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This Oc belongs to River-Godd3ss

Name // Waffles

Past names // Oscar
Uh, big name change

Name reason // The Twoleg Kit who named him loved to eat waffels. The Twoleg also thought he looked like a waffle.
That's adorable(≧∇≦)

Appearance // Waffles has a small, narrow build with long legs and meduim lengthed fur. His fur is a smooth and glossy orange tabby with a white chest, paws, and muzzle. Waffles's eyes are a shiny, amber yellow with hints of dark brown.
His eyes sound gorgeous, and I like his pelt pattern! I low-key thought he was gonna be brown though 😂

Besides that, it is just a bit boring so I'd consider adding something to make it more interesting (elaborated on in Review)

Gender // Male

Age // 14 moons
Wow, pretty young for 2 names already (ignore my dumbass)

Personality // Waffles is a huge flirt that takes an intrest in male cats.
Isn't he kind of young to be a flirt? *remembering Berrynose* Never mind.
He's adventurous, but trips over random things all the time and likes to boast about where he's been to his friend, Spunkers. Waffles tells others that he's 'smart' and 'amazing', but everyone knows he's clumsy, dumb, and quirky.
Aw, that's actually kind of sad XD The word quirky immediately makes me think of cliche characters who are "UwU I'm so quirky!" .... Which is annoying imao

Anyways! I'd like him to be a bit more fleshed out in personality

Sexuality // Homosexual (gay)

Clan // None
Makes sense

Rank // Kittypet

Kin -
Mother // Fawn - a light tabby brown she-cat with a small build with a stub for a tail. Her eyes are a pale, apple green color and her fur has a smooth, soft feeling to it. Status ; unknown
Ooh, she's cute!

Father // Jhon - an orange tabby tom with dark brown eyes rough fur. He's also lean and has broad shoulders.
Is it supposed to be spelled like that..? (Yes, yes it is)

And the parents make sense with him so that's good!

Status ; Alive

Siblings // None

(Main)Friend // Spunkers - a smokey gray she-cat with dark gray stripes around her paws and tail tip. Her eyes are a light, milky blue while her plet is soft, but rough at the same time. Status ; alive, they share the same Twolegs.
Aw, that's cute XD I also really like her appearance

He needs more friends thou-

Crush // Jacob - a solid dark brown tom with yellow eyes and a tall build. He's lean with a narrow headshape and his fur is smooth. Status ; alive
Havana brown perhaps? 👀

Mate & Kits // None
Again, makes sense

Mentor // Jhon(father), desciption above^^^.
I'm guessing that it's supposed to be spelled like that now XD

Apprentice // None
He's pretty young so good

Backstory // Waffles was born in an abandoned Twoleg house while his father hunting for the family.
Aw, his daddy cares 🥰 Not gonna lie I'm a little sick of parents who abandon there kids XD
After a few weeks of staying in the house, a male Twoleg stumbled upon the place and decided to take in the family of three. After o month of staying with the male Twoleg,
0 month? Do you mean a few weeks?
who named him Oscar, a female Twoleg adopted him. She took him to her house, which already had Spunkers there, and let the Twoleg kit name him Waffles.
At first, Spunkers didnt like Waffles, but they grew close to each other. After a few months with the Twoleg family, the family got new neighbors. That's when Waffles met Jacob. (The rest fo the backstory is about the trio exploring the Twoleg Place and living a good life, so far.)
Aw, so he's had a pretty good life! I actually like his simplistic backstory

Other // Spunkers was based off of my friend's cat. Infact, she's an exact copy!
Ooh, I love that!

Review: Wow, okay! I'm just gonna say right off the bat I really enjoyed his simplistic backstory and life... overall. He's a very nice and basic character, but I also think he could be improved a bit. There's nothing wrong with him now, but I think he could be elaborated on, or continued to something more interesting. Like, more on his "adventures" with his friends would be nice. What kind of things does he explore? Where does he hangout? What kind of trouble does he get into? For example, maybe once he got in a scrap and got some scars from it. Bam! Makes his design a little more interesting. Also, I know he's quite young right now, so back to my point on "continuing" his story. Age him up a bit, see what how he matures. Maybe you could introduce more friends/cats in his life, like if a friend has kittens or gets a new "roommate". Maybe he adopts a kitten that's clan born. Idk, I'm just throwing ideas out here, but my main thing is age him up and continue his story. I know it's cliche to involve clan cats and stuff, but maybe he wandered into the woods once (if he had them in his area) and met a clan Medicine cat he became good friends with. Just, something to make him more 3 dimensional, and make his character a little more interesting. Hope you like my advice!

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