come a long now, you must be hungry, Margret has already prepared the dinner table", and as a response (Y/n) was about to retort but his stomache beat him to it, he growled at this while Ambrosia giggled thinking that it was cute.

None the less  they walked back downstairs with Ambrosia, all the while (Y/n) was looking at her back with suspision,'Why is she doing all of this...? I grew up hating the very existance of vampires...I always said that it was because of them that I am in this state, but everything he told me was wrong....and then again my life was already hell to begin with, it might have been a lot less hellish than now....', he admitted but took that thought back remebering that it could be because of the past'And besides...humans aare no saints either...'.

Eentually they reached the dining room where Margret was waiting for them with food set on the table, "Welcome my lady, everything is read, you may start eating", inormed Margret as she took a seat, and Ambrosia followed. Aurora and (Y/n) however were weary about this , still not trusting them but took a seat. Aurora held the fork and knife  and started cutting the beef, (Y/n) though was looking at the plate in wonder, arms crossed and Margret was the first to notice that

"What is wrong? Is the meal not to your liking?", she asked as he looked at her dead i the eyes and asked

" food...?", Ambrosia, Margret and even Aurora dropped the silver they were holding, "What?", I didn't say anything wrong", he responded to their gaze

*To be continued*

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