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Name: Lionbramble

This.. THIS is a good name! It 1. Fits his appearance, 2. Is very unique, and 3. Is basically just Lionblaze and Brambleclaw combined?

I've never actually seen bramble as a suffix before. While I'd prefer it as a prefix, it fits here well, and I don't see any problem with it!

Gender: tom


Age: 33 moons

Neat! Didn't ask for the age, because it doesn't really affect your oc, but um..? Thanks for providing the info I guess!

Appearance: Handsome brown classic tabby with black markings, white belly, front paws have white mittens, white chest, back stockings are white and he has a black-ringed tail. He has handsome Amber/lime green eyes.

So he's very.. handsome. This is one of the more descriptive, unique appearances and I LOVE it! The coloring matches his suffix, bramble, because he looks a bit like Brambleclaw. And I love Brambleclaw. Good job!!!!

Clan: ShadowClan

Absolutely horrifying. How could you make him so EVIL? So UNSYMPATHETIC? So full of literal FOX DUNG? Does he WORSHIP THE DARK FOREST?

ShadowClan is cool tho

Rank: Warrior


Personality: Lazy, very loyal, comforting, fatherly, overly-trusting, compliant. Doesn't believe in StarClan, but a place called the cloud lands.

He's like a literal lion wow. This fits his name so well, I honestly want to steal him >:)

(I obviously wouldn't tho)

I like how he doesn't believe in StarClan. It's very neglected in ocs, and I've never seen a cat that believes in something like the Cloud Lands. This is a great thing to add because it shows that he used to be a kittypet, in a way. It also reminds me of Cloudtail, one of my favorite characters in the whole series.

I don't see anything bad about this personality. It fits SO WELL! And it goes against the ShadowClan stereotype, which I like a lot. He's got flaws, but not too many, and good personality traits too.

Backstory: Once a house cat named Simba, Lionbramble lived out a good 20 moons as a Kittypet. He can't have kits, so he's very fatherly towards any cat younger then him. He and his two adopted sons, Stonepaw (later Stonestrike) and Brackenpaw (later Brackenleap) met a golden she-cat named Sunstrike while kittypets and, one horrible day, a murderer swept into his Twoleg's house and killed them all. Lionbramble's favorite Twoleg, a she-kit, gave him one last hug goodbye before she died.
Sunstrike led the three toms away quickly and brought them to her Clan, the Evil, the monstrous, ShadowClan.

First, I love the kittypet name Simba. The Lion King is my favorite movie soo :D and I like how his warrior name has something to do with his kittypet name, because Simba isss a lion.

I like that he's fixed and therefore unable to have kits. That is a great addition to his character, one that I haven't seen before.

The literal murder thing is really dark, but I like how you put it into the character. I've never seen anything like that before. Sunstrike is a canon name, but I don't think it's a very popular cat, so I wouldn't worry about it..?

You didn't really mention much about what happened after they got to ShadowClan, but that doesn't matter. This backstory is awesome, and I can find no problems with this.


10/10! This character is awesome. I see no flaws with him at all. I love, love, love it!!

Btw, the next oc up should be Jewelfire.

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