Bannana Pudding/Yellowstripe

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This OC belongs to _NebulaSky_.

Name: Yellowstripe
Yellow isn't something you see a lot in Ocs, though stripe is kinda common. 5/5

Past Names: Kit, Banana Pudding, Yellowpaw, Yellowstripe
Wow. Lots of name changes. 5/5

Name Reason: Because of her odd colors
You mentioned that they wash off after a time, so shouldn't she be renamed after her true pelt colors in the Clans? 3/5

Appearance: She is a bright yellow she-cat with brown tabby stripes. Painted by her Owners.... Her true fur color is a very dark gray. Her eyes are bright and greenish yellow.
I like her real description, but it could use a lot more detail, like her build, fur texture, scars, etc. Also, I wonder why her Owners painted her. 8/10

Gender: She-cat

Age: 9 Moons (current)
Kinda young, but she is an apprentice right now so it's fine. I would like to know her age when she's warrior/deputy though 3/5

Personality: She is bubbly and naive. Whenever she is let out of the Home (human house), she ventured into the wild near her home (adventurous). She can find humor in every situation, and can always think of a unique, led way of escaping from trouble. She always wants to help, but is too dim to know how to help properly.
Okay, so one thing I noticed first is that she can get out of trouble in unique ways, but then she's to dim to help others. Those two traits seem to contradict each other. The rest of it is fine, but she does kinda have that "Default Bubbly" personality. Try adding more characteristics to make her feel more genuine. 7/10

Sexuality: Pansexual
Cute. It goes with her personality too.

Clan: Kittypet/Clan. Not specified because she is for use in roleplay, so it's not exactly pinned down.
Ok 10/10

Rank: (All ranks) Loner, Kittypet, Apprentice, Warrior, Deputy
No comment 5/5

Mother (Forgotten): Street- A rough she-cat with dirty knotted fur. She was the color of dark asphalt, and had Amber eyes that were always slited.
This seems to be a common problem with your Ocs. The description could use a lot more detail. The fur description is nice, but I don't know a lot about the rest of her body. I really like the eyes though. By 'slited' do you mean slanted? Like, was she always glaring or were her eyes almond shaped?

Father: Rainfur- Deep gray Tom with long fur. It always hung heavily as it it were wet. He had blue green eyes.
Again, the fur detail is good, but there needs to be more on the body. His eye color is cool though.

Sister: Unknown
Even if the character doesn't know her siblings, the author should include it anyways. It's good to know the details of the Oc. I know this is a kind of style you have, when describing the kin, but you could still keep the (forgotten) part, but add her actual description.

Brother: Unknown
Same as sister.

Family Total: 6/10 for the missing descriptions.

Crush: Block- An almost dark red Tom with pale yellow eyes and huge paws. His tail is a stump. He was a h*e all the she cats loved him.
Maybe I'm just being picky, but his description matches his name a little toooo well. Also, consider changing the 'almost dark red' to something that makes a bit more sense like 'burgundy red' or 'dark red almost black" or something.
And I'm not really sure what a h*e is so 3/5

Mate: DuskShade- Quiet, respected tom. He is light gray, turning darker until black at the tips of his body (ex. Eartips, tail tip, paws, muzzle.... Etc.) His eyes are a very brackish green.
Another suggestion with descriptions, for his black points, you could say 'a black seal point' which is the fancy way of saying a Siamese pattern. I am confused about his eye color though. I looked up Brackish, and it means 'Slightly salty water or unpleasant'. So are you saying his eyes are like water, or unpleasant? Oh, yeah. More body description too. 4/5

Kits (Future kits): Onetoe- Tomkit born with only one ear and an extra toe on all paws. He is light gray with golden eyes from his mother.
In her description it says her eyes are 'Greenish yellow' so I'm not sure where the golden is coming from. And since he has a warrior name, I want more body description (Damn, this is getting repetitive). Also, just my personal opinion, but I really hate when cats are named after their injuries/disabilities. It just feels lazy and cruel to me (no offense to you), but I know that was normal in the series.

Threekit- Now, this she kit is very unique. You see, she was born as a weak and sickly Cyclops. Her fur was black with gray at the tips of her body and also gray splotches. She didn't live last her eighth day.
Sad. But why was she named Threekit? Since she didn't live very long, it makes sense why she doesn't have an eye color or body description.
Kits total is 8/10

Backstory (Including future):
(0-6 Moons) She was originally an alley cat, her mother a Loner. Her family was always starving, their mother struggling to hunt. She went to a shelter as the shelter people took her and her family there. She was separated from her mother, and got a very bad disease. The humans helped her to get better (because, well, humans are more advanced than cats). Her siblings and mother died of the same disease, but Kit didn't. She got adopted by a nice human family that had a father and mother, a newborn, and a female daughter about the age a warrior would be (12 years)
Aaaaah. Months don't line up with human years for cats. 6 moons is like being 12-13 and 12 moons is like being 15-18 or so. Whew, that was triggering me. I probably didn't do the math right, but I think I'm closer that you were (no hate). Anyways. I'm theorizing the disease she got was Cat flu.

(6-12 Moons) She had been in the house for a moon now, and she was 6 Moons old. Kit hated the family and wished to return to her mother. For some reason, the humans had taken her to a Twoleg that put colors in her black fur. She was on top of the Cold Box (refrigerator) when something surprised her and she leapt off. Never the best at landing, she hit her head on the cold floor. When she woke up, she had no memory. She began to become more attached to the family, and loved them. She adopted their name for her. After discovering the outdoors, Banana Pudding couldn't help exploring it. Now she is 9 moons old. As she explores, she joined on of the Clans near 12 Moons.
It sucks that she lost her memory and (I assume) forgot her real fur color. I wonder why she joined the Clans though, if she thought she loved the Twolegs?

(12-96 Moons) She joins the the Clans and becomes a warrior at 18 moons. Her fur paint colors wash out, and she discovers her true fur color and pattern. She finds out that her father is in her Clan as well, but he was the one who hated her for joining DawnClan the longest. Things became awkward. Yellowstripe then watches her father die in battle and gets blamed for his death around 27 Moons. She had a bad reputation and everyone had reservations about her up until she is 43 Moons old. Then the leader dies and then the Deputy (now Leader) names her Deputy because of her perseverance, loyalty, and cleverness. She takes a mate, Duskshade, and has his kits- Onekit and Threekit, named by the father whom had no interest in them. This was at 59 Moons. She dies as deputy at 96 Moons during a clash over fake accusations of stolen prey. Found her missing ages. Anyways, how did she know Rainfur was her father, and her his daughter
And why did he hate her? And why was she blamed for his death? This seems to be a bit of a plot hole. Also, it doesn't make much sense to me that they thought she killed her father, but let her stay in the clan. Then the deputy choosing her as the new deputy is kinda random and cliche too. If everyone thought she was a murder and didn't like her, why would he choose such an unpopular cat?

Moving on from that, why does Duskshade have no interest in their kits? And how did she meet him? Why did he name both their kits, and weird names nonetheless. I think the questions must be annoying at this point, but this part of the backstory is really lacking in information to me. 13/20

Total: Your final score is 80/105! If this was a grade I think this would be a B- to a C+ It's not a terrible Oc, but it's not exactly the best either (Tbh I liked your other two more). I think it's just a couple little things wrong, put together that make it seem kinda iffy. Fleshing out the backstory more and adding more to her personality would make a huge difference in the quality of the character.

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