Chapter Three

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The fox's teeth clamped down onto her scruff, and she could feel her flesh ripping agonizingly slowly. Paws churning, Silverpaw called for her sister once again. But Dawnpaw's orange and white body was still slumped against the wall of the twoleg den, unmoving.

I'm on my own... thought Silverpaw. Thinking quickly, she held her breath against the stink of the fox's breath and twisted in the air. She batted her paws wildly and managed to slice the creature's muzzle. She felt the comforting tang of blood on her paws and the fox dropped her with a startled yelp.

Silverpaw landed on all four paws, and stalked backwards, growling. The fox narrowed it's yellow eyes at her, and for the first time Silverpaw noticed the giant fangs it had, the huge paws with long claws, and how big the fox was. Bigger than any warrior, it towered above her, breath stinking up the air.

"StarClan help me," whimpered Silverpaw. She was backed up all the way to the twoleg den's wall, and the fox snarled once and prepared to rip and tear and kill her... Silverpaw could imagine its long fangs covered with scraps of silver fur, and she shuddered.

Two yowls came from ether side of the fox, and within seconds two balls of brown tabby fur were hurling themselves into the fox. Silverpaw widened her eyes in shock, still pressed up against the wall. As the two warriors jumped and bit and clawed the fox, the reddish brown animal was whimpering.

"Get out of this place, you StarClan cursed creature!" hissed Bramblefang. His tail and fur were spiked like a pinecone. He flattened himself to the ground and stalked forward, closer to the beaten fox.

"Unless you want to be hurt even more," Troutsplash added. He joined his brother, and the two toms chased the fox out of the clearing that the twoleg den was in and off into the forest. Silverpaw sank to her paws and closed her eyes wearily. Blood dripped down her shoulder and created a red crescent pool in the dry earth.

Dawnpaw, Silverpaw thought and leapt up onto all four paws. She stumbled to her sister and shoved her nose into her pelt. Thankfully, she felt the rise and fall of Dawnpaw's breath. she sighed, letting out the breath that she didn't know she was holding out. She's not dead.

Bramblefang and Troutsplash came up from behind her.

"Thank you!" cried Silverpaw breathlessly. "Thank you for coming, and StarClan knows why you were following us in the first place, but you saved us from the fox! Thank you so much!" Relief that her sister wasn't dead poured out.

Troutsplash swished his tail. "It was what any clanmate would've done. And that was a small fox, compared to some of the others that we've fought."

Bramblefang padded forward to Dawnpaw. "She isn't dead... right?" Silverpaw nodded, and Bramblefang nudged the big apprentice with a paw. Dawnpaw grumbled and batted a forepaw at him, claws unsheathed.

"She'll be fine," concluded Bramblefang. He turned back to Silverpaw and sat down. "You were wondering why we're here," he said. "And we're not just here because we were going to protect you from that fox."

"We want to join you," Troutsplash meowed flatly.

"Join us?" asked Silverpaw. She looked around. "What do you mean? Join us? Dawnpaw and I are just here until Ivy's gone from RiverClan..." She looked into the tom's eyes expectantly. "So why do you want to join us?"

"Silverpaw," Troutsplash meowed. "Things in RiverClan are...well, it's not going well. Poppythorn is afraid that her kits will be murdered under Ivy, and Minnowtail's still grieving for Emberstar. Ivy is running the entire clan out of fear." His voice dropped. "We barely have enough food, because the only river that ShadowClan left us is the one closet to the camp, and hunting in the lake is so hard, and we're not that good with land prey..."

Bramblefang picked up where his brother left off. "What we're saying is that Ivy's not going to be defeated by the warriors currently in RiverClan. It's impossible." He stared at Silverpaw. "The only cats who can save RiverClan now, I'm afraid, is us." The ground seemed to lurch before Silverpaw's paws.

Is this what the prophecy is? She asked herself, brimming with excitement. Are Dawnpaw and I destined to save RiverClan this way?

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