Chapter Four

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Dawnpaw blinked her eyes open, her back sore. The darkness of the Twoleg den spun, and she looked around and saw two more nests in the corner. What in StarClan? She wondered. Shaking her head, she stumbled out of the Twoleg den cautiously. Her head spun, and she could see small spots in her vision. Turning around, she noticed that the outside wall had been stained from blood. Then she remembered what had happened. The fox...

"Ah!" She screeched, flattening her ears. Silverpaw. What happened to Silverpaw? She thought frantically. "Silverpaw? Silverpaw, are you here?!" Dawnpaw tilted her head back and glared at the clouds in the sky. What do you want now?! First the Clan, and now my sister?

"What are you doing?" An amused voice came from behind her. "Admiring the sky?" Dawnpaw whirled around, claws unsheathed. A silver tabby stood in front of her. Dawnpaw was shocked. Silverpaw grinned and laughed at Dawnpaw. "Hi, I'm back from a visit to StarClan!" Dawnpaw leapt forwards and cuffed Silverpaw's ears.

"That was for almost dying on me," Dawnpaw said furiously. Silverpaw just chuckled again.

"I could say the same for you,"she replied. "But I'm nice, and I don't go around cuffing cats on the ears."

Dawnpaw's face turned serious. " I almost died?" Silverpaw nodded, and Dawnpaw glanced back to look at the Twoleg nest. "How long have I been out? Well, unconscious or whatever I was."

Silverpaw shifted comfortably. "About two to three days." Dawnpaw's eyes widened.

"What?!" She took a few deep breaths and calmed down. "How did you survive?" Two figures moved out from behind a wall. "Look out! Shadow—"

Silverpaw flicked her tail. "They're fine. They helped me defeat the fox. Actually they saved me." Upon closer inspection, Dawnpaw realized that the two cats were Bramblefang and Troutsplash. Dawnpaw nodded in understanding.

"So now you see," Troutsplash rolled his eyes. He padded forward, tail flicking irritably behind him. "I thought you had lost all of your memories or something. Come on, Dawnpaw, I'm acting as your mentor and have to take you out."

Bramblefang shoved his brother good-naturedly. "Cut it out, Troutsplash! You are not Dawnpaw's mentor."

Dawnpaw turned to Silverpaw, ignoring the tom's remarks. "Where is he taking me to?"

"Bramblefang and I are going hunting, and you two are going to spy on the RiverClan camp. Unless you want to stay here and do nothing, that is." Her green eyes twinkled and Dawnpaw rolled her own blue ones.

"You're so funny..." she muttered. "Not." Dawnpaw followed Troutsplash out of the den, huffing.

"Choose, you lazy brats! You're not going to be pampered and spoiled anymore," a harsh order came from inside the camp. "Are you going to watch a kit be killed, or fight for the clan?"

What in StarClan... Dawnpaw wondered. She and Troutsplash dashed just outside of the RiverClan camp's walls, making sure that they would neither be seen or scented. In the center of the camp, Lakestrike and Stonepad were surrounded by ShadowClan cats, blocking their path from escaping. Not that they could even if there was a clear escape route. Lakestrike sported a broken hind leg and leaned heavily on Stonepad. Ivy sat in front of the terrified elders, holding a kit who had not opened its eyes.

There were no other RiverClan cats in the camp, although one ShadowClan warrior sat inside each den, probably making sure that no warriors could come out.

Troutsplash hissed lowly. "Elders and kits are supposed to be the heart of the Clan! And now she's trying to kill them? Is she trying to destroy her own clan?" Dawnpaw scoffed.

"That's because this isn't her clan, fish brain!" Dawnpaw replied angrily. "She's just doing this for Thistlestar and Lighteye!" Her parents, Dawnpaw thought bitterly. Her father is alive, and her mother killed mine.

"Now choose, you worthless excuses for cats!" Ivy's yowl rang through the camp, and Dawnpaw stared in horror. She wouldn't actually kill a kit, right?

Stonepad raised his greying muzzle up. "It is against the warrior code to make elders fight and hunt, Ivy. We will not become warriors again, and will not leave the camp, even if you wish it."

Ivy smirked, yellow eyes glinting with evil. She grasped the kit in her paws tighter, so it let out a pitiful mew. Dawnpaw flattened her ears against the sound, but Troutsplash lowered into an attack crouch, looking as if he would attack the brown she-cat.

"Don't you dare attack Ivy," Dawnpaw hissed to him. "You'll get both of us killed!"

"Hmm," snarled Ivy. "Well, I'm afraid that you did not pick my options. But since you denied one, I will just have to go with the other..." Now, it's time for the actual treat." Ivy tossed the kit onto the ground, raised onto her hind legs, and brought her unsheathed claws on it with a crushing, brutal force that was only used on battlefields. The kit let out a quiet mewl and then stilled, blood staining the dirt under it from the claw marks on it's side.

"No!" Lakestrike wailed, collapsing onto the ground. She shrieked as she put more strain on her already broken leg. From the medicine den, Aspencloud poked her head out from over her guard's shoulder and froze. "Why did you have to kill him?"

Stonepad looked at Lakestrike before glaring coldly at Ivy. "Why did you have to do this?" He shook his head. "Poppythorn is going to be devastated from Ripplekit's death." Dawnpaw turned away from the scene, unable to continue watching. She trembled in anger and disgust.

"I can't watch this anymore," she whispered. "Let's go. We'll tell Silverpaw and Bramblefang about this, but I can't do anymore." She turned on her tail and sprinted away as fast as she could. Leaf-bare leaves crackled underneath her paws, reminding herself horribly of Ripplekit's broken life.

Ivy's a monster, she thought.

But even as she ran away, she couldn't get Ripplekit's little squeal out of her head.

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