New Group ideas the squeal

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One Based off of Flowers-

Okay so this one is kinda more self explanatory, basicly a Clan but with different names. So basicly the ranks are named off of parts of a plant and other necessary stuff. This Group is named traditionally from its founder's name. Like (Founder's name)'s Garden. Like Magnolia's Garden. But if you want you can just use a normal Clan name. In my version of the story the Secound Leader was evil which was the cause of the addition of so many rules.

The Ranks-

Sun- Aka the Leader of the Clan. Because there is only one sun, there is only one leader and their suffix is to be added/changed to Sun. For example Gingersun or Ginger Sun or Ginger( the sun).(Depending on the types of names you choose)

Flowers- There can be multiple flowers so their is two deputies. Their Role is to lead patrols and lead the clan together when the leader can't. One deputy organizes Hunting patrols and the other Boarder Patrols aswell as leads them. When the leader dies, the deputy who organizes Boarder Patrols becomes leader. The other deputy rises and now organizes the Boarder Patrols. Then a new deputy is selected. They must have mentored an apprentice and pass a deputy examine. Those who wish to become the next deputy must pass an Exsamime and pass it. You have to catch seven prey in one day and fight the other deputy and win. If no one wins then they let everyone train for a moon and try again. If more then one cat wins they fight each other untill someone gives up. No killing. The last one standing becomes the Secound deputy. The deputies change/add Their suffix to flower.

Buds- These are the Medicine Cats of the clan. They collect herbs from the various gradens on the territory

Petals- They are the ones in charge of keeping the clan, the camp, and it's territory beautiful. They are gardeners, planting flowers(and other plants), watering them. Another thing they train for is in case of a fire. The three(but two/three apprentices can be trained at a time too) or four of them have to try to put the fire out. This is because Two legs camp at the boarders of the territory and they have suffered multiple fires. So they are trained to carry water from the river to the fire. Traditionally there is usually three and an apprentice. The apprentice cannot become a full Petal untill one of the three Petals dies or retires, even if you have completed your training.

Leafs- These are the warriors of the clan who hunt and patrol for the clan. Of course they also protect it from invaders and such

Stems- Aka the apprentices of the clan

Roots- Those who are nursing their kits. Their name is because of how when a mother is having kits she's adding/planting roots for a family.

Seeds- aka the Kits of the clan

Drooping- Aka the Elders.

The Rules-

1. The Sun's orders are to be carried out unless they are uncodeful

2. Sun's may be leaders, but their orders must remain under the code

3. Disabled cats are not to be exiled or killed. They are still useful to the clan. The only circumstance is if they have broken the code

4. Killing a Garden member(Clanmate) is not aloud unless their is an acceptable reason. Like betrayal or the accused has killed another

5. Roots, Seeds, Drooping, and the sick are always fed first. The are not to be killed or abandoned without a reasonable reason

6. Seeds cannot leave camp untill they become stems

7. A Leaf will go through a trial before it can become a deputy.(This is a secret part of the code only leaders and medicine cats know. The Sun will tell the warrior that he/she will be choosen as the deputy and tell them they have one life left. The Sun will then pretened to be injured and this will be a loyalty test weather the cat tries to seek help or kill them)

My Allegiances-
(Coming soon)

One based off of Steven Universe-

Yes calm down you Steven Universe fans. I will be adding more fandoms, just give it time while I find a way to make it work, it's just Steven Universe was the easiest to do. And this will have a bit of spoilers so go watch the series and come back. And this is under construction while more gems are added.(Season 6 will come out and most likely more gems will appear and yes I will add them). Also these groups are ussually big. There are three versions of this group. The first is where the cats have the litteraly gems and powers. These have different rules then the rest. The Secound is where your rank is decided by your pelt color and yes these have different rules. The third is more like clans but with alot more roles and with it's own rules. The Group is named The Gem Home Territory. It has four camps, one being abandoned(you know how Pink Diamond was shattered) The other three are know as the White Diamond Camp, Blue Diamond Camp, and the Yellow Diamond Camp. Now you don't have to add the rebellion, but you can.


