Spark's Grief - Chapter 5

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Spark charged with the other DarkClan and RevengeClan cats as they attacked a ThunderClan patrol. Spark immediately headed for Dawnpaw.

Dawnpawlet a yowl and clawed her shoulder. Spark dodged nimbly, screaming in excitement inside her head.

You're useless. She isn't even hurt. How are you supposed to win over Demonclaw with Dawnpaw in the way? Grief sneered.

Spark's eyes dimmed and she forgot to duck as Dawnpawslashed her ears.

"Get off!" Spark turned around hearing Claw's yowl.

The tom had a few ThunderClan cats on him like ticks and she scrambled towards him.

You're too lateee! Grief sang.

"What do you mean, you cursed being?" Spark hissed.

Indeed, she was too late.

The brown tom flailed around, a few deep bites on his flank, and fell to the ground, his white patches bloodstained.

"No!" Spark yowled.

Everyone's leaving you, Spark. Grief jeered. I'm the only one who loves you for what you are. A lonely, depressed, emotional cat.

"Stop saying that!" she cried, her voice drowned out with the sounds of battle.

She paid no attention to the dozens of cats running around, bodies dropping to the ground. All she could hear was Grief's cackle and all she could see was Claw's lifeless eyes.

Spark was immediately at Claw's side, staring down at the cat that had made her purr, that had made her happy, that had allowed her to have her revenge.

Claw was gone.

He's gone, Spark told herself. You can't do anything about it.

Why don't you hunt down the cat that killed him? Grief suggested.

Overwhelmed with sadness and anger, Spark agreed with Grief for once.

"Who killed him?" Spark yowled over the sounds of fighting. "Who killed Claw?"

No one even bothered to look at her, even Demonclaw. Spark's fur bristled and Grief soothed her.

It's alright, Spark. They're all gone, but I'm still here. We can make a trade...

Spark sighed. She was going to regret this, but she asked Grief about the trade.

I can help you, and in return, I stay with you. Forever. Grief mewed smugly.

How would you help me? Spark asked.

Not sure yet.

Spark unsheathed her claws, stabbing them into the soft dirt. Her eyes hurt as she stared at the ground, indecisive. Should she trust Grief? After all, Grief was the being that had caused her to feel depressed. But if she could help, Spark wanted help more than anything. And Grief was right in some things. The she-cat had never left Spark since she arrived, unlike Claw or Demonclaw or Leaf. Yet she was plain evil.

You know I can hear that. Grief said in a voice of mock pain.

Alright, I'll trust you. Help me, and you can stay with me. Spark agreed to her deal.

Excellent! Now, I think you should- Grief stopped talking as a loud yowl caught every cat's attention.

"Stop! Stop the fighting!" Demonclaw had yowled for silence and peace.

Grief, where is Demonclaw and who is that imposter?

Grief let out a deep purr. Don't worry, he's still there. But not for long...

Tell me more! Spark demanded but Grief fell silent.

A cat stepped forward. She was a black she-cat with amber eyes.

"Demonclaw, I challenge you to a fight." The she-cat said with guarded and strong eyes.

Respect immediately welled in Spark and she watched with interest as the two cats sparred, trying to mask her feelings of pain and fear.

"Brother. I have given you too many chances. Ever since we were kits, play-fighting, you unsheathed your claws. You hurt me. You bullied me. You don't feel any remorse. You don't feel guilt. You don't feel love. You're not a cat, Demonclaw. You're a monster. And I don't feel any loyalty to you anymore. You were never loyal to the things that matter to me most either. Goldenperch. ThunderClan. You allied yourself with DarkClan and a bunch of worthless rogues." The black she-cat hissed.

Wow. StarClan, that was good. Are you seeing this, Grief?

I certainly am, Grief replied.

Not many cats saw it, but Spark could see Demonclaw flinching and remorse in his eyes. Spark had to help him.

"Kill her, Demonclaw!" she cheered.

"Echoflight. You're right." Demonclaw said finally. "And that's why I need to reverse the mistakes. Make the world right again."

"You don't understand, brother. You don't forgive and you've never lifted a claw to help anyone. That cat, Spark? She's just the proof of your disloyalty. I thought you actually liked Dawnpaw, but perhaps I was wrong." Echoflight was on a roll, Spark noticed.

How ironic. You can notice what a stranger is doing but you can't notice what is happening to yourself.

What? Spark growled at Grief.

"I know." Demonclaw fell to the ground.

No! Demonclaw!

"And I'm glad that I got to understand the meaning of love before I died. I was a selfish cat." He mewed to Echoflight.

"I WAS A SELFISH CAT!" he suddenly yowled. "I only thought of myself. Which is why my death will fix things. Goodbye, Echoflight. Goodbye, Goldenperch. I'm sorry that your kit had to end up like this."


Did you hear that, Spark? He doesn't like you. He didn't even say goodbye to you.

Spark fought back wails and she pressed back. Perhaps Grief really was right.

Demonclaw said something to Goldenperch and Echoflight before turning to Spark. Upon seeing his eyes, she ran forward and nuzzled him.

"Oh, Demonclaw," she cried.

"Shh, Spark. Teach your kits about forgiveness and teach..." he rasped. "Don't teach them how to be evil. T-teach them ab-bout mistakes and h-h-how to stay on the p-path...good..."

Then he stopped moving.

Spark's limbs stopped moving as her heart skipped a beat. Those bright blue eyes had dulled almost instantly, his fur already stained with blood from his many wounds.

Demonclaw's body lay there, unmoving, as Spark let out a keen howl of grief. Even the being in her body that had become more of a companion than a nuisance in the past few hours was silent.

"Demonclaw!" a golden tabby yowled, grief thick in her voice as well.

She must have known him.

Of course, she did.

But Grief's snide remarks weren't as strong as before, almost as if the being was conflicted.

"Our deputy!" a Dar Forest cat shouted.

Spark wrinkled her nose, her eyes still wide and fixed on Demonclaw's body. How could the fox-hearts only care about his status as deputy? He had been so much more.

So much more... Grief echoed.

A twinge in Spark's stomach made her gasp in pain. Still, she stayed by Demonclaw's side, ignoring her stomach.

You can't ignore them forever, Spark. Grief warned her. Your and...Demonclaw's kits are almost ready.

Spark lifted her head.

I will stay alive for these kits. They are all I have left.

The golden tabby approached Spark hesitantly. "I'm sorry. Did you love him?"

How dare she.

Very rude, isn't she? Grief sneered.

"I did." Spark replied, her voice shaking as a fresh wave of grief surged over her. "And I'm carrying his kits."

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