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For @letusbellamas. Next oc will be Mossleaf.


I've seen this name a lot. Stone- and -heart are both overused, and I've seen the name Stoneheart several times.


Tommy boi

Grey-brown tabby with pale green eyes and a missing left eye.

Cool, gray-brown isn't seen to often. The only thing I dislike is the pale green eye, that's overused :l


You don't see Sage often, I like it.



Quiet, doesn't talk much, shy, gets angery easily tho, tries to hide how he feels, terrible hunter XD

This is good! You don't see many ocs that aren't good hunters. I like it. I like that he hides his "feels."

Typical for a tom, but not overused. Mostly, she-cats are shy and quiet.

Backstory: one day, his brother, a rouge murderer, came and attacked the camp, he ran Into the medicine cat den. ((He was an apprentice at this time)) he was going to kill Rosepaw((Rosewind)) the medicine cat apprentice. Stonepaw ran into the medic den and jumped infront of Rosepaw and he ended up losing his eye, Tawnystar and Mistflight fought off Hawkstorm and drove him away from the camp while Rosepaw got some herbs for Stonepaws eye.

This is cool, but it only describes 1 event in his life. I'd like to know more about his backstory.

Mate and kits: Rosewind ((the medicine cat (: )) is his mate and his kits are Windclaw and Sunpaw.

He had kits w/ the medicine cat? Did she decide to be a warrior and have a mate, or..... is this a cliche? Oh no.

5/10, his name isn't very unique, his backstory is short, AND his mate is a medicine cat. I hate the forbidden love cliche, sorry :l

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