Diamonds- They are the Leaders of the Camps and their every orders are to be followed. If you become a Diamond of a camp(that's off your cats die and don't live for extensive long periods of time like in the show) then you add Diamond as a suffix. Even if it's weird like Winddiamond or Wind (The diamond).

Emeralds- This rank is like the deputies of the clan. They organize patrols and are next in line to lead. They also lead battle patrols and help out with battle plans. This is determined by age. The Oldest emerald becomes the next Diamond. There is ussually two or three, depending on the version you choose.(If you choose version three then it's that number. If it's two or one then the number could be higher)

Sapphires- These are those who revive visions, Omens, prophecy's, and communicate with Star World(I couldn't find a better name). They also leave offerings for their ancestors. They also keep track of who has down what every moon.(Like if some-cat has been lazy they tell the diamonds. This Role is reserved for those who are very observant and who are closer with Star World.

Peridots- These are the Medicine Cats of the clan, fixing up the sick and injured as well as creating remedies and other useful items.

Agates- Agates are supervisors/warriors. They lead patrols and supervise other ranks to make sure their doing their job correctly. They can bark out orders to other gems and remind them that what their doing is the right or wrong way.

Bismuths- They are the builders of the clan, in charge of building and repairing dens and other structures in the Camps. After a storm they have to clear off the rubble and move fallen trees out of the way. They also keep track of everyone's age(like this cat has 50 moons and is more qualified for this position).

Jaspers- Jaspers are the Boarder patrolers of the clan and the first ones to be used in an attack patrol. They are also required to be the first to defend the camp.

Amethyst- They are the ones to be on Hunting patrols and are placed in an attack patrol after all capable Jaspers have been used. If the camp is under attack they are the Secound to dive into battle in case the Jaspers can't handle it or they just want to.

Rubies- Rubies are the scouts. When Leafbare and Leaffall come, the prey lessons and they travel south with Amythsts in search of more prey. If fox traps are set up it's their job to find them and set them off(making them harmless). If a storm happened they are sent out first to find possible hazords( Like a flodded area). If a predator has been sented on territory they take Jaspers and scout ahead. If the camp is under attack they are the fourth to dive into battle if it's necessary. During battle their main Job is to keep track of what's happening(Like betrayals or suspious activities. Maybe even just recording it in their head and making an interesting battle story). On a daily basis they neatly stack the prey piles or help Peridots with chores.

Topazes- They are the Gaurds of the camp and territory. They gaurd the camp from intruders and if they are under attack the dens are guarded from intruders. They are the third to dive into battle. If their is a prisoner to be held captive or shattering(execution) to be done They take care of it. If a gem from another camp or an unknown gem has come to their camp they personally take them to the Diamonds. They also butt the shattered(dead) gems.

Lapises- They are the messengers and record keepers of the Territories. They are always on the move from camp to camp carrying messages to gems. If an attack or any major event happens they keep track of it in their special cave.

Zircons- If someone is accused of something they are like the lawyers. They ussualy stay awake at night and watch the camp for suspious activity aswell as collect data from other Gems(like rubies who watch the battles). If they think someone is breaking the code or seems suspious they follow them(Like professional stalkers. They sometimes follow patrols to listen for anything and Report anything they find to the Emeralds.

Aquamarines- They are ussually sent on tasks, but not to be confused with pearls. Like assistants or trackers. If someone goes missing they receive the data from Zircons and go searching for them. If they need information from someone outside the Territories(Like a kittypet) they go and interrogate them. They basicly interrogate prisoners for answers. When the winter hunting patrols are sent out they follow them to make sure no one goes missing and Report back to the Zircons and Emeralds every night. (If you have the third version then they also influence kits into a role. Like if they are lacking Jaspers they might tell them how great they are).

Pearls- The servents of the clan, given to High ranks and those deserving of one. They follow their masters orders and are ussually shown off to other high ranks.

Novices- Aka the apprentices of the clan. Tho this is optional because of the three different types. If you have type one then this rank is not needed, unless you want your gems to be born and not to burst out of the ground. If you have types two and three then this rank is needed.

