Dawn that Stretches over Sky

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This Oc belongs to @Pumpkin_Paws

Name-Dawn, Dawnpaw, Dawn that Stretches over sky
Ooh, wow she's got a lot of names to go by

[Past names-Dawnkit
Wait, her only past name is Dawnkit? What about the others listed in "Name"
(I eventually figure this out)

[Name reason-Dawn's pelt is like the Pale dawn sky she was born under
Checks out

[Appearance-Dawn is a lithe, sleek pale tabico she-cat with Heterochromia, one eye being blue, the other purple with soft, curly fur
Wait, don't sleek and curly kind of contradict eachother? When I think sleek I think of short fur close to the body... Maybe you could change it to glossy if that's what your going for.
and three notches in one ear and a small ragged scar running down her flank
Seems like a lot of scars for one so young
(Yes she has purple eyes fight me)
I will indeed fight you. Heterochromia is rare on its own but with a purple eye?? Sounds basically impossible XD I would consider changing it to something like gray, amber, hazel, or green. Something a little more realistic, but still pretty. (And Gray can look purple in some light!)


[Age-10 moons
Wow, she's really young

[Personality-Dawn is shy, intuitive, observant, nosy and would much rather cling to the shadows and spy on conversations and learn secrets, and thus she knows much more than she lets on, she is unloyal and indecisive, and lets her emotions and temper get the better of her when you know how to push her buttons right, she is very sensitive about the clans and her loyalties and doesn't like to spend much time around other cats unless she has to. But once you get to know her, you soon learn that she is fiercely loyal to those she cares for and can even be laid back, despite being stuck-up all the time, despite easily getting extremely anxious. That being said, she is no push over and is self-sufficient, fiercely independent, and above all, extremely clever and intelligent.
It's interesting that she's not what you would consider a good personality in a main character. But overall the whole personality seems pretty consistent.


[Clan/Tribe/Rogue group-Dawn is simultaneously part of all 3, She resides part-time in BonsaiClan, a clan that lives in misty, quiet, bonsai forests and eat fish and whatever else lives in bonsai forests in mountains. She is also part of the Tribe Of Misty Runes, which live in the valley between two mountain peaks just outside of Bonsaiclan territory and live in what used to be runes, but since have degraded and crumbled, and the Descendants, a group of wandering evil rogue cats who steal kittens from both the Tribe and Bonsaiclan, steal prey, territory, and want to destroy BonsaiClan, they are led by Thorn.
Uh, I really hope there's a good explanation for that. Like, why is she hanging out with the rouges that want to kill the clan she also hangs out with and steal kits from both of her other part time groups... I'm also surprised they don't care about her being in other clans and theirs only part time, unless she's hiding it which would be impossibly unrealistic.

(Ignore me for now, I bring this up with more understanding in the backstory XD)

[Rank-Apprentice, To-be, Fledgling, fledglings are basically apprentices, expect you earn the rank by killings one of your peers in a ritualistic battle

Mother-Sawnsong-A beautiful pale cream she-cat with white color points
Eye color?

Father-Eelmask-A vibrant black and russet calico with a long scar running the length of his neck down to his flank
Cool, but eye color?
(Btw I like his name)

Brother-Hollowkit-A musty brown tabby with a black belly, legs, muzzle, and ears, with bright blue eyes with green rims
Pretty eye color (No I actually like him XD) I am guessing he's dead though

[Crush-Creek where Current Flows (creek)
Description is where?

Makes sense


[Mentor-Viper (The descendants) a large, muscular silver tom with black tabby stripes, he has a giant scar on his left side of his face with one eye missing and his remaining one being a vibrant green/yellow, he is large, well built, and all muscle.
Nice description

Then as her Bonsaiclan mentor she has
Applestar (Bonsaiclan leader) Apple star is a tall, sleek, musty brown tom with bright blue eyes and darker brown freckles, he has soft, short fur and has no scars
It's pretty cliche that her mentor is the clan leader, so hopefully there's a good explanation for that
(I suppose it's was as good an explanation as any)

Also who's her tribe mentor? Surely she couldn't just walk in and know all their skills or something

Bass that Leaps From River (Bass), a dark gray tom with silver color points and green eyes with a notched ear, he's big, bulky, and s t r 0 n g
Aw, he sounds cute

