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The 3 females just stared at him as he stared back, and silence fuled the room, "....What?", (Y/n ) finally broke the silence, waiting for the awnser of his simple question, only for Amberosia to respond.

"Sigh~ Yes this is food, it's called grilled meat", she answered, only for him to ask another one.

"Grilled?", he asked again.

"Just eat it", said Margret continuing her meal, he was about to say something else but, "It's not poison"

"...I wasn't gonna say that...", irritated he then started eating his meal and that's when a realization came to him, 'It's...warm...' , he thought, no surprised is an accurate discribtion of what he's feeling, as he continued to munch eating his food his food, and before he knew it the plate was already empty.

"Well, someone seems to have enjoyed their food", commented Amberosia not even trying to hide her smirk, only for (Y/n) to glare at her, "Will you please stop the glare?", she asked, also annoyed that he's constantly glaring at the both of them.

"How about 'no'?"

All the queen could do was shake her head, "Well, it doesn't matter...I have my own matters to attend to. Well then if you excuse me", with that Amberosia left the room, (Y/n) just stared at her leaving.

Margret on the other hand too had her own work to do,"I too will be leaving, in the mean time why don't the both of you find a way to pass the time", she then clapped her hands and almost immediately after that a man with long silver hair, tied in a pony tail wearing what seems to be a butler outfit appeared  

"You called Mrs. Margret?", he asked putting his and over his chest.

"Yes. Please show our 'gusts' to there room", she ordered, while the man bowed lightly.

"As you wish", with that Margret too left leaving for her own work leaving the two humans with the butler, "My name Anthan, pleased to make your acquaintance", he introduced himself humbly, "Her majesty as already told me about the 2 of you"

"Did she now?", asked (Y/n) a bit irritated that the other two just left.

"Please follow  me, the two of you are of course not accustomed to this place", announced Anthan ignoring  (Y/n)'s question.

"Thanks for stating the obvious"

"....You're quite the aggressive fellow aren't you", commented Anthan noticing the boy's behaviour, "I'll say it again: Please follow me", he looked at (Y/n) and the little girl clinging to him.

"Tech! Whatever", he clicked his tounge before standing up, "Lead the way", he said as Anthan nodded and walked toward the door with Aurora and (Y/n) behind, and (Y/n) of course didn't leave his guard down.

The whole way their felt like hours but in reality was just minutes and it was very quite, for (Y/n) refused to ask any questions and Anthan didn't even speak. After a few more seconds the silence was broken, "While I do respect a man that is always foucused, you need to let lose sometimes and relax", Anthan spoke refering to (Y/n), only for the lad to glare at him, "Though I doubt you would take the word of a mere butler to heart", he continued to what appears to be giving an advice to him.

"Hmph...easier said than done, when life itself is your enemy", was (Y/n)'s respond.

The butler said nothing nor did he do anything except close his eyes, "We've arrived", he announced before opening the door to the room, as the silver haired boy entered with Aurora, who has fallen asleep now in his arm arms, "Oh, one more thing", he stopped (Y/n) in his tracks.

"What is it now?"

"Here, please take this", he said handing name what seems to be a ring, (Y/n) looked at it in wonder, "It's a communication device. Use it if you need anything from me. Well good bye now", Anthan then disappeared, possibly doing work as well.

"So much for killing time....", said (Y/n) laying the little girl on the bed before he went and sat on a chair in the corner of the room, 'Well...the best I could do is try to think of her offer...can I really trust her words?', that thought lingered through his head ever since she proposed it, any foolish person would've agreed right off the bat without really thinking of what may the out come be or why would she even propose it, but (Y/n) wasn't your ordinary fool, "Damn it...why did my life turn our like this?"

*To be continued*

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