Diseases & Injuries

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Injuries and diseases
Aching joints
Fact: Usually associated with elders, the joints gradualy dissenegrating with age.
Its caused by cold weather and damp nests
Symptoms: It causes pain and difficulty to move, it could swell
Treatment: Treated using daisy or ragwort poultices
or nettle leaves and goldenrod
Fact: When badly injured, has a phobia, or witnessed something frightening.
Symptoms: Jumpy or unresponsive. And give of the scent of fear
Treatment: Lavender, thyme and tansy
Asthma/Trouble breathing
Fact: Could be life threatening, their breathing becomes rappid
and unsteady. Could be allergies and kitting
Symptoms: Unsteady breaths, wheezing
Treatment: Coltsfoot and/or juniper berries. For kitting give coltsfoot
Bee/wasp sting
Fact: When a bee/wasp defend itself
Treatment: remove the stinger. Give nettle leaves, poppy
seeds or dandelion stems and rubb on
Fact: Fatal and almost No chance of surviving. Could mutate from whitecough
and greencough. If its in a late stage there is nothing that can be done.
The best thing is to help them on their way to StarClan.
Symptoms: Severe coughing, phlegm from nose and mouth, pus or blood.
Treatment: Catnip, feverfew and lavender
Fact: When a Cat has been wounded
Treatment: Cobwebs and marigold
Broken Bones
Fact: Most common if hit by a monster or falling from an height.
Symptoms: Swelling, pain, not being able to move properly
Treatment: put the bone back in place and wrap in brich bark, broom and/or horsetail.
Then add sticks to hold it in place.
Carrionplace Disease
Fact: Most common in ShadowClan, the disease comes into the camp with
the prey the warriors got from the carrionplace. Its simmilar to greencough but its
dangerous and smells very bad
Symptoms: Trouble breathing, violent coughing, fever, unbearable stench, exhaustion
Treatment: Borage, coltsfoot, juniper berries and feverfew
Fact: Happens mostly when a Cat gets to cold.
It could turn into deadly hypothermia or minor whitecough
Symptoms: Runny nose, sneezing, feel tired
Treatment: Honey, poppy seeds, resting, feverfew, lavender
Fact: Irritation in throat and/or lungs, caused by illness or inh
Most common during leaf-bare
Symptoms: Pain, sore throat, coughing
Treatment: Honey or tansy
Crached Pawpads
Fact: When the skin grows hard or tender causing cracks and
bleeding, could turn into infection
Treatment: goldenrod juice, garlic and cobwebs
Fact: Also very common, it can happen in battles or when
cats play or just simply run through the forest
Treatment: Rubb marigold or garlic with a dock
leaf and cover with cobweb
Death Disease
Fact: Unbearable painfull illness that kills slowly. Known as lime disease
to humans/twolegs. There is No cure, best thing to do is to
help them on their way to StarClan.
Fact: A Cat is suffering from infection, heat stroke or dehydration.
Symptoms: Pain, cant stand bright light and sounds, hot and dizzy
Treatment: Drink water, nettle leaves, poppy seeds,
borage leaves, Willow bark
Fact: A step up from whitecough. Very contagious, the
cat must be separated from the rest of the Clan. Can turn into Blackcough
Symptoms: Sluggishness, fever, wheezing,
Treatment: Feverfew, lavender, catnip, chickweed and coltsfoot
Fact: Common in leaf-bare, caused mostly by the Cat staying in the cold or
is soaking wet. The body struggles to keep a good temprature
Symptoms: Sluggish, stumbling, hallucinations, enlarged pupills, blue skin,
shivering. Severe symptoms: Poor speach, disorientasion, twitching muscles, weak pulse
Treatment: Get them to a warm place, keep out of wind, have other
cats sleep around the victim. The Cat is now in StarClans paws.
Fact: Happens of wound is left untreated. Best to
treat immediatley cause it could turn deadly
Symptoms: bad stench, pain, tender skin and fever
Treatment: horsetail, chervil, burdock root or marigold
Irritated throat
Fact: Could be caused by many things. Most common is allergies
or breathing in smoke from fires.
Symptoms: The throat is swollen and red, either dry, itchy or sore
Treatment: Honey and if smoke give juniper berries too.
Fact: An illness that only kittens get
Symptoms: Simillar to whitecough
Treatment: Coltsfoot, garlic, feverfew, lavender and nettle
Low on milk
Fact: Only happens with queens that have kittens
Treatment: Borage leaves
Fact: When a Cat eats a toxic plant or bitten by a venomous snake.
Symptoms: Dizziness, aches, pain, fever, swelling,
Treatment: Snakeroot or yarrow
Fact: When a cat scratches to much, allergy or hot tempratures
Symptoms: red, tender
Treatment: nettle leaves, poppy seeds, goldenrod juice or burdock root.
Fact: Like a bruise, the skin has become raw due to rough contact.
Not serious but best to get treated.
Symptoms: Skin is red and raw, hurts when touched
Treatment: Poppy seeds and rubbing the area with comfrey juice
Fact: Happens with injuries, bruises or infections
Symptoms: Inflammation and pain
Treatment: Chewed alder bark and goldenrod, nettle leaves & poppy seeds
Fact: Very common, when thorns get stuck in the skin and fur
Symptoms: pain, pricking
Treatment: Pull the thorn out and treat the wound
Fact: Lives in grass and hop onto the victims fur
and bites down to feed on blood
Treatment: Use mouse bille, wash paws after
Fact: When there is a loose tooth or gum disease. Treat as quickly as possible
as the Cat has trouble eating while it hurts
Symptoms: Loose tooth, holes and swelling, pain
Treatment: Give alder bark or tansy
Torn claw
Fact: The carotene(part of the claw that contains blood vessels)
of the claw broke or was caught on something. Its very common, heals in a few days
Symptoms: layers of carotene broken, limping, swelling, bleeding, pain
Treatment: Cobwebs, marigold, poppy seeds
Trouble sleeping
Fact: The Cat could be stressed, over-worked, depressed or ill
Treatment: Ragwort, poppy seeds and chervil root
Tummy ache
Fact: Most common in kittens, it could happen if the
cat eats to much or something bad
Symptoms: Cramping in the stomach
Treatment: watermint, chervil root, juniper berries & poppy seeds
Twisted Paws/Sprains
Fact: Too much pressure on joints or tripped or
got stuck for a longer period of time, its very minor
Symptoms: Swelling, pain, cant put pressure on it
Treatment: To not touch or use the injured body part, apply nettle leaves
Fact: similar to flu and kittencough. It can turn into greencough and
the deadly blackcough of not treated
Symptoms: Sneezing, coughing, tierdness, runny nose, fever
Treatment: Catnip, feverfew, lavender, bed rest, water
Fact: Could be anywhere from critical to minor, treat quickly to escape infection.
Treatment: Alder bark, bay leaves, garlic, horsetail, marigold
or comfrey root. Add cobweb on top

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