Slip-Silver tom with a black mask and paws with white marbling and yellow eyes, he is VERY battle scarred, he is the son of Viper
He's also v e r y handsome ;)

Cherrypaw-A cream, light orange, and russet tabico with cream as her base color with light orange splotches and russet stripes, along with her tail, with only a white tip, she has long fur with equally long legs and yellow eyes
Wow, I like her! It's a very nice description

But why does she only have 1 friend from each group? That seems a little unrealistic, surely one of her friends would have other friends she would eventually come to know

Backstory-Dawnkit and Hollowkit were born in Bonsaiclan to their mother Sawnsong, but got taken away at a young age by the Descendants.
So, there's two connections Hollowkit was a runt and couldn't live up to their expectations, so he ended up dying when trying to become a fledgling, this made Dawnkit very, very angry, scarred her for life, and made her resentful towards the Descendants. Dawnkit lived however and got the name Dawn, and begun training to become a spy for the Descendants.
Interesting... so perhaps she doesn't actually want to be there
And soon, after training and whatnot, her mid-term assessment rolled around and she had to actually spy on Bonsaiclan, and there she found out that 1-Bonsaiclan was very weak and could easily be destroyed because of a sickness that was going around, and 2-Dawn found out that she was stolen from Bonsaiclan by the Descendants.
Oooooh- DRAMA
This made Dawn even angrier and also intrigued to get to know her birth clan and not have it destroyed, so she lied about what she heard.
Okay, but we're no other fledglings sent to also be spies? Seems like these Descendants are just asking for her to bring misinformation
And later she went to speak with Applestar and Sawnsong and tell them that she was the kit (not including Hollowkit) who was stolen, and what the descendants plans were.
Okay, so they recognize her, but why did she leave Hollowkit out? Wouldn't they remember there were two kits stolen?
And so Applestar (After some persuading) let Dawn join Bonsaiclan part time as Dawnpaw, becoming a double spy.
Ooh, ok nice
And one day while she was "Spying" for the Descendants, she happened across a To-be from the Tribe of Misty Runes, whom she met and soon began to fall in love with, this cat was Creek.
And they began to meet up more frequently until Dawn soon began to integrate herself into the Tribe of Misty Runes, and soon being accepted part time as Dawn who Stretches over Sky, in hopes of making Creek happy
Right, so there's the third connection
And for now, Dawn lives miserably by day in the greedy paws of The Descendants, who will kill her if they ever found out over her secret double-lives, indifferent by dawn and dusk, truly spying for Bonsaiclan, and happily by night, sleeping soundly with Creek.
They don't notice her sleeping with the tribe at night? Or is she sent to BonsaiClan for long periods of time and they think she's sleeping there?
But soon tension-and secrets will rise....

[Other-Dawn has the uncanny ability (not power) to easily read other cats emotions
Ok, so she's just good at reading people

Review: Wow, so Dawn I guess. She's actually a much better Oc than I originally thought (props to you XD) but I think she could still be improved on. For one, her appearance is a bit... much. She's a tabbico, has curly fur, and heterochromia with a purple eye. Maybe try toning it down like I suggested with the eyes, but you could also make her fluffy instead of curly so it's not so busy. Oh, and some of the descriptions were missing or not completed so that needs to be added too. Besides that, I think the concept of her living in 3 different groups at one time is interesting, but it feels a bit messy. That might be more of the backstory's fault for being pretty short and not your world building skills though XD. So I would make the backstory more detailed to better explain that. I also want the cats listed in "friends" to appear in the backstory, because we only saw Creek and we don't know anything about her besides she's a to-be from the tribe, and she's Dawn's love interest, so you should probably work on her as well. The rest of the backstory is pretty good, but I think it needs to be more detailed (Sorry for mentioning this twice) like who raised her as a Kit in the rogues group, what her brother was like before he died, how he died, her reaction to him dying (usually these things are elaborated on XD), how she became friends with Slip, how her parents reacted to her being their lost Kit, how she became friends with Cherrypaw, how she became friends with Bass (I'm guessing thought Creek, thought it wasn't stated) and all the other details that could be elaborated on. I also really want her story to be continued so I can see how everything turns out!
Hope you like my advice! :3

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