Chapter 5

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Amberkit snarled as Lilacsplash rasped her tongue over her. "Hey!" Amberkit growled. "I'm 6 moons old, I don't need to be washed!"

Lilacsplash looked at her fondly. "I know," her whiskers twitched in amusement, something that had hardly been done since Duskpaw's death a moon. The whole camp had become quieter, and the warm atmosphere had been replaced with a mournful cold. No cat could believe it when Dovepaw had dragged Duskpaw's body into the clearing, with Blackpaw following close behind. Amberkit closed her eyes as she remembered.

"Catch!" Amberkit leaped up and batted the mossball out of the air. She watched as it flew over to Alderkit, who caught it with her teeth. Amberkit flicked her tail towards Willowkit, and Alderkit tossed it over to her grey tabby sister. All of the kits were playing, Stormkit, a grey and white tabby; Flamekit, a black tom-kit with orange paws; Willowkit, another grey tabby she-cat; Alderkit, Willowkit's sister and a dark ginger tabby; Beechkit, a white and ginger she-kit; Beetlekit, a dark grey tom; and Webkit, a white tom with thin silver stripes. Including her, that was 8 kits, and they kept tripping up passing warriors.

As Stormkit batted it towards Beetlekit, Amberkit pricked her ears up. A dreadful wailing was coming towards the camp, and with the suddenly alert ears of the warriors sharing tongues, they had heard it too. Scorchfire and Cloudscar had stood up, and were approaching the thorn entrance with raised hackles and flattened ears. The other kits had stopped their playing as the yowling got louder, it was now noticeably a cat's voice.

Cloudscar and Scorchfire's fur lay flat as a dark grey shape hurtled into the camp, causing many warriors to glance at each other and hurry over. Snowdrizzle hurried over and herded the kits back, worry darkening her blue eyes.

"What's going on?" Webkit mewed. "Gorsepaw looks sad,"

That's a bit of an understatement, Amberkit snorted. Gorsepaw's grey fur was fluffed up to twice it's usual size, and his eyes were glistening. He was swaying on his feet, and with a jolt Amberkit remembered what he had said.

"Duskpaw left his nest this morning and went hunting without telling anyone. Last night he was boasting about how he could climb to the top of the Owl Tree."

Amberkit's blood ran cold as the barrier rustled, and warriors started to gasp. She looked up in fear when Spottedpaw and Shadepool, her dappled light brown mentor, pushed past. The group parted for them, and through the gap Amberkit could just make out the grey and black pelts of Dovepaw and Blackpaw, with a limp brown shape between them.

Shadepool placed a paw on Duskpaw's chest, and straightened up. "He's dead," she announced, voice dripping with grief. A low, mournful howl rose from the group of cats, and Amberkit spotted Meadowbird's legs buckle.

Shadepool shot a quick look at Spottedpaw, who rushed off and returned with her jaws full of thyme.

Together the medicine cats distributed it to the cats who were in shock: Meadowbird, Gorsepaw, and Dovepaw.

Amberkit watched as Blackpaw's cold gaze swept over the group, and shivered when it lingered on her. Why wasn't he affected like Dovepaw was?

The grey and black tabby was staring at Blackpaw, hate shining in his eyes like Silverpelt on a clear night. Blackpaw met his gaze, a challenge. Growling, Dovepaw averted his gaze to Gorsepaw, who he wrapped his tail around comfortingly.

"Amberkit!" She jumped back into reality as Flamekit nudged her with his large paw. In the last moon, Flamekit had grown into his long tail and big paws, and was taller than Amberkit, sleek and lithe.

Stormkit on the other hand was still exactly the same, a little smaller than her siblings but matureness beyond her age.

"Come on!" Flamekit batted her ear. "Clawstar's calling us!" He bounded over to Stormkit, who was sitting straight up, ears pricked. "Come on sis," he squeaked as Stormkit rolled her eyes and stood up.

Lilacsplash gazed at them proudly. "I can't believe you're becoming apprentices! It seems like only yesterday when.." Amberkit's foster mother trailed off, and Amberkit pressed against her, purring.

"We're lucky to have you," she murmured, Flamekit and Stormkit nodding in agreement. Lilacsplash sniffed, and led them out into the clearing, where Pinewing was waiting for them.

Their father's green eyes were shining with pride, and Amberkit flicked her tail in excitement. He led them towards the middle of the clearing, where Clawstar stood on top of the Highrock.

Amberkit gazed around her as Clawstar started his speech. There was Cloudscar and Scorchfire, standing with his apprentice Gorsepaw. The Lizardstrike, the new warrior, was staring coldly up at the Great Rock, whereas beside her Spotteddapple, who had been granted her full medicine cat name at the last half moon gathering, was pricking her ears up and concentrating next to Shadepool.

"Flamekit," Clawstar beckoned to Amberkit's feisty brother, who bounded forward and skidded to halt in front of him. "Flamekit, from this moment on, you will be known as Flamepaw."

"Meadowbird, you are without an apprentice since the death of Duskpaw. You will be mentor to Flamepaw."

The dusky brown she-cat's ears pricked up in surprise, and she padded slowly forward. Amberkit understood why she was chosen: having a lively apprentice may bring some of her old spirit back. Meadowbird had blamed herself for Duskpaw's death, and even with every cat saying it was an accident, she believed that it was because she was a bad mentor.

"Meadowbird, you have shown yourself to be a spirited and loyal warrior. Do all that you can to pass on what you know down to Flamepaw."

Still looking shocked, Meadowbird nodded and touched noses with Flamepaw. Twitching his whiskers, Clawstar beckoned Stormkit up.

"Stormkit, from this moment on, you will be known as Stormpaw."

Stormpaw puffed out her chest, and Amberkit almost purred in amusement.

"Iceshell, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You will be mentor to Stormpaw."

Snowdrizzle's tabby sister nodded and padded forwards towards Stormpaw.

"Iceshell, you have shown yourself to be a strategic and thoughtful warrior. Do all that you can to pass on what you know down to Stormpaw."

"I will, Clawstar," Iceshell touched noses with Stormpaw, who's fur was bristling with excitement.

This was another good choice, as Iceshell thought ahead before she attacked, and was quiet but serious, much like Stormpaw.

With a jolt, Amberkit realised that it was her turn. Weakly, she padded forward, shivering with excitement. Who would her mentor be?

"Amberkit, from this moment on, you will be known as Amberpaw."

There weren't many warriors left now. Lizardstrike was too young, only having her warrior ceremony a few sunrises before. She doubted that Badgertail would want an apprentice, and Crystaldawn was too busy mooning over Lionstream. Scorchfire, Beepool, Meadowbird, Lionstream and Iceshell had apprentices, and Nighttwist wouldn't get another apprentice so soon after Lizardstrike. Cloudscar and Pinewing were her kin, so that only left...

"Rosefrost, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You will be mentor to Amberpaw."

Amberpaw felt happiness grow in her chest. Rosefrost was kind and fair, yet an excellent warrior. She would learn so much from the long-furred she-cat.

"Rosefrost, you have shown yourself to be a strong and loyal warrior. Do all that you can to pass on what you know down to Amberpaw."

The ginger and cream she-cat purred. "I'll do all I can!" She promised, touching noses with Amberpaw.

"Flamepaw! Stormpaw! Amberpaw! Flamepaw! Stormpaw! Amberpaw!" The warriors chanted the new apprentice names, and standing next to her siblings, Amberpaw couldn't have felt prouder.

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