Herbs & Poisons

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Herbs, their uses and description
Alder bark
Uses: good for healing toothaches
Appearence: dark gray
Where to find: along rivers and swampy areas
Uses: nuts are good for attracting prey
Appearence: broad shiny leaves, the color si usually green or yellow.
They can produce beech nuts they are thin smooth and gray
Where to find:ThunderClan territory, rich soil.
Blackberry leaves
Uses: good for Bee and wasp stings
Appearence: it was pinkish White flowers and each
of the flowers produces a fruit each year
It carries a sharp scent.
Where to find: almost everywhere
Borage leaves
Uses: used to treat fevers, helps queens get better milk supplies
Appearence: it was blue star shaped petals and hairy leaves.
It has a zestsy scent
Where to find: near RiverClans territory, forests of ThunderClan
Burdock root
Uses: good for rat bites
Appearence: tall thistle with a Sharp smell
Where to find: SkyClans territory
Uses: keeps cats strength up while traveling
Appearence: green colored basal leaves
Where to find: Sunny areas
Uses: used to Cure whitecaugh and greencaugh
Appearence: it smells delicious. It was gray/green leaves
and purple flowers, is easily killed by frost
Where to find: mostly in the twolegs gardens
Uses: soothes a damaged eye
Appearence: it is a yellow flower with four petals
Where to find: both ThunderClan and RiverClan land
Uses: strengthes the heart and soothes the mind
Appearence: small White flowers
Where to find: it likes sandy like soil and cool areas
Uses: eases bellyaches and infected wounds
Appearence: sweet smelling plant with fern like leaves and small flowers
Where to find: Snakerocks
Uses: treats greencaugh
Appearence: tall stem with flat almond shaped leaves
Where to find: forest territories
Cob nuts
Uses: made into ointments, to treat what is still unknown
Appearence: a smooth brown nut with hard shell
Where to find: under or near hazels that grow in sunny areas
Uses: stops bleeding and bind broken bones
Appearence: white thin strings that spiders make
Where to find: everywhere
Colts foot
Uses: eases breathing and soothes sore pads
Appearence: looks like dandelions, big yellow flowers, grows best in newleaf
Where to find: by waterfalls and in pine forests
Uses: repairs broken bones, used for wrenched claws
Appearence: large leaves, small Bell shaped flowers. Smells tangy
Where to find: grassy places
Daisy leaves
Uses: eases pain in joints and is used as a traveling herb
Appearence: thick green oval shaped leaves
Where to find: ThunderClan lake terf
Uses: used as a painkiller and heals Bee and wasp stings
Appearence: common, yellow flowered plant with long stems
Where to find: almost everywhere
Uses: soothes scratches and eases the pain in wounds
Appearence: large green plant with tangy smell
Where to find: best in leafy areas
Uses: helps pain in hips
Appearence: thin spiky leaves
Where to find: dry soil near seas and rivers
Uses: reduces body temprature for cats with fevers or chills
Appearence: small Bush with flowers like daisies
Where to find: along water
Uses: heals wounds
Appearence: tall plant with small yellow flowers
Where to find: On WindClan moors
Uses: makes swallowing easier
Appearence: pink or purple Bell shaped flowers
Where to find: best in shady areas
Uses: soothes throats after breathing in smoke
Appearence: golden liquid made by bees
Where to find: in honeycombs or nests up in trees
Uses: treats infections and stops bleeding
Appearence: a tall bristly stemmed plant
Where to find: marshy areas
Ivy leaves
Uses: to store other herbs in
Appearence: leaves from ivy
Where to find: anywhere
Juniper berries
Uses: calming, soothes bellyaches
Appearence: blue and purple berries from the
spiky leaved juniper bush
Where to find: dry places
Lambs ear
Uses: gives strength
Appearence: soft green plant
Where to find: mostly in the mountains
Uses: cures fevers and chills
Appearence:small plant with purple flowers
Where to find: twoleg gardens or Sunny spots
Mallow leaves
Uses: soothes bellyaches
Appearence: smells sweet
Where to find: near shores
Uses: stops infections and bleeding
Appearence: a flower with short stem and yellow petals
Where to find: near water
Uses: hides scent of death
Appearence: leaves the color from green to purple.
Flowers are small and white
Where to find: anywhere
Mouse bile
Uses: kills ticks
Appearence: yellowish green liquid with foul smell
Where to find:anywhere
Oak leaves
Uses: stops infections
Appearence: round cartoon like leaves
Where to find: all over the forest floor
Uses: stops a queen from producing milk
Appearence: it was ragged leaves, sharp scent
and tastes cold and fresh
Where to find: moist Well drained soil
Poppy seeds
Uses: eases pain, helps a Cat sleep, soothe shock or stress
Appearence: tiny seeds found in red flowers growing closer to the ground
Where to find: all over the forest
Ragwort leaves
Uses: treats aching joints
Appearence: tall shrub with yellow flowers
Where to find: cool areas with high chanse of rain
Uses: keeps a cats strength up
Appearence: looks like a fern
Where to find: mostly in mountains
Raspberry leaves
Uses: stops bleeding and eases pain
Appearence: soft with Jagged edges
Where to find:found on raspberry bushes
Uses: hides the scent of death
Appearence: tall needle like leaves with purple flowers
Where to find: anywhere
Uses: helps hold a broken bone in place
Appearence:long narrow leaves
Where to find:soil
Uses: used to counter the effect of poison
Appearence: small White flowers
Where to find: usually warmer areas
Uses: traveling herb
Appearence: simillar to dock
Where to find: around twoleg nests
Uses: distracts cats from pain and holds broken bones together
Appearence: thin Wood that grows from trees
Where to find: can be found around trees
Stinging nettle
Uses: reduces vomiting
Appearence: it was green spiky seeds
Where to find: all over the forest
Uses: cures coughs
Appearence: it was round yellow flowers
Where to find: near twoleg places
Uses: treats wounds and extracts poison
Appearence: it was sharp taste and it has a yellow flower with four petals
Where to find: cool or cold areas
Uses: Calms cats who are in shock
Appearence: small leaves with sticky leaves
Where to find: hot Sunny locations
Uses: treats bellyaches
Appearence: light Green with purple flowers
Where to find: damp earth
Wild garlic
Uses: draws out poison in rat bites
Appearence: very sharp scent, grows in patches
Where to find: ShadowClan terf
Willow bark
Uses: eases pain
Appearence: bark of willow tree
Where to find: near twoleg places
Uses: treats wounds and some poisons
Appearence: it has red berries
Where to find: Oak and pine forests also in sub alpine places
Uses: makes a Cat vomit up toxins
Appearence: it was white flowers and carries a tangy scent
Where to find: snakerocks, SkyClan terf

Deathberries/Night seeds
Uses: kills a Cat within a minute after consumed
Appearence: red berries from the yew bush
Where to find: the ravine in ThunderClans forest territory
Foxglove seeds
Uses: can cause pralysis and heart faliure
Appearence: tiny black seeds from the foxglove plant
Where to find: in temperate regions
Holly berries
Uses: unknown
Appearence: plant that produces red berries
Where to find: forest
Night shade
Uses: to kill a Cat who can not be saved
Appearence: small shrub with Bell shaped flowers
Where to find: shady places
Water hemlock
Uses: causes pain and foaming in the mouth
Appearence: green or White flowers
Where to find: marshy areas

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