New Types of Groups

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The Hive/Colony-

I'm going to Call my Cat Hive/Colony the Honey Hive or it could be the Bee Hive or anything Just add (Prefix) Hive/Colony.(This One is based off of Bee hives and Ant Colonies) I had to change something because Male bees don't have much use in a hive, SO I created Gender roles. Maybe make a book where a she-cat wants to become a Guard and creates equal gender rights. Idk you make the plotline. The names don't matter eather, so you do you. I just prefer tribe names for a Hive/Colony. And yes I know Hives don't have Medicine bees/ants, but I feel like it's important to have someone to heal your group. There is another plot line! Your oc finds a Clan or tribe and learns about Medicine cats/healers! They wanna add one to the Hive/Colony, but the Queens are hesitant.


The Queens- The Queens are the ones who bring Kits into the clan and lead the clan togeather. When a Queen dies or is too old to have kits she is replaced with an eligible worker/Nurser/Herb collector(they have accept the role tho. Like if she doesn't wanna have kits she doesn't have to, but she cant be a Queen then) But she dose not raise her own kits, at two moons old, her kits are now taken care by the Nursers, who take care of the kits. They are the only one in the Clan who can breed. But Normal Workers can take mates, in fact it's recommended for of you become a Queen you have a mate(No incesest, if you become a Queen and don't have a mate. The she-cat and a search party go ou in search of willing rogues or some-cat from another group. But she chooses her mate. If there is a rogue who joined the group and has no mate, she is not required to take him as her mate) . Their is Always to be 3 queens at a time. Also their last suffix will be changed to bee/ant(depending on which one you choose)

Herb Collecters- This Role isn't Gender Bound, so Both Toms and She-cats can be it. Their main Job is to Heal Hive/Colonymates and of course collect the herbs to do so.

The Workers- She-cats who Are not queens and they can't have kits. Their Role is to Patrol and hunt for the Hive. The also protect the Hive if it's under attack. 

The Gaurds- Toms who Gaurd and Clean the camp. They also build new dens or repair older dens. Their other duty is to Carry dead Hivemates and bury them. They are not servents, so even if you are a Worker, you can't boss them around(Only the Queens can), but they have to respect the Workers. It's also their job to keep track of who is family with who. They must also defend the Hive/Colony against attacks.

The Nursers- They have a very important role just like everyone else. They are like permanent queens in a Clan. Since kits seem to always take up the nursery, they have to entertain them and raise them. They can take breaks by joining patrols whenever their is few kits. If the Hive/Colony is under attack their job is to protect the nursery from danger. Ussually She-cats take up this role, but toms can too.

The Training- Aka the apprentuces.

The Larvae- Aka the Kits of the Clan

Forever Rules-

1. The Queens are the Highest rank and will always be respected

2. The Queen's orders are to be followed

3. If a Queen Dies or becomes too old to bear kits, she is replaced with an eligible worker, Nurser, or healer

4. If a Queen is too old to bear kits she is placed in the Nurser Role to help raise new kits. If a Worker, Gaurds, Herb collector, or Nursers become to old for their rank they mist continue working, but the work they revive is lessened.(For example if an Herb Collector is getting older, they no longer have to forage for herbs. They can just Heal clanmates. Or a Worker is getting old they no longer have to hunt and just patrol the boarders. If a Gaurd gets old they don't have to Gaurd anymore and just Clean. If a Nurser gets old they can stop carting for kits as much and take naps with the kits while the younger nursers watch over you and the sleeping kits)

5. Queens and Workers must always be female

6. Guards are to always be male

7. There must always be two healers

8. There must always be three Queens

9. Queens and Larvae are always feed before everyone. They are prioritized in emergencies

10. Workers, Nursers, Healers, And Guards cannot have Larvae of their own, but they can have mates

11. If A Larva is in danger, you must help. No matter where it's orgins

12. Be loyal, traitors are not tolerated

My Allegiances

The Bee Hive~





Herb collectors-

Apprentice- Cleverpaw

Apprentice- Sandpaw


Apprentice- Oakpaw












I didn't really base this group off of anything. This serves more as a rogue group. This is called the List type of group, I guess. (Leader's name)'s Group/Gang. Maybe Reed's Group/Gang. This group's leader is constantly changing. You fight to get a higher rank or you do a heroic deed and the leader raises your Rank. If a kit is born they join the very bottom. As for healers, if your the commander you are the Medicne cat and teach the


The commander- The leader of the group who makes all the decisions. If you want to be leader you can fight them or his or her rank. If the current commander dies then the Secound ranking member takes his or her place.

The Group memebers-
Everyone else follows the Commander's orders and rules

Under Ranks- Kits that are young and haven't joined the ranking system yet

The Rules-

1. The Commander's orders are to be carried out

2. You can rise in ranks by challenging a higer rank to a fight or do a good deed and have the Leader rise your rank

3. No matter your rank, anyone under you has to follow your orders, unless the commander has already given you orders

4. You cannot order a kit under the age of 6 moons old to do anything. It's mother will be it's commander for its kithood

5. You cannot force anyone to be your mate or have your kits

6. The Commander decides the eating order, but no one is to eat untill he or she dose. Unless instructed other wise

My Allegiances-

Commander- Reed


2. Grey

3. Echo

4. Red

Under Ranks-

Maybe I didn't explain it well. For example. Let's say Red Challenges Violet for her rank. If she wins she rises in rank and she can boss others around, except for the commander.

One based off of elephant group's

This one is based off of Elephant herds. This is Similar to the Rogue group before this but with more structure. The Oldest in the group leads. I once again had to make a change. Ussually the females separate from the males to raise their young in a group, but in this version everyone stays together. Also this group isn't a stay at place group, they most comment travel when the season changes, ussually having multiple territories and camps. They like to honor those who lived before them so the founder of the Herd's name is kept as the suffix. (Suffix)Herd. Like Grey Herd. Once again the names don't matter, you do you.

The Ranks-

The Matriarch- The Oldest in the group, this is the one who leads and makes the decisions.

The Family- Even if your a random rogue who joined, your considered new family in the eyes of this group.

Youngest- Aka the Kits. They are not only raised by their mothers but by the whole herd.

The Rules-

1. The Oldest will become the leader of the Herd.

2. Youngest become a full family rank at four moons old

3. When Traveling the Oldest cats will lead at their pace and the younger cats will walk behind them that way no one is lost.

4. When you become 30 moons old, your Herb training begins and your are trained in the way of herbs

My Allegiances-(Sorted from oldest to youngest)

Matriarch- Sandy









One based off of Flowers
(Coming soon)

One Based off of Steven Universe
(Coming soon)

One Bassed off of Idk lemme Reaserch something
(Coming soon)

You can use any of these ideas, but please credit me with a tag. Or atleast tag me in the book because I wanna see you guys use these ideas. Or tell me your gonna use it in the comments so I can be on the look out for the book

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