Chapter 6

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"This is the RiverClan border, as you can tell by the river, obviously. Take notice of their scent, although I'm not sure what other cats have that fishy stench!"

Amberpaw breathed in obediently. Rosefrost was right, they smelled like the minnow that Gorsepaw had brought back to camp once.

It was her first day of being an apprentice, Rosefrost was showing her the territory. They were only at Sunningrocks, yet Amberpaw felt like she had walked to Highstones and back. Her pads felt cracked and dry, especially because of the bitter frost that specked the ground.

"Sunningrocks is the place where we have our most battles. RiverClan keep claiming that it's theirs, but it is rightfully ThunderClan territory. It's a good place for voles and shrews."

Amberpaw licked around her mouth at the mention of vole. "Can we hunt?" She questioned, twitching her nose.

Rosefrost flicked her tail in amusement. "Even if I had taught you, there'd be no point. Hardly any prey comes out here this close to Leaf-bare." She seemed to see the disappointment in Amberpaw's face, as she brushed her tail down her tabby flank. "I'll teach you how to hunt tomorrow," she promised.

Waving her tail in excitement, Amberpaw bounded ahead, paws slipping on the rocks. The river was high, and some lapped over the stones, making them slippery.

"Watch out!" Rosefrost warned, Amberpaw ignoring her. She leaped, her paws slipping sideways towards the river. With a yelp, she slid into the water, it engulfing her head.

It was colder than her first night in the nursery, and Amberpaw could only see darkness. Her amber fur fanned out, making her look double her size.

All was quiet for a moment, and then teeth grasped her scruff, pulling her up and out if the river. When her muzzle was above the surface, she breathed in, relishing the cold air on her tongue. She was dragged towards the shore, and Amberpaw twisted around as soon as her paws touched the bottom.

"Hey! You're a RiverClan cat!" She snarled, raising her hackles.

The cat who stood in front of her was a tom, with long, glossy, extremely light grey fur. He had amber eyes, which seemed to soften as he looked at her.

"I'm Waterpaw. What's your name?" He spoke casually, as if they were at a Gathering.

Amberpaw lashed her tail in annoyance. "None of your business. Besides, Waterpaw? In RiverClan? That's original," she snorted.

Waterpaw looked like he was about to say something else, but was interrupted by Rosefrost yowling and running towards them.

"What are you doing on our territory?!" Rosefrost spat, eyeing Waterpaw warily.

The apprentice flicked his tail. "I dragged one of your apprentices from the water."

Rosefrost relaxed and turned her gaze towards Amberpaw. "Why did you go running off, Amberpaw!"

Amberpaw straightened confidently. "I wanted to explore!" Waterpaw was watching the scene with amusement, and Amberpaw glared at him.

Her mentor rolled her eyes. "You'll have time for that later. And you," she gestured towards Waterpaw. "Better get back to your Clan."

Waterpaw nodded, and turned back cheekily. "Goodbye, Amberpaw!"

Amberpaw flattened her ears and hissed as the RiverClan apprentice slid into the river and reappeared on the other side, waving his tail before vanishing into the reeds.

"Who was that?!" Amberpaw snarled, fur hot from anger.

Rosefrost glanced down at her. "Waterpaw is Sagestar and Seaflower's son. Obviously that makes him feel more important than the other apprentice, and is rather cocky."

"Rather!? I hope I never see his face again!"


The rest of the day blurred by. Rosefrost took Amberpaw to Fourtrees and the Thunderpath (Amberpaw couldn't believe her eyes when she saw Twolegs inside the massive shiny monsters). By the time she and her mentor had padded through the entrance, it was almost nightfall.

"Can I take some prey?" Amberpaw asked, gesturing towards the fresh kill pile. Most were eating already, and there was just a vole and a thrush left.

Rosefrost nodded, and picked up the thrush, heading over to Scorchfire, who raised his tail and touched noses with her.

Amberpaw grabbed the vole and bounded over to Stormpaw and Flamepaw, who looked up from the squirrel they were sharing.

"Hi, Amberpaw!" Stormpaw moved closer to Flamepaw, letting her sit down. "What did Rosefrost show you?"

Amberpaw swallowed a piece of vole. "She showed me the borders, and I almost drowned!"

Her siblings pricked their ears, glancing at each other. "How?" Flamepaw asked.

"I slipped into the river. This RiverClan apprentice saved me," she shrugged, taking another bite. "It wasn't a big deal."

"A RiverClan apprentice saved you?" Stormpaw questioned, flicking her tail. When Amberpaw nodded, she shook her head in disbelief. "Why would he save you?"

"Because I was drowning? No, he probably wanted me to be in his debt, he's such an arrogant furball!"

Flamepaw shrugged. "At least you did something exciting! Meadowbird taught me how to gather moss. Moss! She wouldn't even let me climb the tree!"

Stormpaw snorted. "She isn't, so close to last time!" Flamepaw flattened his ears, and Amberpaw hastily broke in.

"What did you do Stormpaw?" She questioned, turning her head towards her sister.

Stormpaw's eyes shone. "Iceshell gave me my first fighting lesson! Well, I watched as she taught me the techniques with Lizardstripe, but it was fun!"

Flamepaw snorted and mumbled something about moss. Amberpaw was about to reply when a shadow loomed up behind her. She twisted round to see Blackpaw.

"Do you want to come and sort out your nest? I've got a spot next to mine?" He meowed, gazing down on her as she stood up.

"Sure! I'll see you guys tomorrow!" She waved her tail at them and bounded after Blackpaw. She had to trot to keep up with his long strides, and was stumbling by the time they reached the den.

She slipped in, Blackpaw following after her. "Here's where you can sleep," Blackpaw gestured towards a large nest lined with feathers.

Amberpaw bounded towards it, circling before lying down. "Thanks, Blackpaw," she murmured, before resting her head on her paws and closing her eyes. However, before that, she could just make out two chips of blue ice watching her.


Technically it's Tuesday 😂

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