Gem Carriers- These are the expecting queens of the Gem group.

Tiny Gems- The kits, optional if you have the first version

Corrupted Gems- These are exciled cats of the clans, but they aren't ussually mentioned in the alliances. Mostly a term used to identify them or used as an insult.

Ranks in order of power-

Gem Carriers(Optional)
Tiny Gems(Optional)


First Verizon-

This is where your cats actually have the gems and the powers. If they are born then they grow up in a specific role. But if they pop out of the ground then the ranks Gem Carriers, Tiny Gems, and Novices are not needed. They serve the clan based on their gem.

Secound Version-

In this version when kits are born they serve the clan based on the pelt color they are born with. You decided what that is(Like maybe a Brown tabby gets to be a Topaz)

Third Version-

This one has more freedom to work with. A kit chooses it path, sorta. A kit can train to be a peridot or Topaz and takes a different path. To be a Sapphire they must show special abilities like having visions. If they fake a vision to be a Sapphire then they are exciled or shattered and if your lucky placed into the role of a pearl. If not you begin normal warrior training. If the clan is low on Bismuths then a random kit is pulled from the litter to become a bismuth. If thenclan needs more Aquamarines or Zicons then the those roles watch them for kits/novices who show curtain traits(like a kit who happens to seek up on other cats very well or a cat who shows extreame loyalty or great secret keeping skills). They are pulled out of their litter or training (If they are of age) to become one of these. Let's say the novice isn't pulled out of its training. When it takes it's final assessment it is fit into a rank. If they do outstanding on their assement(which is rare. Like catching ten prey when the average is five. Like it's rare to do exceptional on the final assessment) then they become an emerald. If they do better in the hunting portion then they become Amythsts. If they do better in the fighting portion they become Jaspers. If they don't do too good, but pass then they become rubies. If they fail their assessment then they are bunked all the way down to a pearl and continue with their apprentice tittle with a new pearl mentor.(This is rare too)

My Allegiances-
(Coming soon because holy crap I'm going to have to make a big allengices and I will only make version 3 alliences)

One based off of Night and Day-

So this clan is just like a Clan but diffrentish. This clan kept getting attacked at its vulnerable moments so it created a new system. The camp will always be active with Warriors of day and night. The warriors of Day hunt in their own side, but can hunt in the night side if they wish.(Like they hunt on the moor and the night warriors hunt in nearby caves.


Leader- just the leader. They lead the clan in which ever time of day they want but are expected to stay up for most of the day to try to lead half of each.

The Deputy of Sun- The Deputy of Su. Takes care of sending out patrols in the day time. When it's time to become leader a trial is held where the deputies have to stay up. The first to fall asleep continues his or her role as the deputy while the one who stayed up the longest moves up to become leader.

The Deputy of Moon- This deputy awakes at night and sends out patrols and dose his or her duties at night.

The Medicine cats of Dusk and Dawn- There is ussually two medicine cats. One active at Dawn and One active at Dusk for the Night and Day warriors to confide in.

Warriors of Day- Those who have choosen to hunt and patrol during the day.

Warriors of Night- Those who have choosen to hunt and patrol during the night

Apprentices of Day- The apprentices who are training with the day warriors

Apprentices of Night- Those who train with the night warriors

Queens- your average queens

Elders- Elder wake up at whatever hour they wish


1. Warriors of Day and night are to switch places every six moons that way the clan dosent have a died and possibly separates into two.

2. Mates from a diffrent time of day are aloud

3. Whenever their is a battle, the warriors of that time are to defend to keep the warriors of the other time healthy and ready to hunt for the wounded/protect them. If the warriors of that time can't handle the enemy then the warriors of the other time may intervine

4. When the leader dies the two deputies will take a trial to see who can stay up the longest, the winner becomes leader

5. When gatherings role around warriors of Day will stay up longer and those of Night will wake up earlier to attend(if you are choosen to go)

My allengices-
(Coming soon)

One based off of Harry Potter
(Coming soon)

One based off of powers
(Coming soon)

One based off of the way you tires are divided(sotra).
(Coming soon)

More to come soon!

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